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Maravita drug belongs to the group of drugs containing minerals and vitamins with the main ingredient being vitamin E. The following article will introduce you to some information about this drug.
1. What is Maravita?
What is Maravita drug? Maravita drug belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins with the main ingredient being Vitamin E in the form of Tocopherol acetate 500mg 500 IU; Magnesium oxide (corresponding to Magnesium 150.8mg).
Vitamin E is a collection of natural compounds from many different derivatives of tocopherol containing alpha, beta, delta, gamma tocopherol and tocotrienol including alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocotrienol. Among them, the most important components are tocopherols, while alphatocopherol has the highest activity and occurs widely in nature. Vitamin E, like other fat-soluble vitamins, requires bile acids as an emulsifier. They are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa. The drug when entering the blood will be widely distributed into all tissues and accumulate in adipose tissue through micronutrients in the lymph. Elimination is through the urine, but after the full dose is eliminated slowly into the bile. Vitamin E can be found in milk but rarely crosses the placenta.
2. What effects does Maravita have?
Vitamin E has the main effect of preventing the oxidation of essential components in cells, helping to limit the formation of toxic oxidation products. In addition, it helps to protect cell membranes from the attack of free radicals to preserve the integrity of the cell membrane.Vitamin E also has a synergistic effect with selenium, vitamin C, vitamin A and carotenes. In particular, vitamin E will help protect vitamin A from being oxidized to stabilize vitamin A.
When the body is deficient in vitamin E, it can lead to symptoms: neurological disorders, muscle weakness, heart failure. conditions, nystagmus, skin lesions, decreased tactile sensitivity, erythrocyte rupture, muscle and heart damage. In particular, for the genital organs, vitamin E deficiency can be damaged and cause infertility. Nowadays, doctors often combine vitamin E with other drugs in the treatment of infertility in men and women, menstrual disorders, miscarriage, cardiovascular disorders... However, there is still no evidence. Evidence suggests that these lesions are caused only by vitamin E deficiency and have not demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of vitamin E in these diseases.
3. Indications for the use of Maravita
Maravita drug is used in the following cases:
Preventing and supporting the treatment of vitamin E deficiency cases. Skin diseases caused by disorders of the aging process in the skin. When using this medicine will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the skin. Support patients to treat fatty liver, hypercholesterolemia. Assists in the treatment of infertility in both men and women, impaired sperm production in men.
4. Instructions for using Maravita
The drug is used at a dose of 400 UI / day (Equivalent to 1 tablet). The dosage may be changed according to the doctor's prescription. Vitamin E may potentiate the effects of warfarin, an anticoagulant, and potentiate the antiplatelet effect of aspirin. Therefore, patients should report to their doctor about all medications they are taking. Vitamin E is an antagonist to the effects of vitamin K, so it can increase blood clotting time. Dosage for each use is 1 tablet (400 UI) / day. When using vitamin E in high doses can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, other digestive disorders, fatigue. Maravita drug belongs to the group of drugs containing minerals and vitamins with the main ingredient being vitamin E. The drug is indicated as a supplement to support the treatment of many diseases. Patients need to use the medicine exactly as directed and inform the doctor about the medicines they are taking to avoid possible side effects and drug interactions.
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