Uses of Solondo

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Solondo is a drug belonging to the group of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases, with the main ingredient being Isotretinoin - one of the acne treatment drugs Retinoid - a derivative of vitamin A. So what is Solondo like? What does Solondo do? Let's find out through the information below.

1. What is Solondo?

Solondo is an acne treatment drug. Each Solondo 10mg tablet contains: Isotretinoin 10mg and other excipients just enough. The drug is available in the form of softgels for oral administration. The ingredient Isotretinoin in Solondo is a derivative of vitamin A, this substance does not need to be converted by the liver but is available in an active form, so it has a very strong therapeutic effect. Isotretinoin acts on all 4 mechanisms of acne pathogenesis, thereby helping to reduce sebum secretion, reduce sebaceous gland stimulation, reduce keratinization at the hair follicle neck, inhibit the growth of P.acnes bacteria, and reduce Inflammatory process and blockage in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Thanks to that, it helps to treat acne very well. Because Solondo works well and is highly effective, it is often abused in the treatment of acne.

2. What are the effects of Solondo?

Although the ingredient Isotretionin in Solondo is highly effective in treating acne, not all stages and levels of acne can be treated with this drug. Because of the dangerous adverse reactions of the drug, Solondo is only indicated in cases of severe acne, cystic acne, severe cystic acne, possibly with severe scarring that has failed with other methods. previous treatment.
On the other hand, do not use Solondo in the following cases:
People who are allergic to any of the ingredients of the drug. Do not use Solondo for children under 12 years old. Women planning pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation: the drug can cause teratogenicity, birth defects, spontaneous abortion. For a nursing infant, it is not clear that the drug can cause unwanted side effects in the infant through breast milk.

3. Dosage - How to take Solondo

Patients should take the medicine with a meal with water, take the tablet whole, do not break or chew the medicine. The usual dose of Solondo is 0.5-1 mg/kg/day. Patients with severe or predominantly trunk involvement: the highest dose may be up to 2 mg/kg/day. The dose of the drug can be changed flexibly according to the patient's condition and clinical response.
Note: This is just a reference dose, it is necessary to have the examination, indication and close monitoring of the treating doctor.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Solondo

For skin and mucous membranes: dry lips, dry skin, dermatitis, light sensitive skin For eyes: dry eyes, eye conjunctivitis, transient vision loss For musculoskeletal system: muscle pain, arthralgia, myositis... For the blood system: anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia. Lipid metabolism disorders, liver dysfunction, liver failure, increased liver enzymes, digestive disorders. When one of the above abnormal symptoms appears, you must immediately notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.

5. Note - be careful when using Solondo

Do not take the drug at the same time as cyclin antibiotics such as tetracycline. Co-administration of Solondo with tetracycline antibiotics may cause increased intracranial pressure. Consider taking the drug when the patient has one of the following conditions: impaired liver function, impaired renal function, hyperlipidemia, toxicity or vitamin A excess because the drug can cause elevated liver enzymes, hyperlipidemia.. If the use of Solondo is mandatory, it is necessary to conduct regular tests of the function of these organs to monitor. During the use of Solondo, it must be ensured that the patient is not pregnant from 1 month before using the drug, until at least 1 month after stopping the drug. In addition, patients who are taking Solondo for treatment or have stopped taking Solondo for less than 1 month should not donate blood. Solondo can cause dryness of the skin, so moisturizing products can be used. Avoid direct sun exposure, do not use acne peels, facial peels, waxes, abrasive substances both during and after treatment because it will cause harmful reactions to the skin. . Vitamin A supplements should not be taken during treatment with Solondo. It is important that this is a prescription drug, which needs to be examined and prescribed by a dermatologist. Patients are not allowed to arbitrarily use the drug when it is only transmitted orally without the examination, diagnosis, treatment and consultation of a dermatologist.

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