Using nasal drops can be addictive?

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Nasal drop addiction is the overuse or abuse of nasal drops to relieve symptoms of rhinitis such as nasal congestion. When addicted to nasal drops, the patient often buys and uses the drug on his own without following the doctor's instructions. So is there a way to quit smoking nose drops?

1. Causes of addiction to nasal drops

In the composition of nasal drops or nasal sprays, there are substances such as oxymetazoline, neosynephrine, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, which are substances that cause blood vessel constriction in the nose. The mechanism of action of these active ingredients is to attach to the walls of blood vessels and cause blood vessels to constrict to widen the nasal passages, thereby reducing the symptoms of nasal congestion. Users become addicted to nasal drops due to the use of drugs containing these vasoconstrictor drugs.
Besides, there is also rhinitis which is caused by long-term drug use. If the drug is not used, the symptoms do not improve, forcing the patient to take the drug continuously. At this time, the patient may experience complications and to treat it may require surgery.

Mạch máu co lại giúp giảm triệu chứng nghẹt mũi
Mạch máu co lại giúp giảm triệu chứng nghẹt mũi

2. Harm of addiction to nose drops

Use of nasal drops can cause some side effects such as:
Local irritation Sneezing Changed appetite Addiction to nasal drops or overdose and for a long time can cause some Harmful effects such as:
Symptoms of nasal congestion are not relieved Headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation In particular, the use of nasal drops should be cautious with patients with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes , cardiovascular, thyroid disorders ... to avoid causing complications.

Người có bệnh tuyến giáp cần thận trọng trong việc sử dụng thuốc nhỏ mũi
Người có bệnh tuyến giáp cần thận trọng trong việc sử dụng thuốc nhỏ mũi

3. How to detox from nasal drops?

To avoid dependence and overuse of nasal drops, patients can do the following ways to quit smoking:
Dilute the drug to reduce the concentration before use. Physiological saline can be used to rinse the nose, as an alternative to nasal drops if the symptoms of nasal congestion are mild and not severe. If you want to use nasal drops, patients need to see a doctor for advice and instructions, avoid buying and using them on their own. Avoid sharing nasal drops with others. Use nasal drops at the dose and duration as directed by your doctor. Avoid self-medicating with an overdose, or if you forget, do not arbitrarily increase the missed dose, consult your doctor.

Người bệnh nên gặp bác sĩ để được tư vấn và điều trị kịp thời
Người bệnh nên gặp bác sĩ để được tư vấn và điều trị kịp thời

Addiction to nasal drops is possible because some nasal drops contain vasoconstrictor drugs, causing addiction. Therefore, before using nasal drops, patients should consult a doctor for advice and advice on appropriate use and dosage.

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