Uses of Lopathen

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Lopathen is often indicated for use in the care and protection of children's skin, prevention of diaper rash, prevention and treatment of skin irritations, insect stings, rashes or minor burns such as Sunburn, radiation burns, heat burns... Due to the effect of promoting wound healing, Lopathen is also used in many other cases.

1. What is Lopathen?

The main ingredient of the drug Lopathen is Dexpanthenol 750mg and excipients just enough for a tube of 15g to be applied topically.
Dexpanthenol 750mg is an alcohol derivative of D-pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. Dexpanthenol 750mg has a water-soluble antioxidant effect, which is essential for the intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Meanwhile, pantothenic acid is a precursor of coenzyme A required for the acetylation reaction in gluconeogenesis, releasing energy from carbohydrates, also has the effect of synthesizing and degrading fatty acids, synthesizing sterols and other internal substances. steroid hormones, porphyrins, acetylcholine and many other compounds. Pantothenic acid is also essential for the normal function of the epithelium.
Vitamin B5 is formulated for external use with moisturizing effects on the skin, hydrates the stratum corneum of the skin and helps soften the skin. Due to its hygroscopic properties, Vitamin B5 has the effect of limiting water loss through the skin, maintaining the softness and elasticity of the skin and helping to restore the skin.

2. Uses of the drug Lopathen

Lopathen has a moisturizing effect on the skin, increases the skin's resilience, and helps the skin retain its softness. Currently, this drug is usually indicated for use in the following cases:
Care and help protect children's skin, help prevent diaper rash. Prevention and treatment when the skin is scratched, insect stings or rashes. Nipple care in nursing women: Burning pain in nipples, cracked nipples or stretch marks in breasts or abdomen due to pregnancy. Treatment of mild burns such as sunburn, radiation burns, X-ray burns, mild heat burns... Lopathen has the effect of promoting wound healing, helping wounds heal quickly on young skin. . Treatment of other skin lesions such as dry, sore, cracked or irritated skin.

3. Dosage and usage of Lopathen

How to use:
Lopathen is in the form of a topical ointment. You should clean the damaged skin first, then pat the skin dry and then apply a thin layer of cream to the area to be treated. Dosage:
Care and protect children's skin, prevent diaper rash: Use each diaper change, you should apply a thin layer of medicine around the bottom and lower abdomen of the child, after washing this area. with water and dry. Care for nipples in lactating women, stretch marks in pregnant women: Apply 1 layer of Lopathen ointment to the nipples after each breastfeeding or stretch marks on the abdomen 1-2 times a day. . Cases of patients with burns and other skin lesions: Clean and dry the damaged skin completely, then apply the medicine to the damaged skin, 1 to 2 times a day or as directed. doctor.

4. Side effects of the drug Lopathen

When using Lopathen, you may also experience unwanted effects such as:
Jaundice, skin irritation, allergic dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema. Long-term treatment and high doses can cause thinning of the skin, appearance of veins on the skin, dilation of superficial blood vessels, especially when you are covered with a bandage after applying the medicine or applying the medicine to the skin with many wrinkles. urgent. If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Lopathen and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

5. Notes when using Lopathen

Lopathen is contraindicated for use in people who are sensitive to the active ingredient Dexpanthenol or any of its ingredients. People with hemophilia should use caution when taking Lopathen because it can cause a prolonged bleeding time. Before taking Lopathen, you need to tell your doctor about your history of allergies, common medical conditions, so that you can use the drug safely and effectively. While taking Lopathen, you need to avoid contact with the eyes. If the medication accidentally gets into your eyes, wash it off with clean water. The drug should be tested for susceptibility by applying Lopathen several times to a small area of ​​the lesion. If the symptoms of the disease do not improve or the condition becomes worse, it is necessary to stop Lopathen and see a doctor for management. There are no data on adverse effects on the fetus when dexpanthenol is used in normal doses. Therefore, pregnant women can take Lopathen but avoid long-term high doses. Lactation: Lopathen has not been shown to cause harmful effects on breastfed infants. However, to be safe, nursing mothers should clean their nipples with clean water and should breastfeed their babies before applying Lopathen. Drug Interactions: Do not use Dexpanthenol with Neostigmine or other parasympathomimetic drugs. Also, do not take Dexpanthenol within 1 hour of taking succinylcholine, as it may prolong the muscle relaxant effects of succinylcholine. Storage: Close the lid tightly after use. Store Lopathen in a cool dry place, below 30°C and out of direct sunlight. Above is all information about Lopathen, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before use. Note, Lopathen is a drug prescribed by a specialist, patients absolutely must not use it on their own.

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