Uses of the drug Multihance

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Multihance is a contrast agent used in MRI, the main ingredient is Gadobenic acid 334mg/ml. The drug is used for the detection of suspected or known lesions of the liver, brain, spine, blood vessels, breast.

1. What are the uses of Multihance?

Multihance has the main ingredient Gadobenic acid 334mg/ml, which is prepared in the form of an injection solution. This is a contrast agent used in MRI scans of the liver, brain, spine, blood vessels, and breasts to detect known or suspected lesions. Specifically:
Multihance used in liver MRI helps detect known or suspected primary or metastatic liver cancer more diagnostic information after non-contrast MRI Multihance used in MRI of blood vessels to help diagnose narrow vascular disease in people with known or suspected abdominal or peripheral artery problems Multihance used in breast MRI helps detect breast cancer in people with known or suspected breast cancer based on previous tests

2. How to use - Dosage of Multihance

2.1. Dosage Use the lowest dose sufficient for diagnostic purposes, dose calculated based on weight. Inject the drug correctly intravenously, avoid the risk of extravasation, inject immediately after taking the drug into the syringe, do not dilute the drug, the injection rate is 10ml/min. After injection, 0.9% sodium chloride solution should be infused. Excess medication should not be used for other MRI scans.
2.2. Dosage Multihance dosage is divided as follows:
Adults with liver MRI: The recommended dose is 0.05 mmol/kg, corresponding to 0.1 ml/kg of 0.5 M solution Adults have MRI brain, columns Live: The recommended dose is 0.1 mmol/kg, corresponding to 0.2 ml/kg of 0.5 M solution Adults taking MRA: The recommended dose is 0.1 mmol/kg, corresponding to 0.2 ml/kg of 0.5 M solution Adults with breast MRI: The recommended dose is 0.1 mmol/kg, corresponding to 0.2 ml/kg of 0.5 M solution Children > 2 years old, elderly people (> 65 years old): The same dose as adults but need more caution Note, the drug should not be used in cases of brain and spine MRI for children under 2 years old and MRI of liver, breast, MRA for children. patients under 18 years of age.
Avoid using Multihance in patients with severe renal impairment (glomerular filtration rate < 30 ml/min/1.73 m2) and liver transplant recipients around the time of transplant surgery, unless the diagnosis is absolutely necessary. If required, the dose should not exceed 0.1 mmol/kg for brain and spine MRI or MRA, and not exceed 0.05 mmol/kg for liver MRI.

3. Contraindications to the drug Multihance

Multihance is contraindicated in people with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients, or to other gadolinium chelators.

4. Use Multihance with caution

Some notes before taking Multihance include:
Multihance is only used within hospitals, clinics for the intensive care team, and cardiovascular resuscitation equipment is available. Patients need to be monitored for 15 days. minutes - 1 hour after injection, most severe reactions usually occur 15 minutes after injection Be careful when used in people with epilepsy, brain damage, because the possibility of convulsions may increase After injection, the amount of gadolinium remains in the body for months to years. Therefore, consideration should be given when using contrast agents containing gadolinium for people who need to use the drug many times for a long time, people with inflammation, pregnant women, and children. Do not use in people who are sensitive to benzyl alcohol, because small amounts of this substance may be released from gadabenate dimeglumine during storage. patients with a history of asthma or other allergic disorders

5. Multihance drug side effects

Common side effects:
Headache Nausea Injection site reactions such as feeling of heat Uncommon side effects:
Nasopharyngitis, dry mouth Paresthesias, dizziness, fainting Smell disturbance Tachycardia Atrial fibrillation , 1st degree atrioventricular block, sinus bradycardia, increased or decreased blood pressure Diarrhea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain Back pain, muscle pain Asthenia, chills, fever Chest pain, ECG abnormalities Injection site pain , extravasation at injection site Rare side effects:
Increased sensation, tremor, tremor Increased intracranial pressure Hemiplegia Convulsions, tinnitus Arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, prolongation of PR interval Shortness of breath, convulsions Laryngitis, wheezing Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema Constipation, bowel/urinary incontinence Necrotizing pancreatitis Injection site inflammation Multihance's interactions with other drugs have not been well studied.
The most important thing is that when using Multihance, the patient should carefully read the instructions for use before using. If you have any questions, you should talk to your doctor directly for in-depth advice.

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