Uses of Senwar

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Senwar is an anticoagulant drug used to treat blood vessel thrombosis, thromboembolism in prosthetic heart valves and some clotting abnormalities. Let's learn more about the use of Senwar through the article below.

1. What is Senwar?

Senwar is a product manufactured and registered by SaVi Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Vietnam.
This is an anticoagulant drug with the main active ingredient Warfarin sodium. The drug is usually indicated for the treatment of thromboembolism and acute pulmonary embolism at the start of combination therapy with heparin, for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction.
Senwar is manufactured in the form of film-coated tablets with 3 strengths including Senwar 1 with the content of warfarin 1mg and excipients in sufficient quantity, Senwar 2 with the content of warfarin 2mg and excipients in sufficient quantity, and Senwar 5 with the content of warfarin in sufficient quantity. 5mg and excipients are sufficient.
The drug is packaged in a box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets and a box of 1 blister bottle x 100 tablets, depending on the content of Senwar types, each pill contains 1mg or 2mg, or 5mg of warfarin and excipients just enough 1 pellets.

2. Uses of Senwar

2.1. Effect of drug components The composition of warfarin sodium is a coumarin group of anticoagulants, easily soluble in water, so it can be administered by injection or orally.
Warfarin helps to prevent the synthesis of prothrombin (clotting factor II), proconvertin (factor VII) and anti-hemophilia B (factor IX), Stuart-Prower factor (factor X) by blocking its activity. The action of vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of these coagulation factors in the liver.
The anticoagulant effect of warfarin usually appears within 24 hours of entering the body, but it can take 3-4 days to reach the maximum effect, while the anti-thrombotic effect is usually reached after 5 day. If rapid action is required, start heparin with warfarin immediately until desired results are achieved. Warfarin as well as anticoagulants have no direct effect on thrombosis and do not reverse ischemic tissue damage. However, once thrombosis has occurred, anticoagulation therapy is aimed at stopping the thrombus from spreading and preventing thromboembolic complications.
2.2. Indications Senwar is indicated for the treatment of one of the following pathologies:
Short-term treatment:
Venous thromboembolism and acute pulmonary embolism, at the beginning of combination therapy with heparin . Prevention of thrombosis for patients who have to be immobilized for a long time after surgery. Acute myocardial infarction: Prevention of venous thrombosis, surgery and supportive treatment of thrombolysis. Long-term prevention:
Venous thromboembolism, recurrent pulmonary embolism. Heart disease with risk of embolism such as: valve replacement, ventricular fibrillation, cerebral embolism, transient ischemic disease. Chest pain, heart attack. 2.3. Contraindications of the drug Senwar The drug is not recommended to be used in one of the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to warfarin or other excipients included in the drug formulation. People with malignant high blood pressure, severe hemostasis disorders, severe liver disease, cirrhosis, steatosis, people with severe renal failure. Pregnant women. Tumors, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract or urogenital tract. Recent central nervous system surgery or acute trauma

3. Usage - Dosage

This medicine is only used according to the prescription and prescription of a qualified doctor, so the patient needs to use the drug correctly and in the right dose according to the doctor's prescription and instructions.
How to use:
Senwar is taken orally and should be swallowed whole with cooled boiled water or purified filtered water. Note that do not take the medicine with alcohol, beer, coffee, carbonated drinks or bottled soft drinks, ...
When taking the medicine, do not crush or break the pill or disperse the medicine that may affect it. to the composition of the drug.
The first dose is usually 5-10mg/day for the first 2 days, then adjust the dose based on the results of INR determination. Maintenance dose: Take 2 - 10mg/day. Dosage depends on the individual patient's clotting time. Usually, anticoagulation therapy needs to be continued once the risk of embolism has passed. Note: The amount and duration of use of the drug in each patient is different as prescribed by the treating doctor based on the specific condition of each patient. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the dose and method of use exactly as prescribed by the treating doctor.

