Uses of Viceftazol

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Viceftazol drugs belong to the group of drugs to treat parasites, anti-bacterial, viral infections, antifungal, effective in the treatment of blood infections, respiratory, gynecological, .... So specifically, Viceftazol drugs work. What, let's find out through the article below.

1. What is Viceftazol?

Viceftazol drug has the main active ingredient Cefmetazol 2g, which is prepared in the form of cefmetazol sodium and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of a powder for injection, packed in a box, each box contains 1 vial including: 1 vial of powder tube and 2 tubes of distilled water for injection.

2. Uses of the drug Viceftazol

2.1. Uses - indications Viceftazol is used to treat the following cases:
Infections in the lower respiratory tract, in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Gynecological infections, urinary tract infections. Blood infections, bone and joint infections. Gonorrhea has no complications. Used for the treatment and prevention of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria or mixed infections. Especially intra-abdominal infections and pelvic inflammatory disease. Used to prevent infection during surgery, cesarean section or rectal surgery. 2.2. Contraindications Viceftazol is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity or hypersensitivity to cephalosporins or a history of hypersensitivity to active penicillins.

3. How to use and dose of drug Vicefrazole

How to use: Viceftazol is prepared in the form of a powder for injection, so it should be used by injection. The drug can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
Usual dose: dose from 0.5 - 1g every 12 hours/day. Dosage for severe patients: The dose can be increased to 3 to 4 g/day, divided into 3 to 4 times, 6 to 8 hours apart. Dose for people with renal impairment: need to reduce the dose, depending on the degree of renal failure Mild degree of renal impairment (CICr 50 - 90mL/min): 0.5 - 1g, each dose is 12 hours apart. Moderate level (CICr 30 - 90mL/min): 0.5 - 1g, every 16 hours. Severity (CICr 10 - 29mL/min): 0.5 - 1g, 24 hours apart. The degree of hemodialysis is less than 10: 0.5 - 1g, each dose is 48 hours apart. For surgical prophylaxis in adults: Use a single dose of 1-2g before surgery from 30 to 90 minutes, can be repeated (if necessary) after 8 to 16 hours and should not exceed 4g/ day. For people with kidney failure, the dose should be reduced to a lower level. Use during cesarean section: Use a single dose of 2g after the patient is clamped the umbilical cord. An alternative dose of 1g may be used after 8 to 16 hours. Treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea in adults: Use a single intramuscular dose, combined with 1g of probenecid. For people with kidney failure, the dose should be reduced to a lower level.

4. Side effects of the drug Viceftazol

During treatment, in addition to the main effect that Viceftazol brings, patients may also experience unwanted symptoms such as:
Common cases:
Pain at injection, thrombophlebitis. Causes rash, diarrhea. Bleeding due to decreased prothrombin or dysfunction of platelets. Rare cases:
Causes hypersensitivity reactions: Rash, urticaria, fever, serum sickness-like reactions, anaphylaxis, urticaria, eosinophilia. Decreased granulocyte count, decreased neutrophil/platelet/prothrombin count May cause false-positive coomb test. Causes pseudomembranous colitis. Causes vomiting, nausea. Increased possibility of nephrotoxicity, acute tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis. Note: When users experience unwanted symptoms that are suspected to be caused by taking the drug, they should stop using the drug and notify the treating doctor for safe and proper instructions.

5. Vicefrazole drug interactions

When using Vicefrazol, users need to remember that drug interactions with other drugs are often quite complicated, due to the influence of many ingredients in the drugs. Research reports or recommendations will usually only list common interactions during use. Therefore, users absolutely must not arbitrarily apply information about the interaction of Viceftazol without being a doctor, pharmacist, researcher or medical person.

6. Note when using the drug Viceftazol

Some notes users need to know before and while using Viceftazol:
Subjects need to be careful before using the drug: Elderly people, children under 15 years old, people with kidney failure, liver failure, people with kidney disease. allergic to ingredients in the drug, people with weakness, liver coma, stomach ulcers. The drug has been tested to be safe for pregnant and lactating women, but it is still necessary to be cautious and consult a doctor before using it to avoid possible risks to mother and baby. . To date, there have been no specific reports on the effect of the drug on people who are driving or operating machinery, but it is also necessary to consult a doctor before using Viceftazol. The above sharing about Viceftazol will be useful for readers, helping to better understand the drug that they will or are using to treat.

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