Uses of Imetoxime 1g

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Cephalosporin is a group of antibiotics widely used in medical facilities, one of which is Cefotaxime with the trade name Imetoxim 1g. So in what cases is Imetoxim 1g indicated and what should be noted when using it?

1. What is Imetoxime 1g?

Imetoxim is a product of Imexpharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company with the main ingredient being the antibiotic Cefotaxime with the content of 1g. The packaging of the product in each box includes 1 vial of Imetoxime 1g. This product is in the form of a powder for injection.

2. Effects of the drug Imetoxime 1g

Cefotaxime is an antibiotic belonging to the 3rd generation Cephalosporin group, so it has a broad antibacterial spectrum. Compared with the 1st and 2nd generation Cephalosporin antibiotics, Cefotaxime in Imetoxime is more effective against Gram-negative bacteria and more stable than Beta Lactamase, but the effect of the drug on Gram-positive bacteria is weak. than the 1st generation Cephalosporins.
The antibacterial spectrum of Imetoxim 1g encapsulates a variety of bacteria:
Enterobacter; E.coli; Serratia; Salmonella, Shigella; P.mirabilis, P.vulgaris; Providencia; C.diversus; K.pneumoniae, K.oxytoca; M.morganii; Streptococcus (Streptococcus) and Staphylococci (Staphylococcus); H.influenzae, Haemophilus spp; Neisseria; B.catarrhalis; Peptostreptococcus; C.perfringens; B.burgdorferi; P.multocida; A. hydrophila; C. diphtheriae. However, Imetoxim 1g is not effective against the following strains of bacteria, because they are resistant to Cefotaxime:
Enterococcus; Listeria; Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus; P.cepacia; X.maltophilia; A.baumannii; C.difficile; Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria.

3. Indications of the drug Imetoxime 1g

Imetoxim 1g is used for the following cases:
Severe infectious diseases caused by sensitive bacteria such as: brain abscess; Sepsis ; Inflammation of the endocardium; Meningitis (except due to L.monocytogenes); Pneumonia, gonorrhea, typhoid; Treatment of serious infectious diseases in the abdomen and must be combined with Metronidazol; Prophylaxis of infection after prostate surgery, laparoscopy or cesarean section.

4. Instructions for using Imetoxim 1g

How to use Imetoxim 1g should pay attention to the following issues:
Route: Imetoxim 1g is prepared for use by intramuscular injection, slow intravenous injection or intravenous infusion; Time for slow intravenous injection should last from 3-5 minutes, while intravenous infusion requires a period of 20-60 minutes; Before use, the solution for injection of Imetoxime 1g should be checked by a healthcare professional by observing for the presence of foreign molecules or for discoloration. Absolutely do not use Imetoxim 1g vials with foreign molecules or unusual colors. Dosage of Imetoxim 1g depends on the prescription of the treating doctor and can refer to the following recommended dosage:
The usual dose of 2-6g/day (equivalent to 2-6 vials of Imetoxime 1g), divided into 2- 3 times. In case of severe infection, the dose can be increased up to 12g/day, using intravenous infusion divided into 3-6 times; Infections caused by P.aeruginosa pus bacillus: The recommended dose is 6g/day (equivalent to 6 vials of Imetoxim 1g). In addition, the doctor can replace with another Cephalosporin with stronger activity and add another group of antibiotics such as Aminoglycoside; Gonorrhea: Use a single dose of Imetoxime 1g; Prevention of infection after surgery: Inject 1 vial of Imetoxime 1g before surgery about 30-90 minutes; For pregnant women who need cesarean section: Intravenous injection 1 vial of Imetoxime 1g right after the time of clamping the placenta, then 6 and 12 hours more injected 2 times with the same dose, can be injected intramuscularly or intravenously; Dosage of Imetoxime for children:
The recommended dose is 100-150mg/kg/day (infant: 50mg/kg/day) divided into 2-4 times of use; The dose of Imetoxime can be increased to 200mg/kg/day (100-150mg/kg/day in neonates) in case of need; For patients with renal failure, the dose of Imetoxime should be adjusted when the creatinine clearance is less than 10ml/min:
The first dose (attack) is similar to the normal person, the next dose of Imetoxime should be reduced by 1⁄2 and kept the same. the number of times used in a day; The maximum dose of Imetoxime 1g for this subject is 2g/day. Duration of treatment of Imetoxim 1g:
When the patient's body temperature returns to normal or when it is certain that all bacteria have been destroyed, it is necessary to use the drug for another 3-4 days before the end of treatment; The duration of use of Imetoxime 1g is maintained for at least 10 days for infections caused by group A beta hemolytic streptococci; Some persistent infections sometimes require longer treatment with Imetoxime 1g, possibly up to several weeks. How to handle when missed dose, overdose Imetoxime:
Missed dose: This situation is very unlikely because the injection is done by medical staff; The presence of severe or persistent diarrhea during or after treatment may suggest pseudomembranous colitis. At that time, the patient needs to stop using Imetoxim 1g and replace it with an antibiotic effective in treating colitis; How to handle when overdose Imetoxim: When there are signs of toxicity, the patient should be stopped and intervened with appropriate measures such as peritoneal dialysis or dialysis to reduce the blood concentration of Cefotaxime.

