Uses of Nariz

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Nariz 5 is often indicated for the treatment of migraine headaches, memory loss, dizziness, sleep disturbances, spasticity when walking and many other conditions. Let's learn more about the drug through the article below.

1. What are the effects of Nariz?

Nariz 5 medicine has the main ingredient Flunarizine Dihydrochloride (5mg content). Flunarizine helps prevent and treat migraine, symptoms of vestibular disorders (tinnitus, dizziness), lack of concentration, memory disorders,...
Nariz 5 drugs are often indicated. intended for use in the following subjects:
Patients with vestibular disorders and symptoms such as: Tinnitus in the ears, dizziness, dizziness; Patients with memory impairment, poor concentration; Patients with symptoms due to neurasthenia, sleep disturbances; Patients with muscle spasticity when walking or lying down, cold fingertips, toes; Patients with migraines and those wishing to prevent migraines.

2. Instructions on how to use Nariz

How to use: Nariz is made in 5mg tablet form, so it should be used orally. Users should take this medicine with 1 glass of cooled boiled water, best taken in the evening. To achieve a high therapeutic effect, the drug should be used regularly.
Suggested dosage:
Initial dose: Take 10mg/day, divided into 2 times (corresponding to 2 tablets); Maintenance dose: Reduce dose to 5mg once a day (corresponding to 1 tablet); Dosage for elderly patients (> 65 years old): Take 5mg/day (corresponding to 1 tablet).

3. Side effects of the drug Nariz

During the treatment process, in addition to the treatment of migraine, memory impairment,... the effectiveness of Nariz 5 drug can still cause some unwanted side effects as follows:
Fatigue; Dizziness ; Mild drowsiness; Depression with prolonged use. If the above side effects tend to be more serious, the patient should contact the doctor for timely examination and support.

4. Notes when using Nariz

Nariz 5 is contraindicated in the following subjects:
People who are allergic, sensitive to the active ingredient Flunarizine Dihydrochloride and other components of the drug; People with a history of depression; Pregnant women; People with a history of movement disorders, extrapyramidal symptoms, Parkinson's disease; The patient is being treated with beta-blockers. In particular, caution should be exercised when using Nariz 5 for the following cases:
Elderly people; Patients with low blood pressure; Patients with impaired renal function; People who often drive or operate machinery need to be very focused.

5. Nariz drug interactions

During the use of Nariz 5, you should not drink alcohol and use stimulants because these substances can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Also note that Nariz 5 should not be used concurrently with the following drugs:
Epilepsy drugs; Sleeping pills (Diazepam, Rotunda,...); The drug has antidepressant and sedative effects; Medicines with contraceptive effects such as: Newschoice, Rigevidon,... To ensure the safety of using Nariz 5 and promote the full therapeutic effects of the drug, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and follow them properly. dose prescribed by the doctor.

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