Uses of Varucefa

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Varucefa is a powder for injection indicated in cases of infection under the guidance of medical staff. To know more about the uses of Varucefa, how to use it, how to use it, and how to use it, follow along in the article below.

1. What is Varucefa?

Varucefa – belongs to the group of prescription drugs to treat infections as prescribed by a doctor/pharmacist.
Varucefa drug contains the main ingredient is Ceftizoxime 1g, prepared in powder form for injection. The medicine shell is white, red, yellow rectangular, inside there is a glass vial, a rubber cap is covered with tin, inside contains powder.
Varucefa packaging includes box of 1 vial and box x 10 vials.

2. Uses of Varucefa

Varucefa contains the main ingredient Ceftizoxime - a 2nd generation Cephalosporin antibiotic. Its main use is to kill bacteria by inhibiting mucopeptide synthesis in the bacterial cell wall.
In vitro, the effect of Varucefa against Staphylococci species is weaker than that of 1st generation cephalosporins but has a broader antibacterial spectrum than 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporins against Gram (-) bacteria.
In viro, Varucefa is also effective against many anaerobic bacteria such as
Actinomyces, B.fragilis, Peptococcus,...
The drug is stable for B-lactamase enzymes produced by many bacterial strains.
The antibacterial spectrum of Varucefa includes: Streptococcus (except Enterococci), Streptococcus pneum, Haemophilus influenzae, E.Coli, Klebsiella sp,...
Varucefa is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so it should be administered by injection / intravenous infusion. . After injection Ceftizoxime contained in Varucefa will be distributed throughout the body. Varucefa also crosses the placenta and enters breast milk. Ceftizoxime is not metabolised and is eliminated mainly in the urine.

3. Indication of Varucefa

What is Varucefa used for? In general, the drug has a bactericidal effect against the specified bacteria. Varucefa is usually indicated in cases of infections caused by specific susceptible bacteria:
Bone and joint infections; Septicemia ; Endocarditis; Secondary bacterial infection when injured, burns; Bronchitis ; Superinfected bronchiectasis; Emphysema of the lungs; Cholangitis, gallbladder; Peritonitis; Prostatitis; Endometriosis ; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Meningitis; ... Indications to use Varucefa are made by doctors and pharmacists after assessing specific conditions.

4. Dosage – how to take Varucefa

Varucefa is effective when taken at the correct dose according to the instructions.

4.1. How to use Varucefa

Varucefa is administered via intramuscular / intravenous route according to the instructions and implementation of medical staff. The drug is mixed with distilled water used for injection, physiological saline, glucose, intravenously slowly for at least 3-5 minutes. The drug is administered intravenously or through an intravenous line.
With drip intravenous infusion: Mix the drug with the infusion solution (glucose, electrolytes, amino acids) infusion for at least 15 - 30 minutes. In intravenous infusion do not use distilled water because of incompatibility. Intramuscular injection: Mix the drug with distilled water or 0.5% Lidocaine solution. Perform deep muscle injections. Can be divided into 2 different intramuscular injections, should not inject more than 1g at the same site.

4.2. Dosage of Varucefa

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the dose of Varucefa drug is guided based on each type of infection and children / adults. Specifically:
Dosage for adults: For adults, use the Varucefa dose based on each type of infection:
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections, the recommended dose is 500mg/12h; Severe, complicated infections, the recommended dose of Varucefa is 1g/8h or 2g/8-12h; Severe, life-threatening infections, the recommended dose is 3 - 4g/8h or 2g/4h by intravenous route; In sepsis, the recommended dose is the initial dose of 6 -12g/day, then the dose is adjusted down depending on the patient's response, the degree of infection; Uncomplicated gonorrhea using a single dose of 1g intramuscularly; In pelvic inflammatory disease, the recommended dose is 2g intravenously every 8 hours. Dosage between disease groups should be cautious and must be indicated and guided by medical staff.
Dosage of Varucefa for children: Dosage of Varucefa for specific children:
Children from 6 months use the recommended dose of 50mg/kg body weight every 6-8 hours; Severe infections can be used 200mg/kg body weight/day. Divide to use during the day, not more than 12g/day; Children over 1 month of age with mild - moderate infections can use a dose of 100 - 150mg/kg body weight x 3 times/day. If the infection is severe, the dose is 150-200mg/kg body weight x 3-4 times/day. For children, it is necessary to be very careful when taking doses, monitoring while using Varucefa.
Dosage with renal failure:
The recommended dose for this group of subjects is a starting dose of 500mg - 1g intramuscularly. / vein. Maintenance dose is calculated according to creatinine clearance and the degree of infection (mild - moderate - severe).

4.3. Precautions when injecting Varucefa

Attention should be paid when mixing drugs, choosing injection sites, injection methods; Intramuscular injection is applied only when required and uses the minimum effective dose; Intramuscular injection may cause pain, calluses at the injection site; Do not give intramuscular injection to premature infants, infants and young children; In order to avoid intramuscular injection causing damage to tissues and nerves, the following should be noted:
Avoid repeated injections at the same site; Care must be taken not to inject into the nerve; If the patient complains of severe pain or bleeding when the needle is inserted, the needle must be removed and injected at another site; In addition, do not mix with other drugs for injection, use the mixture for injection immediately after mixing Varucefa.

5. Contraindications Varucefa

Varucefa is not used for the following subjects:
History of allergy to the ingredients in the drug Varucefa; History of hypersensitivity to local anesthetics. These subjects do not use Varucefa to ensure safety.

6. Warning – caution when using Varucefa

When using Varucefa, the manufacturer also has some warnings and cautions such as:
Determine the sensitivity of bacteria before using Varucefa; Monitor for symptoms to detect hypersensitivity, shock, etc. Need a skin test before starting treatment with Varucefa; It is necessary to have emergency and preventive measures to promptly handle situations of hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis; Some false positive reactions may occur when you take Varucefa; Caution for the group of subjects: history of hypersensitivity to Penicillin, bronchial asthma, rash, urticaria, ... Using Varucefa safely, please carefully pay attention to the warnings from the manufacturer.

7. Side effects when using Varucefa

What is Varucefa used for? The drug has a bactericidal effect in cases of bacterial infections as indicated. When using you may also experience unwanted reactions including:
Shock – rare, but should be monitored; Skin – scaly skin,...; Hypersensitivity – urticaria, swollen lymph nodes; Kidney – severe renal failure,...; Gastrointestinal – Colitis, abdominal pain, vomiting,...; Dysbacteriosis – stomatitis, Candida infection, ..; Vitamin deficiency – groups K, B; Other – headache, vaginitis...; ... The side effects when using Varucefa can occur at many levels, you need to monitor, notify your doctor for intervention.

8. Varucefa interactions

Varucefa can interact when used with other drugs such as Aminosides, Probenecid,... these drugs can affect the kidneys. Therefore, care should be taken when using

9. Pregnant and lactating women use Varucefa

Varucefa has not been well studied in this population. Therefore, when using it, you need to be careful and have a doctor's prescription.

10. Preservation of Varucefa

Varucefa is stored at room temperature.
Thus, the drug Varucefa has a bactericidal effect for specific diseases under the guidance and prescription of a doctor. Use caution to ensure safety. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any other questions while taking Varucefa.

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