Uses of Lapoce

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Lapoce drug belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs that are made in the form of film-coated tablets. Bezafibrate is indicated for the treatment of primary hyperlipoproteinemia.

1. Mechanism of action of the drug Lapoce

The main ingredient of Lapoce is Bezafibrate, which is a lipid-lowering drug belonging to the fibrate group. This compound has an inhibitory effect on cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver and the main effect is to reduce very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and also has the ability to increase high-density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL). Therefore, Lapoce can significantly improve the distribution of cholesterol in the blood plasma.
In addition, this compound of Lapoce drug has the ability to lower blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides, so it is often used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia with a very limited fat diet.
Lapoce is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, but absorption is reduced when the body is hungry. Plasma concentrations are reached between 2 and 4 hours after administration. Lapoce is also easily hydrolyzed to metabolites and excreted in the urine and a little in the faeces.

2. Indications and contraindications for the use of Lapoce

2.1. Indications Lapoce is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of primary hyperlipoproteinemia Treatment of hypercholesterolemia that does not improve after diet and lifestyle changes. Treatment of severe secondary hypertriglyceridemia persists despite the underlying disease being treated, such as diabetes mellitus. 2.2. Contraindications Lapoce is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to the drug's components Those with severe renal failure with creatinine levels above 60mg/l Patients with severe liver failure Pregnant women and breastfeeding.

3. Dosage and how to use Lapoce

Lapoce is used by mouth and after meals. Adults are recommended to use the drug at a dose of 1 tablet / time and used twice a day. It should be noted: The recommended dose of Lapoce for treatment with Lapoce is for reference only. Therefore, before using Lapoce, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions.

4. Management of missed dose and overdose of Lapoce

If you miss a dose of Lapoce, use it as soon as you remember. However, if the interval between the missed dose of Lapoce and the next dose is too close, skip the missed dose. Patients should not use a double dose of Lapoce, because it can cause an overdose. To overcome the situation of missing a dose of Lapoce, patients can set an alarm or ask a loved one to remind them.
In the event that Hapacol is accidentally used in excess of the prescribed dose and shows some unwanted signs, it is necessary to take the patient to the emergency room immediately.

5. Side effects when using Lapoce

Lapoce may cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case, Lapoce side effects can occur in varying degrees from mild to severe.
Some common side effects caused by Lapoce include: Nausea and vomiting, skin rash, gastrointestinal disturbances, dyspepsia, ... These side effects may occur at the start of treatment or after when increasing the dose of Lapoce. Usually, side effects from Lapoce can be transient or subside over time.
However, in some cases Lapoce can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare reactions. These reactions may appear within minutes of using Lapoce or longer within a few days. When serious side effects appear such as: Allergic reactions, dizziness, dizziness, swelling of hands and feet, loss of appetite, ... the patient should stop using Lapoce and go to a medical facility for support. medical assistance immediately.
Some notes during the use of Lapoce:
For pregnant and lactating women, caution should be exercised when using Lapoce. Patients should be advised to use Lapoce from their doctor, and carefully analyze the benefits and risks before using the drug. Lapoce may change how it works as well as increase its side effects. Therefore, to avoid Lapoce drug interactions, the patient should provide the doctor with a list of previously used drugs, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbs, ... Using Lapoce should be noted. when the manifestations of allergy to the drug Lapoce. At the same time, the patient should notify the doctor so that he can promptly treat the side effects of the drug. Lapoce should not be used concurrently with the philippines or INAO, because it may increase the effectiveness of coumarin anticoagulants. Dosing 2 hours apart with cholestyramine may enhance the hypoglycaemic effect in diabetics taking insulin or a sulphonylurea. Above is the important information about Lapoce drug, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor to get the best effect.
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