Uses of Meyerlanta

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Meyerlanta is a drug acting on the digestive tract that works to soothe the symptoms of heartburn, heartburn, indigestion, ... due to increased stomach acid. So how to use the drug to achieve the best effect?

1. What is Meyerlanta?

What is Meyerlanta? Meyerlanta's main ingredients are Aluminum hydroxide, Magnesium trisilicate and Simethicone.
Aluminum hydroxide - is an amorphous powder, insoluble in water and alcohol, slowly soluble in the stomach, reacts with HCl to form aluminum chloride and water. The drug neutralizes gastric acid, increases gastric pH slowly, thereby inhibiting the proteolytic effect of pepsin. Simethicone - is a viscous, gray liquid containing Silicon dioxide. The drug acts by reducing the surface tension of the vapor bubbles, causing them to coalesce. Therefore, it is used to remove gas and air bubbles from the gastrointestinal tract during X-rays and relieve symptoms of indigestion and abdominal distension. In addition, Simethicone is also used in combination with antacids, antispasmodics, sedatives and digestive agents to increase the therapeutic effect. Magnesium trisilicate is an inorganic compound, with gastric antacid effect in the treatment of peptic ulcer. The drug relieves symptoms of heartburn and indigestion by increasing the pH of gastric juice by neutralizing stomach acid. Magnesium trisilicate is precipitated with Silicon component, coating the gastrointestinal mucosa to increase the protection of the stomach, causing damage to heal quickly.

2. Indications of Meyerlanta

Meyerlanta drug is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Reduce the symptoms of heartburn, heartburn, bloating, indigestion caused by increased stomach acid. Patients with peptic ulcer disease have increased gastric acidity. Prevention and treatment of ulcers causing gastrointestinal bleeding due to stress. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pathology of hyperphosphatemia associated with a low phosphate diet.

3. Contraindications of the drug Meyerlanta

Meyerlanta drug is not indicated in the following medical conditions:
Allergy to aluminum hydroxide, Magnesium hydroxide, Simethicone or any other ingredients of the drug. Patients with hypophosphataemia. Children, especially children who are dehydrated or have kidney failure, should not take Meyerlanta due to the risk of aluminum toxicity. Note when using the drug Meyerlanta
Patients with renal failure should monitor renal function before and while taking the drug. Children under 1 year of age only use Meyerlanta when absolutely necessary, closely monitored throughout the treatment. Elderly people with impaired liver and kidney function, use caution when using the drug. There are no results to demonstrate safety on the fetus, so pregnant and nursing women should weigh the benefits before taking Meyerlanta.

4. Meyerlanta . Drug Interactions

Concomitant administration of Meyerlanta and tetracycline reduces the absorption and bioavailability of tetracyclines. Alcohol and foods containing alcohol can alter the bioavailability of the drug. Before combining Meyerlanta with any other drug, consult a specialist.

5. Dosage and how to use Meyerlanta

5.1.Using Meyerlanta is in the form of tablets. The patient needs to chew the tablet thoroughly before swallowing to achieve the therapeutic effect. Take the drug after meals from 30 minutes to 2 hours, at night before going to bed or when there are uncomfortable symptoms. 5.2. Dosage: Gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers: Chew 1-2 tablets / 4 hours. Patients with increased gastric acid secretion: Chew 1-2 tablets after eating or when experiencing unpleasant symptoms in the stomach.

6. Meyerlanta side effects

Some unwanted effects that may be encountered when taking Meyerlanta include:
Allergic reactions, itching, urticaria. Digestive disturbances, diarrhea or constipation. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting. In summary, Meyerlanta is a drug that has the effect of neutralizing gastric acid, protecting the gastrointestinal mucosa in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is relatively benign, easy to use and gives high treatment efficiency, but do not abuse the drug to avoid possible unwanted effects.
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