Uses of Morcina

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Morcina belongs to the group of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases, used to treat psoriasis, pruritus, seborrheic dermatitis, lichen planus and eczema. Morcina is used under the direction of a doctor.

1. What is Morcina?

Morcina medicine has the main active ingredient Fluocinolone acetonide and other excipients just enough. Morcina is prepared for human consumption in the form of a topical medication, packaged in a box of 1 tube x 15g.

2. Uses of Morcina

Morcina's mechanism of action is a combination of 3 important pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor action. Corticosteroid active ingredients have the ability to reduce inflammation, anti-mitotic activity of fibroblasts in the skin and of the epidermis.
2.1. Uses - indications for taking Morcina Morcina drug is used to treat the following cases:
People with contact dermatitis, rashes, allergic eczema. Treatment of insect stings, skin cracks caused by weather and environment. People with varicose eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis. 2.2. Morcina is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People who are allergic or sensitive to the active ingredient Fluocinolone acetonide contained in the drug. People with bacterial skin infections with festering, lesions on the skin caused by fungi, viruses, tuberculosis, inflammation in the eyes. Do not use the product on large areas of the skin in children. Not for treatment for rosacea, pubertal acne, syphilis. Note: Absolutely do not allow the above contraindications to be flexible to use the drug for any reason, to avoid causing unpredictable consequences on the patient's skin.

3. How to use and dose Morcina

How to use: Morcina is prepared in the form of a cream, so it should be used directly on the skin.
Apply once a day, apply a sufficient amount of medicine, spread into a thin layer on the surface of the damaged skin. For severe lesions, it can be used twice a day for the first time, then it can be gradually reduced. The drug's duration of action usually lasts no more than 6 to 8 hours per use. In case of missed dose: The user can apply the medicine as soon as he remembers, keeping in mind the time interval between each use from 6 to 8 hours.
In case of overdose: Prolonged use of the drug can cause adrenal insufficiency. In this case, users should stop using the drug, reduce the number of times of use or contact a doctor to change to other drugs that have a weaker therapeutic effect than Morcina . In addition, patients should stop using the drug if skin irritation or inflammation occurs during treatment.

4. Morcina side effects

When using Morcina for a long time, it can cause damage at the skin site. Sometimes there are symptoms of irritation or secondary infection.
Usually, these side effects disappear as soon as the drug is stopped. If unwanted symptoms persist or appear strange symptoms that are suspected of taking the drug, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or medical person for instructions on treatment measures.

5. Interaction with the drug Morcina

Interactions between Morcina and other drugs are often quite complicated due to the influence of many ingredients in the drug. Therefore, users absolutely do not arbitrarily apply information about drug interactions without a doctor or medical professional.
In addition, users should consider when using the drug together with alcohol, alcoholic beverages, tobacco because these agents can cause changes in the composition of the drug.

6. Some notes when using Morcina

If Morcina is used to treat infected areas of the skin, it should be combined with appropriate anti-infective therapies. Steroids should not be used for a long time. Use caution when using the drug for the following subjects: The elderly, children under 15 years old, people with liver failure, kidney failure, ... or people with myasthenia gravis, stomach ulcers, hepatic coma. For those who are in pregnancy: Only use when absolutely necessary with the lowest dose, to avoid causing adverse effects on pregnancy. The drug should not be used on the face, neck and perineal area for this subject. For those who are breastfeeding: Use only when absolutely necessary, apply a minimum amount of medicine and use for the shortest possible time. Absolutely do not apply medicine to the mother's breast before feeding the baby. The drug has no side effects that affect people who are driving, boating or operating machinery. Hopefully, the above information about Morcina will help users use the drug more effectively, minimizing unwanted side effects. However, the above information is not a substitute for advice, the advice of doctors, pharmacists, patients should consult with them before using Morcina medicine.

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