Uses of Vacontil

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Vacontil is indicated in the treatment of acute non-specific diarrhea, chronic diarrhea caused by enteritis... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using the drug Vacontil through the article below.

1. Effects of the drug Vacontil

Vacontil contains the active ingredient Loperamide 2mg in capsule form. The active ingredient Loperamide acts by binding to Opiate receptors in the intestinal wall, reducing stimulation causing spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing mucosal irritation, reducing intestinal motility and prolonging circulation time in the intestines. . Loperamide also has the effect of increasing the tone of the anal sphincter, reducing the urgency of the incontinence reflex.
The effects of the drug Vacontil are as follows:
Symptomatic relief of acute nonspecific diarrhea, chronic diarrhea caused by enteritis; Reducing stool volume in patients undergoing ileostomy; Symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in adults and children over 12 years old; Symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome in adults.

2. Dosage of the drug Vacontil

Vacotil is an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal drug, some recommendations on Vacotil dosage are as follows:
Treatment of acute diarrhea:
Adults: The recommended starting dose is 4mg, then maintain it. maintain 2mg after each loose stool, the maximum dose is 16mg/day; Children: The recommended dose for the first day in children 8-12 years old is 2mg / time x 3 times / day, children from 6 to 8 years old is 2mg / time x 2 times / day. The dose from the 2nd day onwards is 1mg/10kg of body weight after each loose stool, the total dose of the day should not exceed the dose of the first day. Treatment of chronic diarrhea:
Adults: Take 4 - 8mg/day for 1 time use or divided into several doses; Children: It is not recommended to use the drug because safety and effectiveness have not been determined.

3. Side effects of the drug Vacontil

Vacontil can cause some side effects as follows:
Constipation; Dry mouth; Epigastric pain; Dizzy; Sleepy; Skin rash, fatigue. Patients should inform their doctor if they experience side effects during treatment with Vacontil.

4. Notes when using the drug Vacontil

Contraindicated to use Vacontil in the following cases:
Elderly people; Children under 12 years old; Patients with acute ulcerative colitis, pseudovascular colitis caused by broad-spectrum antibiotics; Patients with acute dysentery, with blood in the stool and high fever; Patients with acute ulcerative colitis; Patients with enteritis caused by bacterial infection; Patients with hypersensitivity to Loperamide or any of its ingredients. Caution when using for the following subjects:
Caution when using Vacontil in children under 12 years old, women who are breastfeeding. For patients with diarrhea, dehydration can occur, so appropriate rehydration and electrolyte therapy is extremely important in addition to medication. If the patient does not improve clinically within 48 hours, the patient should be reviewed for the cause of the diarrhea and the use of Vacontil should be discontinued. Patients with hepatic dysfunction should be carefully monitored for signs of CNS toxicity. Loperamide can be used by AIDS patients to treat diarrhea but should be discontinued at the earliest symptoms such as abdominal distension.

5. Drug interactions

Loperamide bioavailability is increased when co-administered with Co-trimoxazole.
Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having effects and reduce the therapeutic effect of Vacontil, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform doctors about drugs and foods. were using before taking Vacontil.
The basic information about the drug Vacontil in the above article is for reference only. Because Vacontil is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a specialist directly for a suitable prescription to ensure safety for health.

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