Uses of Midpam

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Midpam medicine contains two main ingredients, Amoxicillin and Bromhexin, which are indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases with increased sputum secretion and difficulty in expectoration. The following article provides you with information on how to use and note when using Midpam.

1. What does Midpam do?

Midpam drug has 2 main active ingredients, Amoxicillin 500mg and Bromhexine 8mg, made in the form of hard capsules.
Amoxicillin is a β-lactam antibiotic with a broad bactericidal spectrum. Amoxicillin inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis and leads to bacterial lysis.
Bromhexin is a regulator and mucolytic agent of the respiratory tract. Bromhexine activates the synthesis of sialomucin, breaking down the mucopolysaccharid acid fibers, thus making the sputum more fluid and less viscous. It thins and loosens mucus and helps increase antibiotic penetration. Mucus is less viscous, making it more efficient to escape from the bronchi.
Indications of Midpam 500/8:
Midpam is indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases that increase sputum secretion and are difficult to expectorate such as bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute and chronic bronchitis , chronic respiratory infection, lung dust. Contraindications of Midpam 500/8:
Contraindicated to use Midpam in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to Amoxicillin, Bromhexin, penicillin group antibiotics or any of the ingredients. Do not use Midpam in pregnant or nursing women.

2. Side effects of Midpam 500/8

When using Midpam, you may experience some serious unwanted effects as follows: Anaphylaxis, pseudomembranous colitis, acute hepatitis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Some other side effects such as: Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, maculopapular rash, urticaria, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia.
When experiencing any adverse effects, it is necessary to stop using Midpam and notify the doctor for timely treatment.

3. Be careful when using Midpam 500/8

While using Bromhexin, it is necessary to avoid combining with cough suppressants because there is a risk of sputum stagnation in the respiratory tract. Patients with bronchial asthma should use caution when using Bromhexin because the drug can cause bronchospasm in some susceptible patients. Midpam should be used with caution in patients with hepatic impairment, severe renal impairment, history of peptic ulcer, infectious mononucleosis. Patients who are debilitated, physically weak and unable to produce sputum should pay attention when using Bromhexin. Do not use Midpam in women who are breastfeeding. Use with caution in pregnant women. It is best to consult your doctor before using this drug.

4. Drug interactions

Typhoid vaccine should not be used 3 days before or 3 days after taking Amoxicillin because the immune response may be reduced. Coumarin Derivatives: Amoxicillin may enhance the anticoagulant effect of these drugs. Methotrexate: Amoxicillin reduces renal clearance when administered concomitantly. Bromhexin enhances the penetration of Amoxicillin into lung and bronchial tissues. Midpam may increase ALT and AST test results. Midpam and antitussives or Atropin-type bronchodilators should not be used concurrently. Midpam is indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases with increased sputum secretion and difficulty in expectorating sputum. Bromhexin has the effect of thinning and loosening mucus, helping to increase the penetration of Amoxicillin into lung and bronchial tissues. To use Midpam safely and effectively, you need a doctor's prescription, do not arbitrarily use the drug.

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