Uses of Kuptoral

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Kuptoral is used to relieve pain in patients with gastrointestinal cancer syndrome. When using the drug, you should consult your doctor carefully for specific instructions on how to use and dosage. Here is some information to share for readers to better understand what Kuptoral does.

1. Uses of the drug Kuptoral

Kuptoral is a product for the treatment of specific gastrointestinal pain such as:
Colon cancer Rectal cancer Stomach cancer Pancreatic cancer In addition, Kuptoral is also used to treat pain in the stomach. breast cancer patients or treating fibroids. The ingredients of the drug Kuptoral are also used to treat:
Cervical cancer Ovarian cancer Bladder cancer Liver cancer There are a number of other conditions that can be indicated for treatment with Kuptoral. However, other uses are not clearly listed, so do not arbitrarily use the drug. To ensure that the drug is always effective, please inform your treating doctor for instructions on how to use it and prescribe it according to your current medical condition.

2. Dosage and how to use Kuptoral

Kuptoral is injected into a vein or regional artery. The injection site will be determined by the doctor. Each injection site is divided into a method. The following are the injection methods and dosages used by each method
Injection or intravenous infusion Patients with intravenous injection will be assigned a daily dose according to weight 5 - 15 ml/kg. When infusion, the drug will be diluted with the solution to reach a volume of 300 - 500 ml. Patients need to prolong the treatment for 5 days and should choose an infusion at a rate of 40 drops/min so that the body does not go into shock. In addition, if there are signs of no improvement, ask your doctor to recalculate and increase the dose by 5 - 7.5 mg/kg. The additional dose may be increased gradually and steadily on a daily basis. To ensure the effectiveness of the drug, you need to consult detailed information from your doctor.
Intravenous injection or regional infusion When administered intravenously, the daily dose is the same as for intravenous administration. However, the amount of drug after reconstitution is only in the range of 20-100 ml. Patients will be infused at a slow rate with a course lasting 10-20 days.
Combined injection using radiation therapy When combining radiation therapy with Kuptoral injection, patients can be instructed to use both injection methods. The daily dose in this case is 5 - 10 mg/kg.
Combination injections using anti-cancer drugs as prescribed by doctors Treatment with Kuptoral drugs used with anti-cancer drugs is also treated like patients undergoing radiation therapy. Patients can be flexibly changed injection methods or a combination of both methods.

3. Notes before taking Kuptoral

Before taking Kuptoral, patients should carefully check the composition of the drug. If an allergy is detected in the injection drug, it is necessary to change to another drug because the absorption of the injected drug is faster than the oral drug due to direct injection into the bloodstream. In addition, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not allowed to use Kuptoral. The following cases are also warned against contraindications to treatment with Kuptoral:
Malnourished patients Patients with severe infections Patients with impaired marrow function Women planning to become pregnant near the time of taking the drug In other cases, if the patient has any irritation or swelling pain on the skin at the injection site or area, please report it to the doctor for examination. After injection, it is necessary to check the liver function and excretory system of hepatobiliary to avoid inflammation-necrosis. You may have to stop taking Kuptoral if the following conditions occur:
Purulent inflammation occurs after surgery Impaired liver and kidney function Being being treated for heart disease or a history of heart disease Gastrointestinal bleeding In addition to these Contraindicated subjects and patients with symptoms at risk of affecting drug use, you should pay attention if you are doing work that requires high concentration, especially operating mechanical machinery.

4. Side effects of the drug Kuptoral

Language disorders Movement difficulties Vision loss Convulsions Loss of memory Taste changes Inflammation Enteritis Heart failure Heart attack Angina pectoris Decreased blood cell count Hepatitis Kidney failure Dehydration Fatigue Loss of hair Inflammation stomach

5. Interactions with Kuptoral

When taking Kuptoral, patients should ask their doctor about interactions. Instead of identifying drug interactions, discuss your health, medications, and allergy history.
Kuptoral is a pain reliever for some intestinal problems or symptoms of cancer near the intestines. However, the side effects of Kuptoral are quite dangerous, you need to follow your doctor's instructions when taking the drug to ensure its use.

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