Uses of Microgynon

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Microgynon is a birth control pill with a combination of two main ingredients, Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol. So how to use this drug properly, learn through the article below.

1. What are the effects of Microgynon?

Microgynon contains 0.15mg Levonorgestrel and 0.03mg Ethinylestradiol as the main ingredient. This is an oral contraceptive with a progesterone-estrogen combination.
Microgynon's mechanism of action is to prevent eggs from ripening at the time of fertilization. Cervical mucus thickens, making it difficult for a man's sperm to reach an egg. In addition, the uterine lining is not fully prepared for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Thanks to the above effects, Microgynon 30 is able to effectively prevent pregnancy.
The drug is produced in 1 blister containing 21 tablets with a date to remember. Use 1 tablet per day and take it for 21 consecutive days. Then there is a 7 day pill-free period before taking the next pack.

2. How to use Microgynon

Before starting to use Microgynon 30, women need to have a thorough examination of general internal medicine and gynecology, including breast examination and cervical smear.
In addition, it is necessary to exclude disorders of the blood coagulation system if there is any family member who has had thromboembolic disease such as deep vein thrombosis, stroke, myocardial infarction since childhood. Pregnancy should also be ruled out.
To ensure safety when using the drug, it is recommended to perform a routine examination every 6 months during long-term treatment with Microgynon 30. During the first 14 days of starting the drug, an additional method should be performed. other non-hormonal contraceptives to ensure absolute contraception from the first day of taking this medicine.
Wait until the next menstrual period and take it on the 5th day of the cycle, regardless of whether the period has stopped or not (In which, the first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle)
When taking the first pill First out of the blister pack should be marked with the corresponding day of the week. Take the tablet out through the aluminum foil and drink it with some water. There is no fixed time to take the medicine, but it is necessary to choose a certain special time such as after breakfast or dinner and take the medicine at the same time of each day.
From the following days, every day must take 1 pill in the direction of the arrow on the blister pack until the end of the pack.
After taking all 21 tablets according to the above instructions, there will be a 7-day period without taking the next pill. During this period (about 2 to 4 days after taking the last tablet) there will be bleeding.
After 7 days of stopping taking the pill, the drug will be resumed with the next pack of pills, regardless of whether the period is clear or not.
In a nutshell, Microgynon is used according to a simple process of taking 1 pill every 3 weeks. And each new pack will start on the same day of the week as the old pack.

3. Side effects of the drug Microgynon

In rare cases, side effects such as headache, upset stomach, nausea, feeling of breast engorgement, physical and sexual changes or depression may occur.
With prolonged use of the drug may appear brownish patches on the eyes and these patches will darken with prolonged exposure to the sun. Therefore, women when using this medicine should avoid staying in the sun for too long or when going out in the sun should be carefully shielded.
Isolated cases of visual impairment with drug use have been reported.

4. Interactions between Microgynon and other drugs

Some medicines can reduce the contraceptive effect of Microgynon such as barbiturates, phenylbutazone, hydantoins, ampicillin, rifampicin.
For people using oral diabetes medication or insulin may change when used in combination with Microgynon 30.
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