Uses of the drug Philtenafine

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Philtenafin belongs to the group of drugs to treat dermatological diseases, used to treat fungal infections of the skin, nails, toenails, ringworm. Philtenafin is used under the direction of a doctor or medical professional.

1. What is Philtenafin?

Philtenafin medicine has the main active ingredient Terbinafin Hydrochloride 50mg/5g and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of a skin cream, packed into a box, each box includes 1 tube of 5g or the box includes 1 tube of 15g.

2. What is the use of Philtenafin?

Mechanism of action: The active ingredients in the drug affect the ability of the fungus to produce chemicals called sterols, causing the fungus to weaken the cell membrane and disappear.
Indications for use of Philtenafin:
People with fungal infections of the skin, toenails and nails caused by infection with Trichophyton species. Human skin yeast infection, mainly caused by Candida species. People with tinea versicolor caused by the fungus Pityrosporum. Philtenafin is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People who are allergic or sensitive to Terbinafin hydrochloride or any of the excipients contained in the drug. Children under 12 years old. Note: the cases of contraindications to the use of Philtenafin are absolute, ie, do not flexibly use the drug for any reason so as not to cause adverse effects on the body.

3. How to use and dose of Philtenafine

How to use:
Philtenafin is prepared in the form of a skin cream, so it should be used by applying it directly to the skin to be treated. When the ampoule is new and intact, the user punctures the sealing hole with the pointed end of the cap. Then wipe and let the infected skin and the surrounding area dry, apply an appropriate amount of medicine on it, gently massage the area of ​​​​the application. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying to avoid spreading the disease to others. If the cream is applied to the areas to be treated, there are folds and crevices, it can be protected with a thin gauze cloth, especially when applied at night. Note, use fresh, clean gauze pads each time. Dosage:
For both adults and children over 12 years old: The drug can be used from 1 to 2 times a day.
Treatment time:
With inguinal fungus, tinea versicolor: Use continuously from 1 to 2 weeks. For fungal infections of the toes: Use continuously within 7 days. For skin candidiasis: Use continuously for 2 weeks. With vitiligo: Use continuously within 2 weeks. Note: The information on the above dosage and duration of treatment of the drug Philtenafin is for reference only, users should adhere to and use it exactly as prescribed by the doctor, avoid arbitrarily using the drug according to their preferences. individual.
In case of missed dose: Users can use Philtenafin as soon as they remember, but should keep the interval between applications, should not apply too many times a day.
In case of overdose: There are currently no research reports on the reactions that occur when users use Philtenafin overdose. However, if users see other symptoms that are often suspected of overdose, they should immediately contact the treating doctor for timely treatment.

4. Side effects of the drug Philtenafin During the use of the drug, in addition to the main use of the drug Philtenafin, users may also experience some other unwanted symptoms such as: Causes skin redness, itching, redness , swelling, blistering or peeling of the skin at the site of application.
Usually, these symptoms will occur infrequently and will be transient.
5. Interactions with Philtenafin There are currently no recorded reports of interactions between Philtenafin and other drugs. However, to ensure safety, users should inform their doctors about the drugs and functional foods that they are or intend to use to get advice on the most suitable treatment route for their condition. own current state.

6. Some notes when using the drug Philtenafine

Philtenafin is only effective against fungal infections, it is not used to treat infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Be sure to use Philtenafin for the full course of your treatment, or it may not clear up your infection. Philtenafin may decrease the body's ability to fight infections. Tell your doctor if you regularly experience symptoms of an infection such as fever, sore throat, rash or chills. The drug can make users more susceptible to sunburn. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the sun, bright lights or use sunscreen, wear protective clothing if you have to go outside for a long time. Philtenafin should be used with caution in children under 12 years of age, as safety and efficacy in these populations have not been established. For women who are pregnant and breast-feeding: The safety of Philtenafin for the fetus has not been established. Therefore, it is not advisable to start taking the drug while pregnant without consulting your doctor. Do not use Philtenafin while breastfeeding because it is found in breast milk. Hopefully, the information shared above will help users understand that Philtenafin is an effective and safe antifungal drug if used correctly and strictly according to the instructions of the doctor. If you have any further questions about the drug, please consult your doctor/pharmacist.

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