4. Side effects

When using Senwar, patients may experience some unwanted effects of the drug mentioned as:
Common (ADR > 1/100): Bleeding. Uncommon (1/1000 < ADR < 1/100): Diarrhea, skin rash, hair loss. Rare (ADR < 1/1000): Vasculitis, necrosis. Note: If you experience one of the above side effects or have other unusual symptoms after using the drug, you should stop taking the drug and contact your doctor for advice on how to handle it safely.

5. Drug interactions

Warfarin has interactions with about 250 different drugs and drug interactions can be antagonistic or synergistic, but all affect the effect and effectiveness of the drug.
Senwar has an interaction with the antiarrhythmic drugs quinidine, propafenone, amiodarone and moricizine. Some studies have also shown an interaction between warfarin and diuretics, while others have not.
The effect of warfarin may be increased when used with amiodarone, azapropazone, bezafibrat, cefamandole, chloral hydrate, cimetidine, chloramphenicol, clofibrat, cotrimoxazol, dextropropoxyphene, danazol,...
The effect of warfarin may be reduced when taken with alcohol , aminoglutethimide, barbiturates, carbamazepine, dicloralphenazone, ethchlorvynol, griseofulvin, glutethimide, sucralfate, vitamin K, oral contraceptives containing estrogen. Warfarin has also been reported to interact with the anticonvulsants carbamazepine and phenytoin, but not with oxcarbazepine. There are no reports of warfarin interacting with benzodiazepines.
Therefore, caution should be exercised when oral warfarin is used in combination with other drugs. Please inform your treating doctor about all the medicines you are taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs or health-protecting supplements, etc., so that the doctor can advise, prescribe or adjust the dose. best fit.

6. Notes and cautions

When using Senwar medicine, patients need to pay attention and be careful with some of the following issues to ensure safe and effective use of the drug, that is:
The drug is only used when prescribed by a doctor who can specialize. Therefore, patients need to adhere to the correct dosage and use of the drug by the doctor, do not arbitrarily adjust the dose without the doctor's prescription. Before taking the drug, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor fully about your medical condition, medical history, history of allergies, medications being taken, pregnancy and lactation,.... Patients with galactose intolerance, the lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine due to the presence of lactose in the preparation. Diet, environment, ... can also affect the effect of the drug. Close monitoring is required in people with liver disease, atrial fibrillation, severe heart failure, hyperthyroidism, and fever when taking the drug. Elderly people taking the drug may be at increased risk for severe trauma (such as femur fractures) and physiological changes in the subcutaneous tissues and joint spaces that may lead to uncontrolled disseminated bleeding. Factors such as weight loss, severe illness, the elderly, people with kidney failure, a diet deficient in vitamin K can increase the effects of warfarin and need to reduce the dose. The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The drug does not affect the driver and the operator, so this subject can use the drug.

7. Handling missed dose, overdose

Missed dose: Senwar must be taken at the same time as prescribed every day. If you miss a dose, you need to take it immediately that day. Never combine the missed dose and the next dose at the same time.
Overdose: Suspected or abnormal bleeding such as: bloody stools, black stools, bloody urine, excessive menstrual bleeding, petechiae, excessive bruising or continuous discharge from wounds, ... are manifestations that have exceeded the safe level of anticoagulants.
Treatment: Discontinue warfarin and, if necessary, give oral or injectable vitamin K1. The use of vitamin K1 reduces the response to subsequent warfarin therapy, so the patient may return to the thrombotic state that had not been treated with warfarin.

8. How to store

Store the medicine in a cool and dry place with room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius and avoid moisture, avoid direct sunlight. The medicine should be kept out of sight and reach of small children, as well as pets.
For drugs that are no longer in use or have expired, do not flush unused drugs under the household's tap or throw drugs and medicine packages into the toilet. Collect and dispose of medical waste according to the instructions of your doctor and local waste disposal company to ensure safe and proper disposal of medicines.
All information about Senwar drugs provided and shared above is for reference only and is not intended for medical diagnosis or treatment purposes. Therefore, patients need to contact a qualified doctor for advice and instructions on how to use the drug safely. Note that absolutely do not arbitrarily use drugs without consulting a professional.
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