Using vitamin E to treat acne: Effects and risks

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Vitamin E is an important nutrient that helps protect body cells from harmful free radicals. In particular, they are also used to beautify and treat acne. So should oily skin take vitamin E or not?

1. Should vitamin E be used to treat acne?

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory effects, strengthens the immune system and helps with skin regeneration. Because of these characteristics, many people think that vitamin E can be used to treat acne. However, to date, studies using topical vitamin E or oral vitamin E supplements have not demonstrated clear efficacy in the treatment of acne. Notable studies are:
A study performed on adults with severe acne conditions. These people were given vitamin E for 3 consecutive months and their acne condition improved well. However, because vitamin E preparations have added zinc and lactoferrin components, it is difficult to conclude whether topical vitamin E helps treat acne or not. In a 2006 study, vitamin A and vitamin E were used in combination to treat acne. The results show that acne on the skin is effectively improved, but it is not possible to conclude that vitamin E helps treat acne. Another study was done by taking zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin A supplements to people with acne via oral tablets. Serum tests showed that some study participants were undernourished and nutritional supplements helped improve acne. However, it cannot be confirmed that a topical product formulated with vitamin E, vitamin A, and zinc similar to the one mentioned above will be effective in treating acne.
Although there are no studies to confirm the benefits of vitamin E in treating acne, vitamin E is an important vitamin for the body, helping to promote general health, including improving skin health. Therefore, providing adequate vitamin E in the daily diet is extremely necessary. Applying vitamin E also helps to moisturize and brighten the skin. Therefore, if you still want to use vitamin E in the treatment of acne, you can apply some ways according to the following instructions.

Sử dụng vitamin E sai cách có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khoẻ của bạn
Sử dụng vitamin E sai cách có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khoẻ của bạn

2. How to use vitamin E in the treatment of acne?

Fortify vitamin E through diet or supplements:
People with acne should increase foods rich in vitamin E in their diet. Foods with abundant amounts of vitamin E such as sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds, dry roasted hazelnuts, dry roasted almonds, cereals,... For adults, a daily amount of vitamin E The daily requirement for the body is 1 to 15 mg, especially nursing women need to be provided more, about 19mg per day. If your diet is inadequate and blood tests show that you are deficient in vitamin E, your doctor will advise you to take vitamin E supplements in pill form. You should not arbitrarily buy vitamin E tablets to use, because excess vitamin E can be harmful to the body. Apply vitamin E properly
Topical vitamin E products are available on the market, which can be in the form of vitamin E oils, serums or creams containing vitamin E. These products often contain other ingredients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, ... helps to treat acne and reduce dark spots. For best results, use according to the manufacturer's instructions. Pure vitamin E can cause allergies, so you should not apply pure vitamin E directly to the skin. Instead, you should dilute vitamin E with a mild, skin-conditioning oil like jojoba oil, and then apply it to your skin. More carefully, you can apply the mixture on your hands to see if there is an allergic reaction and then apply it to your face.

3. Should oily skin apply vitamin E to treat acne?

Should oily skin apply vitamin E to treat acne is a question many of you have oily skin. Although there are many uses in skin beauty, vitamin E is not suitable for oily skin. Because vitamin E is an oil-soluble vitamin, applying vitamin E to oily skin can clog pores and make acne worse.

Người bị mụn cần thận trọng khi dùng vitamin E để điều trị
Người bị mụn cần thận trọng khi dùng vitamin E để điều trị

4. Can oily skin take vitamin E?

Applying vitamin E for oily skin is not suitable, so should oily skin take vitamin E? Vitamin E has many important roles for the body such as participating in cell metabolism, helping to protect vitamin A and lipids of cell membranes from oxidation, preventing atherosclerosis, increasing immunity. Therefore, making sure to get the recommended amount of vitamin E daily is essential no matter what skin type you have. However, because there are many foods containing vitamin E, a healthy, varied diet should provide enough vitamin E for the body. You should not take vitamin E supplements without your doctor's prescription. High levels of vitamin E in the body increase the risk of bleeding, especially when you take anticoagulants such as warfarin.

5. When should you see a dermatologist?

Although vitamin E has potential in treating acne, when studies on vitamin E are inconclusive, you should use medications that have been shown to be effective in treating acne. Some acne medications can be bought without a prescription such as:
Alpha-hydroxy acids: Stimulates skin repair, especially effective for acne scars. Benzoyl peroxide: helps reduce acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation in acne lesions. Salicylic acid: helps remove dead skin cells on the face, unclogs pores Tea tree oil: helps anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Khi tình trạng mụn nghiêm trọng hơn không thuyên giảm, hãy đến gặp bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu để được tư vấn kịp thời
Khi tình trạng mụn nghiêm trọng hơn không thuyên giảm, hãy đến gặp bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu để được tư vấn kịp thời
Vitamin A in the form of retinoids has been shown to work for acne. Vitamin A can be taken orally and topically. However, just like vitamin E, vitamin A should only be used with the approval of a doctor, an overdose of vitamin A can cause liver damage, an overdose of vitamin A in pregnant women can cause birth defects. pediatric .
If over-the-counter drug treatments don't work after a few weeks, you should see a dermatologist for more intensive treatments.

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