Uses of Philefasol

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Philefasol is a topical drug, containing Tretinoin and Erythromycin ingredients, with the content of 2.5mg and 400mg, respectively, in the form of a topical gel, packed in 10 grams. Drugs for the treatment of acne, including non-inflammatory acne with acne, scaly, pus-filled inflammatory acne... To understand what Philefasol does, please read the following article.

1. What are the effects of Philefasol?

The drug contains a mixture of 2 main ingredients with the content of 2.5mg Tretinoin and 400mg Erythromycin, packed in 1 type of 10g topical gel. The drug is a pharmaceutical product of the manufacturer Phil Inter Pharma Co., Ltd - VIETNAM. The drug Philefasol is effective in treating acne, especially good for patients with oily skin, thanks to the pharmacological mechanism of the above ingredients. Tretinoin is a drug that causes the skin to peel off the stratum corneum, shortens the renewal time of epidermal cells and stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue. Tretinoin acts on hyperkeratinization that causes sebaceous stasis (the cause of acne microcysts and nuclei). Thereby eliminating open caviar and microcysts, and also preventing their formation. The drug also has the effect of promoting the progression of nodules and pustules by reducing the inflammatory response caused by saprophytic bacteria and some components that irritate the sebum. Tretinoin when applied to the skin has many different effects on cells such as stimulating cell division, promoting renewal of epidermal cells, inhibiting the formation of keratin or stimulating the regeneration of connective tissue. Drugs have the ability to prevent, even shrink skin tumors. The drug acts directly on cellular lysosomes, releasing proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes. When used topically, tretinoin is poorly absorbed. Most of the drug remains on the surface of the skin in situ, a small amount penetrates the epidermis and dermis, and low plasma concentrations cannot be detected. Very small amounts of tretinoin are excreted in the urine within 24 hours. The extent of transdermal absorption of tretinoine or of retinoic acid, although varies depending on the area of ​​application or duration of treatment... but is still very low when used in therapeutic doses. In terms of metabolism, tretinoin is rapidly metabolized within 48 hours. Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against all bacteria causing acne mainly Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and others including Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Spirochetes, Chlamydia bacteria. But this drug has almost no effect on gram-negative aerobic bacteria. This drug mechanism binds reversibly to the 50S ribosomal subunit of susceptible bacteria and inhibits protein synthesis. When applied to the skin, erythromycin is not significantly absorbed. Erythromycin also has an effect on the inflammatory response, one of the causes of acne. Topical drugs act on the group of bacteria that are concentrated in the hair follicles. Although the mechanism is not very clear. However, many studies have demonstrated that the use of Erythromycin reduces the amount of free fatty acids that cause irritation in the lipid layer on the surface of the skin.

2. Indications and contraindications of Philefasol

2.1. Indications Philefasol is indicated for use in all types of acne including non-inflammatory acne with cystic acne, scaly and pus-filled inflammatory acne forms, the drug is especially good for oily skin.
2.2. Contraindications Philefasol should not be used in the following cases:
Patients with allergies, hypersensitivity to Tretinoin, Erythromycin and other excipients. The drug should not be used when the patient's skin is sunburned. Contraindicated for use in skin folds and corners of the nose, in contact with eyes and eyelids.

3. Dosage and way of taking Philefasol

How to use: Philefasol is used topically. The patient applies the gel to the acne-prone skin, it is best to use it in the evening, half an hour before going to bed.
After cleaning the skin with a facial cleanser or specialized soap, the affected skin needs to be left to dry naturally or with a soft clean towel. Take an appropriate amount of the drug gel, about the size of a pea, and gently apply the medicine to the skin until it is completely absorbed. After use, the medicine should be closed and the patient should wash their hands with soap or water. Dosage: Patients need to comply with the dose of Philefasol from the treating doctor or refer to the dosage from the following manufacturer:
Dosage of the drug is 1-2 times a day.
Treatment course: Should maintain the drug continuously for 9 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the patient's skin condition.

4. The unwanted effects of the drug Philefasol

During the application of the drug gel, the patient may experience the following undesirable effects:
May experience skin irritation reactions such as: Redness, burning of the applied skin, dryness and flaking of the skin. Acne can be reduced but inflammatory symptoms increase during treatment. These reactions can be mild or severe, are usually temporary, and are generally considered normal if not severe, to the extent that the patient tolerates them, and resolve with dose reduction. Normally, patients should not stop treatment on their own, but need to reduce the number of times of application. In some cases, patients experience temporary hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. In addition, the patient may have a temporary outbreak of acne during the course of taking the drug, the patient should not worry too much, need to continue the treatment according to the doctor's order. In case the patient experiences too strong unwanted reactions, it is necessary to check whether the patient has followed the points of caution when using the drug or not and the doctor will review the tolerability on each person. sick. Please inform your doctor about any unwanted side effects you experience when using Philefasol.

5. Notes when using Philefasol

Patients should pay attention to the following issues during the use of Philefasol:
Philefasol interacts with increased side effects, causing skin irritation if the patient's skin is exposed to X-rays, ultraviolet rays or bathing in salt water. , chlorinated water. Patients should not use Philefasol concomitantly with other preparations containing substances that exfoliate the skin's stratum corneum because it aggravates the possible undesirable effects. For several weeks of starting treatment, patients may not see an improvement in their acne. However, patients should not stop taking the medication without their doctor's consent. Patients should not apply the drug too many times or apply many gels at a disease site because side effects can be red, dry skin, skin irritation causing discomfort. Patients should avoid the sun during treatment. It is best that the skin area to be applied should limit direct exposure to the sun, or should be applied with a sunscreen with an appropriate sun protection factor. When the ointment gets into the eyes or eyelids, the patient should immediately wash the affected area with clean water. Philefasol should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Philefasol is safe for drivers, traffic participants, and machine operators. Above is information about the drug Philefasol. This is a topical drug, acting locally in acne diseases, effective in treating different types of acne, especially good for oily skin. Patients need to use the drug according to the instructions of the doctor to minimize the side effects. Note, Philefasol is a prescription drug, patients are not allowed to use it on their own but must follow the instructions from the doctor.

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