Uses of Hodalin

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Hodalin is a drug used to prevent cancer and can also improve the function of the immune system for the patient's body. When using Hodalin, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions to avoid interactions or side effects.

1. The effect of the drug Hodalin

Hodalin drug has the main pharmaceutical ingredient is Thymomodulin. This is a peptide derived from the calf thymus gland. According to experimental studies, Thymomodulin may be useful in improving the loss of T-cell counts in patients with confirmed viral infections. The application of this active ingredient is often prioritized for cases such as:
The body is infected with a virus that reduces immune health. Treatment of patients with hepatitis B. Treatment of leukopenia in cancer patients. Reduce the risk of allergies when suffering from asthma. Relieve allergy symptoms for patients or food allergies. According to the analysis of the active ingredient Hodalin, it has an increased ability to act on the thymus. The half-life and activity may vary from subject to subject. According to analysis, elderly patients over 70 will need 2-6 hours to reach peak drug levels then 12 hours to maintain, from the time of use to the end of the half-life takes 48 hours.
In patients taking high doses, the absorption and elimination half-times will vary unspecified. However, most of the drug Hodalin detected after administration of the active substance remains in the serum. After the interaction affects the growth of T cells and the small intestine, the elderly are considered to be able to receive great benefits from Hodalin.
Based on the above-mentioned pharmacological properties, Hodalin is used to improve the immune system and is applied to patients at risk of cancer. You can refer to some of the following indications for use of the drug:
Treatment of infections caused by invading bacteria or viruses. Boosting the immune system for the elderly. Improve the pathology in people with the disease of the century. Use in combination for patients being treated for leukopenia syndrome.

2. Dosage and how to use Hodalin

Hodalin drug is a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of capsules for oral use. When taking medication, you should consult your doctor. The time and dose of use are clearly prescribed according to the patient's condition to ensure the maximum effect of the drug.
Children under 12 years old are not indicated to use Hodalin. Therefore, this is the target group that is not recommended unless absolutely necessary and there are no other options to replace it. Patients from 12 years old can use the drug when prescribed by a doctor. The following are a few dosage indications for readers to refer to:
Dosage for infection prevention for patients is mainly respiratory system. Long-term use 120mg treatment for 4-6 months Treatment of allergic rhinitis use a single dose of 120mg for 4 months. Prevention of recurrence of food allergy using Hodalin for 3-6 months at a dose of 120mg. Elderly people who need to improve their immune system use a dose of 160mg. The duration can be extended for 6 weeks depending on the doctor's prescription. Patients with clinical problems affecting the immune system such as HIV/AIDS use a dose of 60mg for 50 days of treatment. Each patient will have their own dose of medication that cannot be combined. Therefore, in addition to knowing how to use it, the patient must regularly discuss the condition with the doctor. When health changes, the dose of medicine will be adjusted accordingly. Avoid taking unadjusted doses to reduce the risk of overdosing or underdosing.

3. Notes before taking Hodalin

Hodalin medicine can cause irritation or affect the patient's health. To reduce the risk of drug sensitization or irritation, not only Hodalin but also all pharmaceutical products need to carefully check the ingredients. Patients with a history or suspected allergic reaction should notify their physician to adjust or change to a more appropriate medication. Absolutely do not use the drug when it is contraindicated. Except in cases where regular medical supervision is mandatory, re-consideration can be made.
Children under 12 years old are not indicated for use. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check the disease before use. For the indicated subjects, it is advisable to do objective evaluation tests to detect existing diseases and consider the risk of drug interactions.
Hodalin has no contraindications or recommendations for women who are suspected or pregnant. However, because children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use Hodalin, caution should be exercised if you are breast-feeding or determined to be pregnant. Before taking Hodalin, women should check to make sure they are not pregnant to reduce the effect on the fetus. If you are in the menstrual cycle will contraindicated use. Please note that Hodalin should only be used after the end of the cycle.
The active ingredient of Hodalin is derived from the fluid taken from the thymus of calves. Medical experts recommend not overusing thymic secretions. This is a drug that needs analysis and research to make a treatment. Thymus secretions cannot be used as nutritional supplements for health.

4. Side effects of the drug Hodalin

Hodalin may have an effect on the patient but it is difficult to determine. Because each body is different, side effects appear not the same. Therefore, most patients will be instructed by their doctor to use and warn in advance of common risks with easy-to-detect signs.
Rash. Itchy. Skin is cold. Dizziness. Headache . Fatigue Convulsions. Epilepsy. Faint. La. When using the drug, the patient may or may not appear to have side effects. However, you should pay attention if your body shows signs of change, even if it is very small. In addition, perform regular health check-ups and follow-up visits according to the doctor's appointment.
Patients during treatment need to keep the test results. Sometimes it's not apparent but the test scores over the period may fluctuate slightly, but the summation will reveal the change through the results over a long period of time. Therefore, this is the basis for comparison and assessment of the effects for patients.

5. Interaction with Hodalin

Although Hodalin has not been declared dangerous drug interactions, it is impossible to subjectively use many other drugs at the same time. According to analysis of peptide chains in the active ingredient, Hodalin can be used in combination with therapy for patients with cancer. However, if not evaluated correctly, Hodalin can also reduce the effectiveness of cancer therapy.
Therefore, it is necessary to check carefully before combining Hodalin with patients being treated. Prescribed patients should inform their physician of their current status and current prescriptions to screen for potential interactions.
Hodalin medicine can strengthen resistance to prevent some diseases caused by weakened immune system. To avoid dangerous side effects from Hodalin, please go to the hospital to check and discuss directly with your doctor.

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