Uses of Usarolvone

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Usarolvon drug is indicated in respiratory diseases due to increased secretion of phlegm, difficulty in expectoration. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Usarolvon through the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Usarolvon

“What is Usarolvon? ". Usarolvon contains the active ingredient Bromhexin HCl 8mg, which is prepared in the form of tablets. The active ingredient Bromhexin is used to regulate and clear the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The drug works by the mechanism of sialomucin synthesis, breaking down mucopolysaccharid fibers, thereby loosening sputum and reducing the viscosity of sputum. Bromhexin has an easy expectorant effect, effectively draining phlegm from the bronchi.
Usarolvon drug is indicated in the treatment of respiratory pathologies with increased sputum secretion and difficulty in expectoration such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute and chronic bronchitis, respiratory tract infections, bronchiectasis, pulmonary dust. ..

2. Dosage of the drug Usarolvon

Effect of Usarolvon in the treatment of respiratory diseases with increased phlegm. Usarolvon belongs to the group of over-the-counter drugs, but the dose of the drug used should be prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's condition.
Some recommendations on Usarolvon dosage are as follows:
Adults and children over 12 years old: Take 8 mg/time x 3 times/day; Children from 6 to 12 years old: Take 4mg/time x 3 times/day; Children from 2 to 6 years old: Take 4mg/time x 2 times/day.

3. Usarolvon side effects

Usarolvon drug can cause some side effects such as digestive disorders, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth ... Usually these unwanted effects will disappear when treatment with Usarolvon drug is stopped. . Patients should inform their doctor if they experience any side effects during treatment with Usarolvon.

4. Note when using Usarolvon drug

Contraindicated to use Usarolvon in patients with hypersensitivity to Bromhexin or any ingredient of the drug, pregnant women.
Use caution when using Usarolvon in the following cases:
People with bronchial asthma, because Bromhexin increases bronchospasm in asthmatics; Patients with severe renal failure; Patients with liver failure; Patients with weak physical condition are unable to spit up sputum, patients are debilitated; The patient has a history of peptic ulcer disease.

5. Drug interactions

Usarolvon drugs can cause some drug interactions as follows:
Do not use Bromhexin simultaneously with drugs that reduce secretions such as Atropin... because it reduces the therapeutic effect of Bromhexin; Do not use Bromhexin together with cough suppressants; Concentrations of antibiotics in the bronchi, lungs such as Cefuroxim, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Erythromycin... increased when used in combination with Bromhexin. Thus, Bromhexin is effective as an adjunct in the treatment of respiratory infections. Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having effects and reduce the therapeutic effects of Usarolvon drugs, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment, patients need to inform their doctors about drugs and foods that are being used. used before taking Usarolvon.

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