Uses of Soshydra

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Soshydra is used to treat the symptoms of excessive diarrhea in both adults and children. This is a mandatory prescription drug, used according to the instructions and instructions of the doctor for optimal effectiveness. Let's learn how to use Soshydra drug through the article below.

1. What is Soshydra?

Soshydra contains the main ingredient Racecadotril - a lipophilic derivative of Thiorphan, a peptide in which there is a single amide bond. When entering the body, racecadotril is rapidly converted to Thiorphan, which inhibits peptidase of the small intestine epithelium, limits the secretion of water and electrolytes in the intestine, reduces stool volume and prevents diarrhea for patients. Soshydra is rapidly absorbed 30 minutes after oral administration and reaches maximum plasma concentrations in about 2 hours and is bound to plasma proteins about 90% (mainly albumin). Finally, the drug is eliminated via the kidneys, faeces and lungs.

2. Indications of Soshydra

Soshydra is indicated for the treatment of the following cases
Acute diarrhea in children . Supportive treatment of diarrhea symptoms due to various etiologies in children.

3. Contraindications of Soshydra

Soshydra should not be used in patients with the following pathologies.
Allergy to Racecadotril or any other ingredient of the drug. Patients with severe renal impairment. Note when using Soshydra
Rehydration with solution and diet for children during the course of medication. Consult your doctor about stopping feeding your baby milk or dairy products. The nursing infant should continue to suckle for the duration of the medication. Cases of diarrhea more than 6 times/day, diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours with signs of weight loss, dehydration need to be monitored and coordinated with treatment during the duration of the drug. Patients with fever, vomiting, bloody stools or mucus when taking the drug need to find out the cause for treatment. There are no studies to ensure the safety of Soshydra in children under 3 months of age, so consider when using this drug for this population.

4. Drug Interactions of Soshydra

There is insufficient evidence of drug interactions of Soshydra with other drugs. However, before taking with any medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

5. Dosage and usage

How to use: Soshydra is prepared in the form of an oral powder. Dissolve the powder pill pack with a sufficient amount of water, drink immediately after mixing.
Children from 3 months old to 30 months old: 1.5mg/kg/time x 3 times/day. Children from 30 months to 9 years: Initial dose: 1 sachet x 4 times/day. Then maintain: 1 pack x 3 times/day. Take the drug for no more than 7 days. Children over 9 years old: Initial dose: 2 sachets x 4 times/day. Then maintain: 2 packs x 3 times/day. Take the drug for no more than 7 days.

6. Side effects of Soshydra

Some undesirable effects may be encountered when using Soshydra:
Somnolence, fatigue, headache, dizziness. Allergic reactions, skin rash. Constipation, digestive disorders, abdominal pain around the navel or epigastrium. In summary, Soshydra is a medicine for the treatment of symptoms of acute diarrhea in children. The drug is made in the form of a soluble powder, has a sweet taste, is easy to drink for children, and works quickly, but it is still necessary to use the drug to find the cause of the disease for combined treatment.
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