Uses of Kephazon

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Kephazon medicine has the main ingredient Cefoperazone. This is an effective antibiotic to treat bacterial infections such as: respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, sepsis, meningitis,... Here is some information about Kephazon to help patients. learn about and use drugs safely and effectively.

1. Uses of Kephazon

Ingredients Cefoperazone contained in the drug Kephazon is an antibiotic belonging to the 3rd generation Cephalosporin group. Cefoperazone is known for its bactericidal ability by inhibiting bacterial cell wall formation.
Cefoperazone has the ability to bind to PBP proteins located in the bacterial cell wall. Thus causing inhibition of the third and final stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cefoperazone has a broad spectrum on gram-negative bacteria such as: N.Gonorrhoeae, Pr Salmonella, Citrobacter, Proteus, Shigella, Enterobacter strains,...
Kephazon is indicated for the treatment of patients in the following cases:
Treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal. Treatment of lower and upper urinary tract infections. Treatment of peritonitis, cholecystitis, enteritis, cholangitis, other intra-abdominal infections. Treatment of blood infections. Treatment of purulent meningitis, urinary tract infection. Treatment of skin and soft tissue infections. Treatment of bone and joint infections. Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, gonorrhea and other infections of the genital tract. Used in the prevention of postoperative infection in patients undergoing abdominal, gynecological, cardiovascular and orthopedic surgery.

2. Dosage - How to take Kephazon

2.1. How to use Kephazon drug is prepared in the form of powder for solution for injection, is tolerated into the body by intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion.
Patients should visually inspect the ampoules before use for residue and damage.
Patients need to apply the exact dose of Kapetase indicated on the product packaging or instructions from a doctor or pharmacist. Do not arbitrarily calculate, apply or change the dose to avoid affecting health.
2.2. Dosage Kephazon drug dosage depends on each subject and the course of the disease, there will be an appropriate dose of the drug. Here is the dose of Kephazon for reference as follows:
For adults: Mild and moderate infections: The dose is from 2-4g Cefoperazone/day, divided into 2 oral doses a day. In case of severe infection: The drug dose is 8-12g Cefoperazone/day, divided into 2-3 times a day, if necessary, the dose can also be increased to 16g Cefoperazone/day. For infants and children: The dose is 50-200mg Cefoperazone/kg/day, divided into 2-4 times a day. In case of meningitis: The dose can be increased to 300mg Cefoperazone/kg/day. For patients with renal failure: The maximum dose of Cefoperazone is 4g/day. Patients in this case need to consult the doctor's dose of the drug, there may be no need to reduce the dose. For people with liver disease or biliary obstruction: The maximum dose of Cefoperazone is 4g/day. When patients use Kephazon overdose drug can lead to symptoms such as: Blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea, upper abdominal pain and vomiting.
When there are abnormal symptoms due to drug overdose, it is necessary to immediately notify the examination doctor, pharmacist or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.
In case the patient forgets to take a dose, the dose should be taken as soon as he remembers. If the time to remember is close to the time to take the next dose, the patient just needs to continue with the next dose, should not make up for the missed dose, to avoid affecting health. .
Patients need to strictly follow the instructions on the time to take the medicine that the doctor has prescribed on the prescription to ensure the best effect of the drug. Usually the prescribed medicine can be taken 1-2 hours after the time ordered by the doctor, do not take the missed dose when it is too late for the next dose.

3. In which cases is Kephazon not used?

Kephazon drug is not used for patients with hypersensitivity or history of allergy to Cefoperazone or Cephalosporins and any of the excipients in the drug.

4. Kephazon drug interactions

Some drug interactions may occur when using Kephazon-S Fort 1.5g that patients need to pay attention to. Here are some Kephazon drug interactions that have been reported such as:
During treatment with Kephazon, patients should pay attention to avoid alcoholic beverages such as: Wine, beer, ... will cause a decrease effects of drugs in the body. Kephazone should not be used together with Amicakin as it may decrease the rate of elimination of Cefoperazone, leading to higher blood levels of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to consult your doctor/pharmacist in case you need to take both drugs. Caution when co-administering Kephazon with drugs such as: Abacavir, Acrivastine, Aceclofenac, Acetaminophen, Albutrepenonacog alfa, Alclofenac because Cefoperazone can reduce the elimination time of these drugs, increasing their serum concentrations. . During the use of Kephazon, patients should inform their doctors about other prescription and non-prescription drugs, vitamins and dietary supplements that they are using or plan to take. To receive instructions on safe and effective medication use, counseling to avoid unwanted interactions.

5. What side effects does Kephazon cause?

During the use of Kephazon -S Fort 1.5g, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Skin allergies, jaundice, shock. Increased liver enzymes, acute renal failure. Severe colitis. Suffered from interstitial pneumonia and shock. When there are abnormal manifestations during the use of Kephazon, the patient should notify the doctor and pharmacist of the unwanted side effects occurring during the treatment for instructions on safe and effective use of the drug. fruit.

6. Pay attention to precautions when using Kephazon for treatment

Here are some notes in the process of using Kephazon for treatment:
It is important to note the use of the drug for patients with a personal or family history of allergies. Kephazon should be used with caution in patients with severe renal and hepatic impairment, infection, elderly, debilitated, and poor diet. Precautions while using Kephazon in pregnant women: This drug should only be used in pregnant women if clearly needed. Consult your doctor before using Kephazon. Because, in animal studies such as monkeys and mice, the drug has not been shown to cause harm in the fetus, but it is still not possible to confirm the safety of Kephazon in pregnant women. Care should be taken when using Kephazon for women who are breast-feeding: It is best not to breast-feed while using Kephazon and consult a doctor before use. Because the component Cefoperazone in the drug is still able to be excreted in breast milk at low concentrations, it may affect the baby. When opening the vial, it is necessary to use Kephazon-S Fort 1.5g immediately, avoid leaving it in the air for a long time, it will affect the treatment process of the drug. The process of injecting Kephazon drug must be performed by medical staff at the medical facility, the patient is not allowed to self-inject the drug. Kephazon has no adverse effects on the ability to drive and use machines. Patients should read the instructions carefully before using Kephazon.
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