Vinmec is awarded Certificate of Merit by the Ministry of Health for its active contributions to the community

On night December 21st, in the arts exchanging show organized by Cancer Patient Support Fund – Bright Tomorrow (Ministry of Health), Vinmec was honored to receive Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Health for its active contributions to the community in 2017.

Hero of Labor, People’s Doctor, Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien – Deputy Minister of Health and Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Xuyen – former Deputy Minister of Health, Chairwoman of Vietnam General Medical Association, Chairwoman of Bright Tomorrow Fund, on be half of Minister of Health, awarded Certificate of Merit, as well as recognized the positive companion of numerous individuals and organizations with cancer patients in the country.

Particularly, Vinmec Healthcare System was honorably received Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Health because of its excellent achievements in cancer screening organization for community in 2017.

Vinmec Healthcare System was honorably received Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Health because of its excellent achievements in cancer screening organization for community in 2017.
Vinmec Healthcare System was honorably received Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Health because of its excellent achievements in cancer screening organization for community in 2017.

Vinmec Healthcare System and Cancer Patient Support Fund closely collaborated to arrange the free program ‘Screening and early detection of some cancers’ since Sep 9th to Oct 18th, 2017, in order to enhance community’s awareness of cancer prevention and early detection, as well as creating proactive habit of periodic screening for early detection of cancer.

During the program, Vinmec Healthcare System, together with Cancer Patient Support Fund – Bright Tomorrow and K Hospital coherently cooperated with medical staffs at 18 examination places, assured comprehensive welcome, support, guidance and screening to the people. Three hospitals of Vinmec Healthcare System (Vinmec Times City, Vinmec Ha Long, Vinmec Central Park hospital) have actively participated in the examination, screening, free counseling which were highly appreciated by the social community.

Three hospitals of Vinmec Healthcare System have actively participated in the examination, screening, free counseling which were highly appreciated by the social community.
Three hospitals of Vinmec Healthcare System have actively participated in the examination, screening, free counseling which were highly appreciated by the social community.

This program was received great support from not only many national major hospitals, but also public examination locations at the communes’ or wards’ clinics. Nearly 20.000 people from 8 provinces across the country was screened and counselled about breast, cervical and colonorectal cancers.

By screening, 695 people whose results shown positive for or suspected cancer were consulted and done specific tests (breast ultrasound, mammography, colonorectal endoscopy, cervical biopsy ...) for definitive test and timely treatment.

By screening, 695 people whose results shown positive for or suspected cancer were consulted and done specific tests
By screening, 695 people whose results shown positive for or suspected cancer were consulted and done specific tests

With the variety in specialty, as Oncology, Cardiology, Organ Transplantation, Stem Cell Transplantation, Urological Surgery, Gastroenterology, Orthopedic, Obstetrics and Gynecology,..., Vinmec Healthcare System has successfully treated and brought great lives to patients all over the country.

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