Vision loss: What you need to know

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The article was professionally consulted by CKI Doctor Nguyen Thi Bich Nhi - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital
When you realize that you have impaired vision, the most necessary thing to do is to immediately go to a medical facility to be examined by a doctor and given the most appropriate treatment. Avoid prolonged conditions, the condition will become increasingly difficult to recover and there is a risk of permanent vision loss.

1. What is visual impairment?

The eye is the most highly developed sensory organ of the human body. In fact, much of the brain's function is dedicated to sight rather than hearing, smell, or taste.
Visual impairment is a reduction in the ability to see to some degree, causing problems that cannot be corrected by glasses or in people who have poor vision without glasses or contact lenses.
The most common visual impairment is refractive error. Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are examples of refractive errors. These refractive disorders can be corrected with glasses or Lasik refractive surgery.
Vision impairment can be related to eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment or macular degeneration. These diseases cause vision loss. The goal of treatment depends on the pathology of the eye, it may include complete recovery, restoration of residual vision...
For subjects with visual impairment that cannot be corrected by surgery. Wearing eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery is called low vision. Low vision does not include total blindness because you are still able to see with some remaining vision.
If visibility is between 20/40 - 20/200 then it is called partial loss .
If vision is not better than 20/200 then legally blind. However, it is not the same as being completely blind.

2. Causes of visual impairment

Cận thị là một trong những nguyên nhân gây nên tình trạng suy giảm thị lực
Cận thị là một trong những nguyên nhân gây nên tình trạng suy giảm thị lực
The following are some of the causes of vision loss:
Myopia : the result of images being focused in front of the retina, so distant objects are difficult to see clearly. This condition affects men and women equally. Usually appears in infancy and remains stable for about 20 years. Farsightedness: In contrast to myopia, images are focused behind the retina, causing nearby objects to appear blurred. Children can develop mild farsightedness as they mature. Astigmatism: a combination of nearsightedness and farsightedness, when the cornea has an irregular shape. As a result, the eye lacks focus on a single point of view. Presbyopia: usually begins at the age of 40, must use glasses to read. Like farsightedness, presbyopia is not seeing clearly up close. Retinal detachment: The retina converts light signals into nerve impulses. The detachment of the retina of the eye is called retinal detachment. Although retinal detachment is not painful, it causes a sudden loss of vision that requires immediate treatment. If the retina is not attached to the eye wall in time, the retinal cells can become starved of oxygen and may cause permanent vision loss. Color blindness: most commonly caused by a disorder of the light-sensitive cells of the retina, which respond to light rays differently. Color vision will be affected if those pigments are defective or the wavelengths misrepresent the color. Men are more susceptible to color blindness than women. It is very rare that people are completely color blind, they cannot distinguish certain colors. Night blindness : In dim light conditions or at night, their eyesight is very poor Eye fatigue : Usually eye fatigue is caused by you being too focused on doing something, so if you let your eyes rest, then your eyes will be tired. Eye fatigue will disappear quickly Cataracts: this is the leading cause of blindness, accounting for more than 20 million people worldwide. The lens of the eye focuses light so that objects at different distances can be clearly seen. When the lens is cloudy, so light cannot pass through, it is called a cataract, which occurs as we age. The best way to cure cataracts is surgery.
Conjunctivitis: When the membrane covering the eyeball and inner eyelid becomes inflamed, it is called conjunctivitis. If conjunctivitis becomes infected, it can be very contagious, but it is not serious and does not harm vision if detected and treated promptly. Glaucoma: More than 2 million Americans have this condition and it is the leading cause of sudden and irreversible loss of vision. Doctors often call glaucoma the silent thief because it appears to steal vision gradually. Besides, vision loss can also be caused by a number of other causes such as:
Diabetes Eye cancer Albinism Eye trauma, traumatic brain injury

3. Treatment of visual impairment

Một số trường hợp khác có thể sử dụng kỹ thuật phẫu thuật hiện đại như Lasik
Một số trường hợp khác có thể sử dụng kỹ thuật phẫu thuật hiện đại như Lasik
The following are some measures used to treat visual impairment:
If you have refractive errors, your doctor will usually prescribe glasses. In some other cases, modern surgical techniques can be used such as Lasik Artificial lens implant surgery for cataract cases Laser surgical treatment Using eye drops to control the disease ( Glaucoma) In addition, visual aids can be sought to improve vision loss:
Telescope Magnifier Magnifier CCTV monitor Do not allow eyes to work with magnifying glass. high altitude for a long time because it will cause vision loss more and more.
Ophthalmology - Vinmec Times City International Hospital inherits the comprehensive infrastructure of Vinmec International General Hospital and the leading ophthalmology team providing eye examination, treatment and surgery services with the most advanced techniques. High quality, intensive ophthalmology brings efficiency and peace of mind to customers.
A team of experts, leading ophthalmologists with experience in many fields The first and only hospital in Vietnam committed to the quality of cataract surgery through providing boxes and cards with guaranteed information. trust and quality of artificial lenses, ensuring European standards for surgical supplies One of the first private hospitals in the North to deploy routine corneal transplantation in the treatment of diseases Vinmec uses Ortho-K contact lenses from the United States and Japan with the world's leading quality and reputation.

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