Uses of Ostozab

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Ostozab has the main ingredient pyrantel, belongs to the group of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. The drug is used to treat worm diseases such as pinworm, hookworm, roundworm,... Refer to the article below to get more useful information about this drug.

1. What is Ostozab?

Ostozab has the main ingredient pyrantel which is a highly effective anthelmintic against many types of worms with the exception of whipworms. Pyrantel acts on worms by neuromuscular blockade, paralyzing the worms and expelling them in the stool by peristalsis. Pyrantel pamoate acts simultaneously on both immature and adult forms of worms. The drug does not act on the larvae of the worms localized in the tissues.
Ostozab is poorly absorbed from the intestine, pyrantel plasma concentrations are very low and are reached after 1-3 hours. After oral administration, more than 50% of the product is excreted in the faeces unchanged, 7% is recovered in the urine unchanged and as metabolites. Ostozab does not make stools red.
Ostozab drug is usually indicated in the treatment of pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, strongyloides. Ostozab is mainly contraindicated in patients with liver failure or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

2. Dosage of the drug Ostozab

Depending on the subjects and treatment goals, the dose of Ostozab will be different, specifically as follows:
Treatment of pinworms, roundworms: Use a single dose of 10 mg/kg, corresponding to 1 tablet of 125 mg type. /10kg (children under 18 months should use oral suspension). For pinworm infections, a second dose should be administered at approximately 2-3 weeks after the first dose. Treatment of hookworms: Mild infections: 10 mg/kg, single dose Severe infections: 20 mg/kg (divided by 1). or twice) for 2 to 3 days Adults under 75 kg: 6 tablets of 250 mg/day Over 75 kg: 8 tablets/day

3. Ostozab . side effects

In some patients when using Ostozab may experience side effects such as:
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain Headache, dizziness Skin rash Increased liver enzymes

4. Be careful when using Ostozab

Some general notes when using Ostozab include:
Caution when using the drug for pregnant and lactating women Ostozab when used in combination with levamisole may increase drug toxicity Avoid the combination of Ostozab drugs with piperazine

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