Voice changes during puberty: Why?

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At puberty, hormone production will grow strongly, helping the body to grow and develop sexual characteristics including: hair, hair, mammary glands and testes, ... and in that voice. This phenomenon is also known as voice cracking.

1. Structure of voice formation

The larynx is a part of the upper respiratory tract, in the throat, it is like a sound box and has the shape of a cartilaginous tube.
The larynx has the function of opening and closing the cartilage of the epiglottis, so it is involved in breathing, regulating sound and preventing food from entering the trachea.
The timbre and volume of the voice is the result of a combination of words:
Air being expelled from the lungs Vibration of two parallel pieces of tissue called the vocal cords Movements of muscles in and around the vocal cords management, also known as the human sound box. When talking or singing and varying pitch and pitch, the laryngeal muscles open and close as well as tighten and loosen the vocal cords. As the voice increases in pitch, the vocal cords push together and stretch. As the voice deepens, the vocal cords move away from each other and loosen.

2. Why does the voice change during puberty?

Vỡ giọng ở tuổi dậy thì là hoàn toàn bình thường
Vỡ giọng ở tuổi dậy thì là hoàn toàn bình thường
Voice cracking during puberty is completely normal. During puberty, hormone production will increase strongly, helping the body to grow and develop sexual characteristics including: hair, hair, mammary glands and testes,...
This stage occurs between the ages of 10 and 15, the voice cracking occurs between the ages of 12 and 13 when the child is in middle school, and the voice stabilizes by the age of 20.
Before puberty, the larynx is quite small, the vocal cords are also small and thin, so children often have a higher voice than adults. At puberty, the larynx also changes such as:
The larynx moves downward. The larynx is larger, and the vocal cords are also thicker and longer by 10 mm in boys, and 4 mm in girls. So boys' voices change and deepen. The muscles and ligaments around the larynx develop. New multi-layered vocal cord mucosa Sudden changes in size, thickness, and shape can destabilize vocal cord movement during transitions. This makes the muscles more susceptible to sudden and uncontrollable spasms, leading to cracked or hissing voices.
Normally, the transition period for boys' voices will last from 3-6 months, after which it stabilizes and forms into a male voice. In some cases, voice cracking can happen gradually over stages or come on suddenly.
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare children when they reach puberty, to help them understand their body changes, so that they are not too worried or self-deprecating because of their voice or any other events. any other changes in the body.

Cần chuẩn bị tâm lý thật kỹ càng cho trẻ trước khi bước vào tuổi dậy thì để trẻ không tự ti bởi giọng nói hay bất kỳ sự thay đổi nào
Cần chuẩn bị tâm lý thật kỹ càng cho trẻ trước khi bước vào tuổi dậy thì để trẻ không tự ti bởi giọng nói hay bất kỳ sự thay đổi nào

3. Is not broken voice an unusual phenomenon?

The process of creating sound also involves parts such as the nasopharynx, tongue, pharynx or teeth, lips, vocal cords, genetic, hormonal, neurological and geographical factors.
At puberty, due to the influence of sex hormones and growth hormone, boys' voices become deeper and more muffled. However, there are cases where it is completely normal for boys not to have their voice cracked when they reach puberty and as they mature.
So if boys don't have broken voices, don't worry too much. Practice speaking slower, speak more clearly and practice breathing,... to feel the change in your voice. However, if parents still have doubts and worries, they can go to medical facilities for examination.
In short, the change in voice during puberty is due to the rapid growth of hormone production, making the larynx thicker and longer, making the child's voice deeper and louder. This is a normal physiological phenomenon and a sign of adulthood.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers customers the Early Puberty Screening Package, customers will receive: The package includes 1 in-depth examination with a Pediatric Endocrinologist and appropriate tests and imaging. Depending on the sex of the child:
X-ray of the metaphysis of the finger, straight, tilted or oblique (hand) General abdominal ultrasound (for girls) Determination of FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) Determination of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Estradiol (for girls) Estradiol (for girls) Testosterone (for boys) The baby will be examined by a leading expert in Pediatric Endocrinology with high expertise and experience.
Perform sex hormone blood tests, bone age assessment tests, brain MRI scans.
Or some more in-depth tests, to determine the right cause of precocious puberty and promptly treat.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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