Uses of Philclobate

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Philclobate belongs to the group of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases, effective in the treatment of skin diseases and eczema that have not been cured for a long time. Philclobate should be used under the direction of a qualified physician and pharmacist.

1. What is Philclobate?

Philclobate medicine has the main active ingredient Clobetasol Propionate 7.5mg and other excipients such as Cetostearyl alcohol, White petrolatum, Liquid paraffin, Monobasic sodium phosphate, Methyl parahydroxybenzoate, Butylated hydroxyanisole, Propyl parahydroxybenzoate, Polyoxyl 20 cetostearyl ether, water pure, Propylene glycol just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of ointment, packed in boxes, each box includes 1 tube of 15g.

2. What is the effect of philclobate?

Mechanism of action: Active ingredient Clobetasol propionate is a derivative of Prednisolone with very strong local anti-inflammatory effect thanks to its ability to inhibit the formation of chemical mediators of allergic reactions such as serotonin, histamine. .
2.1. Uses - indications for use of the drug Philclobate The drug Philclobate is used for short-term treatment of skin-related diseases that are difficult to treat with less active corticosteroids, including:
People with redness, itching, eczema , atopic eczema , scaly skin , psoriasis ; People with eczema, allergic eczema; People with dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, dermatitis caused by sun exposure; People with otitis externa, insect bites, itchy nodules; People with lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus. 2.2. Contraindications to the drug Philclobate The drug Philclobate is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to clobetasol propionate, corticosteroids or any other ingredient in the drug; Do not encourage children under 12 years of age to use the drug; People with skin lesions such as itching around the anus, genitals, rosacea, common acne, perioral dermatitis; Absolutely do not use for children under 1 year old with dermatitis, skin rash; People with skin problems caused by fungi, viruses, or bacteria. Note: Contraindications of the drug Philclobate should be understood as absolute, ie not for any reason that the above cases are flexibly used for treatment.

3. How to use and dosage of Philclobate

How to use:
Philclobate is prepared in the form of an ointment that should be used by applying it directly to the skin. Before applying the medicine, the patient should wash their hands thoroughly and dry the damaged skin to avoid cross-infection. After applying the drug, the patient can close the skin for 1 night to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Then apply the medicine as usual without the need for a bandage. Dosage:
Usual dose: Apply a thin amount of Philclobate to the damaged skin that needs to be treated 1-2 times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Note, the time to use the drug for treatment does not last more than 14 days and the amount of medicine used is not more than 50g/week. In case of missed dose: Users can apply as soon as they remember, each application should be spaced 4-6 hours apart.
In case of overdose: Acute overdose with Philclobate is very rare. However, if applied with large amounts of the drug, absorption of the drug can lead to systemic side effects, manifestations of hyperadrenocorticism may occur. At that time, the user needs to stop using the drug immediately.

4. Philclobate drug side effects

During use, in addition to the main use that Philclobate brings, users may also experience some other unwanted symptoms such as:
Appears a burning, itching, stinging sensation like an insect bite. burn. However, these symptoms will quickly disappear after a few days. Causes cracking, dry skin, skin atrophy, hypopigmentation, acne-like rash, superinfection can also occur when using the drug in high doses for a long time. Causes folliculitis, allergic dermatitis. If the drug is used in large quantities on a large scale, it may also be subject to the systemic effects of Philclobate in particular and Corticosteroids in general. Note: if the patient shows the above symptoms or any other strange symptoms suspected of taking the drug, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor or go to the nearest hospital for the fastest treatment.

5. Interaction with the drug Philclobate

Long-term use of Philclobate with high-dose Paracetamol: Increases the risk of hepatotoxicity; In combination with tricyclic antidepressants: May increase symptoms of psychosis caused by Philclobate; Concomitant use with the drug Glycoside digitalis: increases toxicity and increases cardiac arrhythmias, reduces blood potassium; With anti-epileptic drugs such as Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, antibiotics Rifampicin: Reduces the therapeutic effect of Philclobate; Concomitant use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and alcohol use during treatment: Increases the severity of peptic ulcer disease; Combined with other corticosteroids: increases the risk of corticosteroid overdose, inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Note: the patient should inform the doctor about all drugs, functional foods that he is using or intends to use during treatment with Philclobate to minimize interactions. unfortunately happened.

6. Some notes when using Philclobate

When using Philclobate, users should note a few things:
Absolutely do not apply the drug to skin areas such as groin, armpits, eyes. Because these are extremely sensitive skin areas, more prone to atrophy than other normal skin areas. The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on each individual body. Therefore, the patient should notify the treating doctor if the condition does not improve. Do not apply the drug when the skin is too dry, should apply the medicine when the skin is still damp. Therefore, it is recommended to use a moisturizer for 10-15 minutes before applying Philclobate to the damaged skin. To date, there are not enough data on the effects of the drug on pregnant or lactating women. However, should consult a doctor before using Philclobate, should not be used in large doses, on a large scale and for a long time with these subjects. Hopefully, the information shared above will help users use Philclobate more safely and effectively. Note, Philclobate is a prescription drug, patients need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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