Uses of Hepaur

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Hepaur is used to support the treatment of hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy. The drug helps to increase the detoxification process and regenerate damaged cells. To learn more about Hepaur, read the article below.

1. What effect does Hepaur have?

Hepaur medicine has the main ingredient L-Ornithin L-Aspartat with the content of 5000mg/10ml, prepared in the form of an injection solution.
L-ornithin L-aspartate (LOLA) is a stable salt form of two amino acids ornithin and aspartic acid, often indicated in acute and chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, fatty liver, hepatitis, associated with hyperammonemia, especially in neurological complications such as hepatic encephalopathy.
L-Ornithine participates in the Urea cycle, has the effect of converting endogenous toxins Ammonia into non-toxic Urea and then excreted by the kidneys, thereby helping to restore liver function to a normal state. L-aspartate plays an important role in the citric acid cycle, helping to release energy in the form of ATP, thereby supporting and regenerating damaged liver cells, improving symptoms of depression.

2. Indications and contraindications of Hepaur

Hepaur is used in the following cases:
Supportive treatment of liver enzymes in cases of patients with acute or chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, fatty liver... hepatic coma and hepatic pre-coma. Contraindications:
Do not use Hepaur in the following cases:
Patients with Lactic acidosis; methanol poisoning ; The patient is intolerant of Fructose-sorbitol, lacking the enzyme Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase. CKD .

3. Dosage and how to use Hepaur

How to use:
The drug is administered by slow intravenous route. Use caution when cutting ampoules to avoid the risk that glass fragments from the tube shell can mix into the solution causing serious side effects.
Adults and children over 12 years old:
Acute hepatitis or chronic hepatitis: The usual dose is slow intravenous injection 1-2 ampoules daily for the first week and continue for 3 days. - next 4 weeks. In severe cases such as in hepatic encephalopathy the dose can be increased to 4 ampoules per day. Children under 12 years of age: It is not usually recommended to use this drug for this audience.
The exact dose of the drug will be determined by your doctor based on your specific condition. Make sure to take the medication exactly as directed.

4. Side effects of Hepaur

When taking the drug you may encounter undesirable effects such as:
May experience side effects on the central nervous system such as a burning sensation in the larynx; In addition, occasional nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbances may occur; Tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects after taking this medicine, including side effects not listed above that you think are caused by taking the medicine.

5. Things to pay attention to when taking Hepaur

Before taking the medicine, it is necessary to inform your doctor about your history of allergy to the drug or to any other allergy-causing agent, the medical condition you have, you are pregnant and breast-feeding... Here is a prescription drug, used only when indicated and not arbitrarily used without a prescription. Make sure to take the medication exactly as directed. In cases where the patient is prescribed a high dose of the drug, it is necessary to regularly check the concentration of the drug in the blood and urine. Use caution when appointing Hepaur to children and the elderly. For pregnant women, the drug should only be used when absolutely necessary and before use, it is necessary to weigh the benefits as well as the risks of harm to the fetus. Breast-feeding is generally not recommended, only when absolutely necessary and should be avoided while taking the drug. Drug interactions can also occur when taking this drug with other drugs, it is necessary to inform your doctor about the drugs you are taking to ensure that interactions do not occur. Storage: Keep this medicine in a tightly closed container, protected from light, at room temperature. In short, Hepaur is an injection prescribed by a doctor. Used to support in cases of liver disease. To ensure the safe and effective use of the drug, you should not self-inject at home without being prescribed.

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