Uses of the drug Clavurol DS 457

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Drug Clavurol DS 457 is an antifungal drug used to treat otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis,... In addition, Clavurol DS 457 drug also works with diseases urinary tract infections, skin infections and gonorrhea.

1. What is Clavurol DS 457?

Drug Clavurol DS 457 is an antiparasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drug that is prepared in the form of a powder for oral suspension. Clavurol DS 457 contains the main ingredients in each 5ml suspension including Amoxicillin (as amoxicillin trihydrate) 400mg and clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate) 57mg:
Amoxicillin is an antibiotic of the penicillin group that helps to kill some bacteria pathogenic but very easily degraded by lactamase; And clavulanic acid has the ability to inhibit lactamase enzymes, so clavulanic acid contributes to prevent amoxicillin from being degraded by lactamases, and at the same time expands the antibacterial spectrum of amoxicillin antibiotics more effectively against many types of bacteria. So the drug Clavurol DS 457 is prescribed by doctors for use in infants, children and adults in the treatment of diseases:
Acute bacterial sinusitis (must have a full diagnosis); Acute otitis media; Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (must have a complete diagnosis); Community acquired pneumonia; Cystitis ; Pyelonephritis; Skin and soft tissue infections, especially cellulitis, animal bites, severe tooth abscesses, and disseminated cellulitis); Bone and joint infections and especially osteomyelitis ; Gonorrhea . Clavurol DS 457 is contraindicated in the following subjects:
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in Clavurol DS 457; Allergy to Penicillin; Cross allergy to cephalosporins ; Infectious mononucleosis or possibly lymphoid leukemia; History of jaundice and liver failure due to amoxicillin or clavulanic acid.

2. Instructions on how to use Clavurol DS 457

2.1. How to take Clavurol DS 457 by mouth. Take Clavurol DS 457 before meals to minimize gastrointestinal intolerance and maximize the absorption of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Tap the bottle gently so that all the powder flows to the bottom of the bottle first. Then pour cooled boiling water into the bottle to the mark marked on the bottle and shake vigorously so that the powder is completely dispersed into the water. Be sure to shake the Clavurol DS 457 vial well before each use. 2.2. Dosage Usual dose: 250 - 500mg / time x 8 hours / time (calculated as amoxicillin) Children from 10 years old can take a dose of 125 - 250mg / time x 8 hours / time. Children > 20kg: Daily dose of 20-40mg/kg/day. Higher dose and oral single dose or in short courses, used for the following diseases: Treatment of periodontal abscess: 3g/time, repeat dose after 8 hours/time. Uncomplicated acute urinary tract infections: 3g/time, repeat dose after 10-12 hours/time. Support to prevent endocarditis in susceptible people: a single dose of 3g, taken 1 hour before procedures such as tooth extraction. Patients with severe or recurrent respiratory infections: high dose regimen of 3g amoxicillin/time x 2 times/day. In case of necessity, children with otitis media from 3 to 10 years old can take a dose of 750mg/time x 2 times/day x 2 days.

3. Unintended effects of the drug Clavurol DS 457

Possible side effects when taking Clavurol DS 457 such as:
Common side effects: Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
Uncommon side effects:
Dizziness, headache Indigestion, Rash, itching and urticaria Rare side effects:
Transient leukopenia (including neutropenia) and thrombocytopenia; Erythema variety.

4. Note when using Clavurol DS 457

Caution when using Clavurol DS 457 for:
Patients with hypersensitivity to amoxicillin, clavulanic acid and penicillin group antibiotics; Patients with a history of cholestatic jaundice with liver dysfunction; People with severe renal failure (creatinine clearance < 30ml/min) and patients requiring hemodialysis; Pregnancy: There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. However, Clavurol DS 457 should only be used during pregnancy when absolutely necessary; Nursing mothers: Amoxicillin is excreted in breast milk, so caution should be exercised when using Clavurol DS 457 for this subject; Children: Safety and efficacy have been established only for pediatric patients ≥ 40 kg and able to swallow tablets; Elderly: Need to monitor kidney function; Patients with renal failure: Contraindicated in patients with creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min and requiring hemodialysis; Patients with hepatic impairment: Care should be taken in determining the dose and regular monitoring of liver function is required.

5. Clavurol DS 457 . drug interactions

Probenecid: Co-administration of probenecid with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid may cause increased blood levels of amoxicillin, therefore concomitant use is not recommended;
Oral anticoagulants: Concomitant use of oral anticoagulants with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid may result in abnormal prolongation of prothrombin time. It is necessary to adjust the dose of oral anticoagulants to avoid this situation;
Allopurinol: Concomitant administration of allopurinol with amoxicillin for a period of time significantly increases the incidence of rash in patients;
Oral contraceptives: Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid can affect the intestinal microflora, leading to decreased estrogen reabsorption and decreased effectiveness of the combined Estrogen/Progesterone oral contraceptive;
Amoxicillin can lead to a false-positive reaction in a urine glucose test.
The shares about the drug Clavurol DS 457 hope to help you know how to use the drug correctly and effectively. If you have any further questions, you can contact your prescribing physician for further advice.

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