Uses of Ursomax

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Ursomaxe is a drug containing Ursodeoxycholic acid used to treat diseases such as cholesterol gallstones, chronic cholestatic liver disease. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, the patient must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

1. Indications and effects of Ursomaxe

Ursomaxe is a common medicine prescribed by doctors to be effective, with specific effects in the following cases:
Patients with cholesterol gallstones have small, asymptomatic, non-contrast, gallstones in diameter. Stones less than 15mm, gallbladder function normally, in patients with stones but contraindications for surgery. Chronic hepatobiliary diseases such as primary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, acquired liver disease due to viscous mucinous disease. Treatment of cystic fibrosis for children aged 6-18 years. Thyroid improves liver function in chronic hepatitis. Helps protect and restore liver cells before or after drinking alcohol. Patients with dyspepsia, anorexia due to disorders in the biliary tract. Support the treatment of cholesterol gallstones, cholecystitis, inflammation of the biliary tract

2. Contraindications of Ursomaxe 200

Besides contraindications for people who are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug, pregnant or suspected pregnant women, Ursomaxe is contraindicated for the following patients:
Complete bile duct obstruction (effects) cholestasis may worsen symptoms). Contrast calcified gallstones are present. Acute inflammation of the gallbladder or biliary tract or poor contractility of the gallbladder. Frequent biliary colic. Acute peptic ulcer disease. Colitis or inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease. Have liver or bowel problems that interfere with the flow of bile such as bile duct obstruction, extrahepatic cholestasis, intrahepatic cholestasis, removal of part of the small intestine. Acute, chronic hepatitis or severe liver disease.

3. Dosage and how to use Ursomaxe

Ursomaxe 200 can be taken during or after a meal with a reference dose for specific subjects as follows:
For adults treating cholesterol gallstones:
Ursomaxe dose works from 5-10mg/kg /day, the average dose is 7.5mg/kg/day in patients of average health. Obese patients can use a dose of 10mg/kg/day. Depending on body weight, take 2-3 tablets/day. The average treatment time for Ursomaxe is 4-6 months, if the stone size is larger than 1cm, it needs a longer treatment time, which can last up to 1 year.
Patients need to maintain the dose for 3-4 months after ultrasound examination confirmed complete stone removal. However, at this time, the duration of treatment should not exceed 2 years. Depending on the specific condition of the patient, the treating doctor will accurately assess and prescribe a specific prescription.
Adults treating chronic hepatobiliary disease refer to a dose of 13-15mg/kg/day, starting dose should be 200mg/day, then the dose can be increased stepwise to achieve a therapeutic effect in the 4- to 4-day range. 8 weeks.
For children aged 6-18 years with hepatobiliary disorders due to mucosal damage, Ursomaxe should be taken at a dose of 20mg/kg/day divided into 2-3 times, which can be increased to 30mg/kg/day if necessary. suitable for the situation.
The above doses are common references, depending on the specific situation, each patient will have a suitable and effective dose listed by the treating doctor.

4. Ursomaxe side effects

Patients may have symptoms of increased itching, urticaria when severe cholestasis, the recommended dose of Ursomaxe for these cases is 200mh/day. At the same time, digestive disorders such as diarrhea, pasty stools, changes in liver function... are common side effects.
More rarely other side effects such as abdominal pain, constipation, epigastric pain, general discomfort, dizziness.... Patients should immediately notify their doctor about side effects to be adjusted. reasonable dose.

5. Ursomaxe drug interactions during use

Patients need to know and pay attention when using Ursimex 300, specifically:
Do not use concomitantly with cholestyramine: If it is necessary to use cholestyramine, it should be used 5 hours apart from the time of taking Ursomaxe. It should not be used with estrogen-stimulating drugs, as these drugs cause further increases in bile cholesterol. Avoid use with other bile acid-binding drugs such as antacids, activated charcoal, which may reduce the therapeutic effect. In general, patients when prescribed to use Ursomaxe need to inform their doctor of all other prescriptions they are using so that they can manage to adjust the drug and oral dose effectively.

6. Attention when using Ursomaxe

When using Ursomaxe 200 to treat gallstones, the patient should be checked by ultrasound after 6 months of treatment. In the treatment of chronic hepatobiliary disease such as cholestasis causing pruritus, the dose should be gradually increased with an initial dose of 200 mg/day, concomitant use of cholestyramine is necessary provided that the oral dose is taken 5 hours apart. ursodeoxycholic acid.
In particular, do not use Ursomaxe during pregnancy in women except for very limited indications and under close supervision.
Similar to other medicines, when a patient forgets a dose of Ursomaxe, it should be taken as soon as he remembers, if the time to remember is close to the time of taking the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the medicine as usual. The patient should not take a double dose to make up for it. Ursomaxe overdose cases should be reported immediately to the doctor, or to the nearest medical facility if there are unusual symptoms.
With the detailed information about Ursomaxe mentioned above, hopefully, it will help patients and treating doctors use the drug effectively and safely, avoiding side effects.
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