Effects of color blindness on life and activities

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The article was professionally consulted by MSc Hoang Thanh Nga - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Although they can still see everything around them, people with color blindness cannot distinguish colors between objects, which causes a lot of difficulties and greatly affects their lives and work. patient.

1. What is color blindness?

Color blindness is a medical term for a person's visual impairment. People with color blindness can see things, but cannot distinguish their colors like normal people.
There are patients who only have temporary color blindness, but there are also many cases where they have to accept life with this disease. Among them, there are very few patients with all color blindness, but only confusion between yellow, green, orange and red colors, in which:
People with red and green color blindness often is genetic, male accounts for about 8% and female accounts for about 0.4%, the cause is determined to be the gene for red and green color blindness located on the X chromosome (sex linked) People Blue and yellow color blindness accounts for only about 5% of all people with color blindness, because the gene is located on chromosomes unrelated to sex.

2. Effects of color blindness on patients

Structurally, all the cells and neurotransmitters in the human eye and brain are present from birth, the back part of the eye, in the retina there are two types of cells: Cells rods and cones.
Rod cells: Are cells that are sensitive to light but cannot see different colors, rod cells are responsible for helping people see things at night but only in color. gray, black or white. Cone cells: These are cells that are more responsive to light, so they can help people see more details of objects and colors of objects. There are three types of cones, and each type receives separate colors by red, blue, and green light rays. By combining the information of each pair of cones, humans have a wide spectrum of the spectrum normally seen. People with color blindness will have some of these cones defective. People with color blindness will have certain effects on work and life even though they can still see everything around. Difficulties in recognizing colors and distinguishing objects of different colors will affect daily work, especially those related to design, graphics, driving... In addition to people People with genetic color blindness also have temporary color blindness due to trauma that damages the brain or retina or eye diseases.... For those with green and red color blindness that do a driver's job they may be able to get a driver's license but not a commercial license and not be allowed to drive at night, which can be quite disruptive to the job that the patient will have to accept .

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Ảnh hưởng của bệnh mù màu đến người bệnh

For people with temporary color blindness, they may not realize until someone reflects and this will affect the patient's psychology, some people will be shocked and difficult to accept this phenomenon.
In life, people with color blindness will face a lot of difficulties in distinguishing between objects of different colors or simply choosing to coordinate everyday wear and thus need help. of relatives.
Up to the present time, medicine has not found a cure for color blindness, however, patients can improve their ability to distinguish colors by using glasses specifically for the color blind. (filters and tinted contact lenses)...Instead of finding a cure, people with color blindness need to learn to accept and live with this disease, although there are certain effects on life but on You will gradually get used to this in the long run.

3. Habits that help limit the progression of color blindness

Although there is no definitive cure for color blindness in colorblind patients, if you know how to apply some habits in daily life, it will help limit the progression of color blindness significantly. The patient needs:
Learn to remember the order of the colors (it's easier in traffic when you see a red light). Ask a loved one who can distinguish normal colors to stick color names on familiar objects or clothes. Regular health check-ups and medication use (if desired) as directed by the doctor. Build a reasonable working and resting regime to not increase eye diseases. Have a scientific diet with nutrients to help keep your eyes healthy.

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