Uses of Senoxyd

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Senoxyd Q10 belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs with the main use of improving immunity, preventing aging and treating cardiovascular and neurological diseases. The drug contains the main ingredients are Coenzyme Q10 10mg, Vitamin E 10 IU, Organic Selenium 30mcg, Vitamin A 1000 IU and Vitamin C 40mg. Senoxyd is prepared in the form of soft capsules, packaged in a box of 3 blisters. 5 blisters or 6 blisters x 10 tablets

1. Effects and indications for using Senoxyd Q10

1.1. Effects of the drug Senoxyd Q10 Senoxyd Q10 has the main ingredients including the active ingredients Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Selenium. Each of the above ingredients has a specific effect, such as:
Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is known to be a strong antioxidant. This active ingredient produces 95% of energy and is essential for the activities and functions of cells in the body. Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the respiration of heart cells. In addition, this active ingredient also prevents cancer and slows down the aging process very well. Besides, Coenzyme reduces the loss of Dopamine and Dopaminergic, helping to support the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
When the body is deficient in Coenzyme Q10, it can lead to increased cholesterol in the blood, neurological disorders, weakened immunity and other cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin E Vitamin E has the ability to prevent the formation of Nitrosamin (carcinogenic substance). They have a strong antioxidant effect, so they help slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of cataracts due to aging by 50-70%.
Selenium Selenium is also an antioxidant and protects DNA. Helps strengthen the immune system, prevents blood flow to the tumor and destroys cancer cells. In addition, selenium also reduces the formation of blood clots to help prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Prevention and support of eye diseases such as myopia, cataracts.
Vitamin C Vitamin C helps improve resistance, immune system and anti-aging for the body. Increases vascular strength and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, Vitamin C also fights against the causes of cancer, especially Nitrosamin and Nitrosamide.
Vitamin A Vitamin A is an essential substance for the body and has a very good effect on vision. If the body lacks this substance, it can cause dry eyes, weakened immunity and dry skin.
With the combination of the main ingredients mentioned above, Senoxyd Q10 has the effect of strengthening the immune system, preventing aging, supporting and treating cardiovascular and neurological diseases very effectively.
1.2. Indications for use of the drug Senoxyd Q10 Senoxyd Q10 is used in the following specific cases:
Mild and moderate congestive heart failure; Cardiomyopathy ; Angina pain; Circulatory failure; Arrhythmias go; Increased blood cholesterol; Hypertriglyceridemia; Atherosclerosis; Colon cancer; Prostate cancer ; Breast cancer; Memory decline; Parkinson's; Anti-aging cells; Prevent wrinkles; Prevents melasma; Beautify skin, nearsightedness; Treatment and support for cataracts and night blindness; Detoxify and strengthen the body's resistance when exposed to a lot of smoke and toxic chemicals; Persistent fatigue syndrome; People with physical weakness; Elderly.

2. How to use Senoxyd properly

Patients before using the drug should consult the information provided below:
2.1. How to use Senoxyd drug is prepared in the form of soft-carrying tablets, should be used orally. The patient can take the medicine with a small sip of water. Should take the medicine with filtered water, not with carbonated soft drinks, fruit juices, milk, coffee,...
When taking Senoxyd, do not peel or chew the tablets. Tablets should be swallowed whole in the gastrointestinal tract.
2.2. Dosage Patients can refer to the following drug dosage:
Treatment for adults: 1 tablet / time and take 2-3 times / day. 2.3. How to handle in case of missed dose and overdose In case of missed dose of Senoxyd: Patients should take the next dose when they remember or can skip the dose when the missed dose is close to the time of the next dose. Use the next dose at the scheduled time and do not double dose to make up the dose.
Cases of Senoxyd Overdosage: Currently, there are no specific reports of Senoxyd overdose. However, there have been reports of selenium toxicity including: digestive upset, fatigue, hair loss, weak fingernails and toenails, nerve damage. Patients should inform their doctor about any unusual symptoms that occur while taking Senoxyd. The doctor will have the most appropriate and effective detoxification direction.

3. Contraindications to using Senoxyd Q10

The drug Senoxyd cannot be used in the following cases:
Patients with a history of allergy, hypersensitivity to any component of Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C or other active ingredients in the drug. The patient is taking other Vitamin A-containing medications.

4. What side effects does Senoxyd Q10 cause?

During the use of the drug, patients may experience some unwanted side effects as follows:
Headache; Dry mouth ; Nausea/vomiting; Diarrhea; Constipation.

5. Senoxide drug interactions

In the process of using Senoxyd, there may be some interactions with other drugs or with food and functional foods. Therefore, patients should not use the drug in combination with other products containing Vitamin A because it may increase the risk of Vitamin A overdose.
To avoid experiencing the side effects of Senoxyd, the patient should inform the patient. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist about current medical conditions and current medications to take timely remedial measures.

6. Note when using Senoxyd for treatment

The use of Senoxyd in the case of pregnancy and lactation has no data on safety. Therefore, patients are not allowed to arbitrarily use the drug without a prescription from medical professionals. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking Senoxid. Use Senoxide with caution in case of driving and operating heavy machinery. Patients should only take Senoxyd tablets when they are still intact in the blister pack. Do not exceed 200 mcg of selenium per day. Senoxid should be stored in conditions of temperature below 30 degrees Celsius and in a cool, dry place. Senoxid should be discarded after the expiry date. Above is useful information about Senoxyd Q10 drug line. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use before using or consult a doctor, pharmacist to be able to minimize the unwanted side effects.

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