5. Contraindications of Imetoxim 1g

Imetoxim 1g is not indicated for cases with a history of hypersensitivity to Cephalosporin antibiotics and to Lidocaine (due to the combination with Lidocaine for intramuscular injection).

6. Undesirable effects of Imetoxime

During the use of Imetoxim, patients may experience some unwanted effects with different frequencies as follows:
Common problems when treated with Imetoxim 1g: Thrombophlebitis at the injection site; Pain, inflammatory reaction at the site of intramuscular injection; Diarrhea; Uncommon side effects when using Imetoxim: Changes in intestinal flora, which can lead to superinfection with drug-resistant bacteria; Causes false positive Coombs test due to decreased white blood cell count; Rare side effects of Imetoxime : Pseudomembranous colitis ; Increased Bilirubin and increased liver enzymes. During the treatment with Imetoxim and any adverse effects appear, the patient should inform the doctor or pharmacist for appropriate assistance.

7. Drug interactions of Imetoxime 1g

Doctors need to be careful when combining Imetoxim 1g with the following drugs:
Colistin: Increases the risk of kidney damage; Azlocillin: People with a history of renal failure have an increased risk of brain complications and focal seizures; Ureido-Penicillins (Azlocillin, Mezlocillin): The combination will reduce the clearance of Cefotaxime in both normal and impaired renal function; Cyclosporin: Increased nephrotoxicity; Probenecid: Slows the elimination of Cefotaxime out.

8. Some notes when using Imetoxim 1g and how to store it

Use Imetoxim 1g for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
For pregnant women, there are no studies on the safety of use in this sensitive period. Imetoxime 1g can cross the placenta in the 2nd trimester, so it should be avoided unless absolutely necessary; Lactation: Imetoxime is excreted into breast milk in low concentrations. However, it can still lead to changes in the intestinal microbiota in breastfed infants, directly affecting and affecting the results of bacterial cultures when the child has a fever. Imetoxime 1g has not been shown to affect the ability to drive and use machines.
Some other special notes when using Imetoxim products:
Before treatment, doctors need to carefully explore the patient's allergy history, especially allergy to Cephalosporin antibiotics, Penicillin or other drugs; Cross-allergic reactions between penicillins and cephalosporins have been reported. Therefore, caution should be exercised when administering Imetoxime to patients with known allergy to penicillin; Patients who are assigned to combine Imetoxime with other potentially nephrotoxic drugs (such as Aminoglycosides) should be monitored and checked for renal function periodically; Imetoxim drugs can cause false positives with Coombs test, urine test... Therefore, people who are being treated with Imetoxim 1g should pay special attention when having indications to perform the above tests. Imetoxim is a product of Imexpharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company with the main ingredient being the antibiotic Cefotaxime with the content of 1g. The drug is prescribed by the doctor to treat infectious diseases. Medicines are used under the implementation of medical staff, so patients need to follow those instructions to achieve the highest effectiveness.
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