Uses of Stablon

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Stablon is a medication used to treat mild, moderate, and severe depression. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, taken orally with the main content of Tianeptine. Dosage, how to use Stablon and side effects will be in the article below.

1. What is Stablon?

Depression is a form of mood disorder, people with depression no longer find interest in habits in life. Depression is a treatment process that requires a combination of medication and psychological approaches. Stablon is used to treat mild, moderate and severe depression. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, 1 blister contains 15 tablets and the content of Tianeptine in each tablet is 12.5mg with excipients.

2. Uses of Stablon

Stablon drug works to increase the excitement of the patient thanks to the active ingredient Tianeptine in the drug. This substance acts on mood disorders, so it is placed between the two classes of euphoric and euphoric antidepressants.
Stablon has a positive effect on patients with a history of physical complaints stemming from anxiety and mood disorders. In alcoholics, alcoholics, Stablon is active against personality disorders in this subject. According to the records of the effects of Stablon, the drug did not affect the sleep and alert state of patients with depression.
Stablon is easily and quickly absorbed completely from the gastrointestinal tract. The binding of the drug to plasma proteins is about 94%. The drug is extensively metabolised in the liver and has a half-life of 2 hours and 30 minutes mainly via the kidneys as metabolites. In the elderly, especially over 70 years of age, long-term use of Stablon, the half-life of the drug may be increased by 1 hour.

3. Contraindications to using Stablon

Stablon drug is contraindicated in the following cases
Allergy or hypersensitivity to Tianeptine in the drug Contraindicated for use in children under 15 years of age Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women Contraindicated to use Stablon in combination combined with drugs belonging to the class of MAOI (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, because of potentially serious consequences. Therefore, after taking an MAOI, a break of 2 weeks is required before starting Stablon.

4. Dosage & how to use Stablon

Stablon is taken orally, so the patient only needs to take it with a full glass of water. Drinking time is before each breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Basic dosage: 1 tablet each time, 3 times a day (morning - noon - evening) Dosage for people over 70 years of age with impaired renal function: Take no more than 2 tablets per day. Use as directed by your doctor and do not stop taking it on your own.

5. Stablon drug side effects

In case the patient overdoses on Stablon, the treatment should be stopped and taken to a medical facility for gastric lavage if necessary. Monitor vital signs, respiratory function, urinary function of the patient.
Stablon side effects may include
Nervous system: Insomnia, somnolence, nightmares Cardiovascular: Chest pain, palpitations, heart attack, tachycardia Respiratory system: Shortness of breath, Throat feeling stuck Muscular system: Muscle pain, back pain Skin: rash, hives, acne

6. Note when using Stablon

Stablon drugs treat depression, so patients need to take the right dose, take it on time. Patients absolutely adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor, do not arbitrarily skip doses, overdose, take at the wrong time. Prolonged and high doses of Stablon can lead to drug dependence, so the dose recommended by your doctor and manufacturer should not be exceeded. Stablon contains sucrose, should not be used in patients with fructose intolerance, malabsorption of glactose. For patients who are about to be anaesthetized for surgery, it is necessary to inform the doctor to stop the drug 24 hours or 48 hours before surgery. Although for the most part Stablon does not affect the patient's alertness, in those who drive and operate machinery, Stablon is advised to be used with caution. Store the medicine in a cool place, out of reach of children. Stablon is a medication used to treat mild, moderate, and severe depression. Patients should adhere to the medication instructions and take the correct dose as prescribed by the doctor.

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