Uses of Trimebutine tab

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Trimebutine has antispasmodic effects on gastrointestinal smooth muscle, so it is indicated in the treatment of pain symptoms caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction, flatulence, discomfort and indigestion in the intestines... Let's learn about Uses and notes when using Trimebutin tab through the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Trimebutine tab

1.1. Indications Trimebutine brand-name drug containing the active ingredient Trimebutin maleate 200mg is indicated in the following cases:
Painful symptoms due to gastrointestinal dysfunction, flatulence, discomfort, indigestion in the intestines; Postoperative paralytic ileus to enhance recovery of bowel activity after gastrointestinal surgery; Treatment of acute and chronic abdominal pain in patients with bowel dysfunction (especially irritable bowel syndrome). 1.2. Pharmacodynamics Trimebutine is a non-competitive antispasmodic with antiserotonergic activity, moderate affinity for peripheral opiate, delta and kappa receptors, reducing abnormal bowel movements without altering normal motility. of the digestive tract.
Trimebutine has the effect of accelerating gastric emptying, regulating contraction activity in the colon. The drug is used in the treatment of restoring normal function in the intestines (usually in the form of trimebutine maleate salt).
1.3. Pharmacokinetics Absorption: The drug is rapidly absorbed after oral administration, peak plasma concentrations are reached about 1 hour after oral administration. Distribution: Trimebutine is poorly bound to plasma proteins (about 5%) and does not cross the placental barrier. Metabolism: Trimebutine undergoes primary metabolism in the liver to nortributine or N - monodesmethylTrimebutine (the active metabolite in the colon). This metabolite further undergoes N - demethylation to form N - didesmethyltrimebutin. Trimebutine is also sulphated and conjugated with glucuronic acid to be eliminated from the body. Elimination: The drug is eliminated mainly in the urine, a small amount is found in the feces (about 5 - 12%). The half-life of the drug is about 10-12 hours.

2. Dosage of Trimebutine tab

Dosage of Trimebutine tab depends on the patient's condition and ability to respond. The drug is taken orally, patients should take it before meals to achieve a higher therapeutic effect. The recommended dosage of Trimebutine maleate 200mg is as follows:
Adults: The usual dose is 300mg/day orally before meals, the dose can be increased to 600mg/day depending on the patient's clinical condition; The recommended duration of drug treatment is 3 days, in the absence of warning signs, the maximum duration of treatment is 7 days; It is not recommended to use the drug treatment for children under 12 years old, in case it is necessary to use it, it must be prescribed by the treating doctor.

3. Trimebutine tab side effects

Trimebutine maleate 200mg medicine can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Diarrhea, indigestion, dry mouth, bad breath, nausea, epigastric pain, drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, cold and headache, feeling of heat, occasional rapid heartbeat; Uncommon: Rash, rash; Rare: Increased GPT, GOT blood levels; Frequency not known: Enlarged breasts, menstrual problems, urinary retention, anxiety, and mild deafness.

4. Notes when using the drug Trimebutine

4.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use the drug in children under 2 years of age, patients with hypersensitivity to Trimebutine maleate or to any of the ingredients of Trimebutine.
4.2. Note when using General note:
Do not exceed the prescribed dose of Trimebutine; In case the patient shows no signs of improvement in symptoms after a period of taking the drug, it is necessary to notify the treating doctor; The use of trimebutin is not recommended in patients with lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance or galactose or glucose malabsorption syndrome (rare hereditary condition). Note to pregnant women:
Animal studies have shown no evidence of teratogenicity, malformation or toxicity during pregnancy. However, to ensure safety, it is best not to use trimebutin maleate in pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy; Pregnant women only use the drug in treatment when prescribed by a doctor. If you discover you are pregnant during treatment with Trimebutine, notify your treating physician to decide whether to continue taking the drug. Note for nursing women: Use only when absolutely necessary (benefits outweigh risks).
Note for drivers, operating machines: Trimebutine tab may cause some side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, dizziness... affecting concentration, ability to drive. ... Therefore, patients should be careful when encountering these side effects.

5. Trimebutine drug interactions

Trimebutine can interact with some of the following drugs:
Trimebutine increases the CNS depressant effects of drugs 1,2 - benzodiazepines; The drugs abametapir, abacavir, acemetacin, aceclofenac, aceminophen... reduce the excretion rate of trimebutin, increase the drug concentration in the serum, leading to an increased risk of toxicity and side effects of the drug; Acetazolamide reduces the effect of Trimebutine when used concurrently; Trimebutine enhances the hypoglycemic effect of Acetohexamide, acarbose; Trimebutine increases the risk of bradycardia with Acebutolol. Drug interactions occur that change the ability of the drug to work, increasing the risk of toxicity and side effects. Therefore, the patient needs to inform the treating doctor of all drugs being used as well as allergy and irritant drugs to ensure safety and effectiveness when using the drug.
Trimebutine has antispasmodic effects on gastrointestinal smooth muscle, so it is indicated in the treatment of painful symptoms caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction, flatulence, discomfort and indigestion in the intestines... To ensure For effective treatment and to avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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