Uses of Henalip

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Henalip medicine with the main ingredient is Heparin sodium, which is used to treat cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, treatment of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,... Here are some useful information about Henalip to help patients use the drug safely and effectively.

1. What is Henalip?

What is Henalip? Henalip is a drug belonging to the group of cardiovascular drugs. Prepared and produced in the form of a liquid solution and packaged in boxes of 10 bottles of 5ml.
Henalip medicine has the main ingredient Heparin sodium and other excipients, just enough for 1 bottle.

2. What are the uses of Henalip?

Henalip is used to treat cardiovascular disease for patients in the following cases:
Treatment and prevention for patients with deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Used as an adjunct in the treatment of myocardial infarction and thromboembolic disease. Used in the prevention of cerebral vascular occlusion, obstruction in vascular and cardiovascular surgery. Used during surgery to make anticoagulants in blood transfusion, extracorporeal circulation, hemodialysis and blood preservation for patients.

3. Dosage - How to take Henalip

3.1. How to use Henalip drug Henalip is manufactured in the form of an aqueous solution and is used by infusion in a vial. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intravenously or intravenously after diluting the full dose with the infusion solution.
3.2. Dosage The dose of Henalip depends on each subject and the course of the disease, there will be an appropriate dose. Here is the reference dose of Henalip as follows:
For adults: IV injection 5000-10000 IU every 4 hours, intermittently or continuously in NaCl solution or use Dextrose. It is necessary to rely on the results of the Coagulation Test to adjust the dose of the drug. Patients can also inject SC 10000 IU every 8 hours after a dose of 5000 IU IV has been administered. Elderly: It is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug compared to the usual. Prophylactic use of Henalip: Use a dose of 5000 IU, inject SC 2-6 hours before surgery and every 8-12 hours after surgery for 10-14 days. Open heart surgery: The surgery takes place in less than 2 hours, it is necessary to use a dose of 120 IU/kg/hour. If the surgery lasts more than 2 hours, a dose of 180 IU/kg/hour should be used.

4. Contraindications to the use of Henalip

It is necessary to note and use caution when using Henalip in the following cases:
Do not use for patients with hypersensitivity or a history of allergy to Heparin sodium and other excipients contained in the drug. Henalip should not be used in cases where regular coagulation tests cannot be performed. In cases of uncontrolled bleeding there have been reports not to use Henalip for this case. It is not recommended to use preservative-containing Heparin injection solution for premature infants.

5. Henalip drug interactions

The following are some of the reported Henalip drug interactions:
Care should be taken when using Henalip in combination with certain medications such as: Aspirin, Dextran, Phenylbutazone, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Dipyridamol or Hydroxychloroquine. Because it will affect platelet aggregation and may cause bleeding. Do not use Henalip together with some drugs that reduce the anticoagulant effect of Heparin such as Digitalis, Tetracycline, antihistamines or Nicotine.

6. Side effects of the drug Henalip

During treatment with Henalip, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Temporary hair loss. Diarrhea. Fever, allergies Hemorrhagic thrombocytopenia. Osteoporosis causes spontaneous fractures. If patients experience any side effects while using Henalip, please inform your doctor or medical person immediately if you suspect any side effects of the drug. Some of these side effects will decrease and go away when the patient stops taking the drug.

7. Pay attention to precautions when using drugs

Before starting to use Henalip, it is necessary to carefully investigate the patient's history of allergy to Heparin sodium or other excipients of the drug. Be very careful when using Henalip for patients with trauma, kidney failure and liver failure. It is not recommended to use Henalip for pregnant women during the last 3 months of pregnancy, the period after giving birth. Because it will increase the risk of bleeding in the mother during childbirth. Henalip contains Benzyl alcohol, which has been reported not to be used in children < 2 years of age. The ingredient Benzyl alcohol will have a negative effect on young children, causing rapid bone loss in 2-4 weeks. Note that breastfeeding can cause rare cases of vertebral collapse for the mother. Henalip should be discontinued immediately if the coagulation test is too prolonged or bleeding occurs. Patients noted in studies and recommendations for use of Henalip drug often only state common interactions when using the drug. It should be remembered that Henalip drug interactions with other drugs are often quite complicated due to the influence of many excipients in the drug. Therefore, patients should not arbitrarily apply information about Henalip drug interactions if you are not a researcher, doctor or medical person. When using Henalip, the patient should carefully read the instructions for storage of the drug on the package and the enclosed Henalip instruction sheet. Be sure to check the expiry date of the medicine. Note, when not using Henalip, it is necessary to collect and handle the drug under the guidance of the person in charge of medicine or the manufacturer of the drug.

8. Can pregnant women take Henalip pills?

Patients who are pregnant should consider and consult their doctor or pharmacist before taking Henalip. Although oral medications have been tested, there is still a risk of side effects.
Before using Henalip, mothers need to learn carefully the benefits and risks for mother and baby. Do not buy and use Henalip without your doctor's instructions and need to carefully read the instructions for using the drug to protect the mother and baby and avoid unwanted effects.

9. How to store Henalip

Normally, the medicine is stored at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight or high temperature. Because high temperature can convert the ingredients in Henalip medicine. The main ingredient in Henalip is Heparin sodium, which is used to treat cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and medical staff.
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