Uses of Gotodan

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Gotodan is a prescription drug indicated for infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria that are resistant to many other drugs. To ensure safety for health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take Gotodan medicine exactly as directed by the doctor.

1. What is Gotodan?

Gotodan is a powder for injection with the main ingredient Fosfomycin Sodium, manufactured by Bharat Parenterals., Ltd - India.
Pharmaceutical name: Gotodan drug. Group of drugs: Belongs to the group of anti-infectives, anti-fungals, anti-virals, anti-parasitic drugs. Ingredients: Fosfomycin Sodium. Dosage form: Powder for injection. Packing: Packed in a box of 1 vial and 1 ampoule of solvent. Content: 1g Fosfomycin. Registration number: VN-15682-12. Manufacturer: Bharat Parenterals., Ltd - India. Registered Business: Registered by Yeva Therapeutics Pvt., Ltd.

2. Uses of Gotodan

Fosfomycin is highly effective in killing bacteria against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. In particular, it also has strong effects against strains of Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many drug-resistant strains of Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus.
Fosfomycin's mechanism of action is very specific, it is absorbed through the bacterial cell at high concentrations, via an active transport system, while inhibiting the first stage of peptide biosynthesis - polysaccharides of the cell wall. For beta-lactam antibiotics with a terminal inhibitory mechanism.
It is thanks to the above mechanism of action and ability of action that Fosfomycin is indicated for infections that are resistant to many drugs such as:
Sepsis; Bronchiolitis, bronchitis ; Infectious bronchiectasis; Purulent lung disease; Purulent pleurisy, pneumonia ; Peritonitis, cystitis ; Nephritis - pyelonephritis; Adnexitis; Pelvic cavity infection; Parametritis, intrauterine infection, and bartholinitis.

3. Dosage and how to use Gotodan

The dose of Gotodan will depend on each user, specifically:
For adults: Use a dose of 2 - 4g/day. For young children: Use dose of 100-200mg/kg/day. The above dosage can be adjusted to suit the age and severity of the disease.
How to use:
If used by intravenous infusion, it should be mixed with 100-500ml of fluid, infused in 1-2 hours, the dose of 1 day divided into 2 infusions. If used intravenously, it should be mixed with 20ml of liquid, and injected slowly over 5 minutes, the daily dose is divided into 2-4 injections.

4. Notes when using Gotodan

Contraindications to Gotodan:
Gotodan is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to Fosfomycin or any of the ingredients in the drug. During the use of Fosfomycin, patients may encounter unwanted side effects such as:
On the liver, bile: Increases SGOT, SGPT... On the skin: Causes red rash, itching, urticaria ... Gastrointestinal tract: Anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea... Metabolism and nutrition: Causes hypernatremia, LDH, increase AI-P. Vascular system (except heart): Causes flushing, pulse pain. Body as a Whole: Feeling of malaise, fever. In the urinary tract: Causes disorders in the kidneys. On the central and peripheral nervous system: Causes decreased sensation. In the leukocyte reticuloendothelial system: Causes leukopenia. In case the above symptoms are severe, the patient should stop taking the medicine, contact the doctor or go to the nearest medical center for timely support.
During the use of Fosfomycin, the patient should pay special attention and caution in the following cases:
Shock: When taking the drug, the patient should be closely monitored because shock may occur (frequency < 0.1%). If shock-related symptoms appear or symptoms such as shortness of breath, cyanosis, irritability, low blood pressure, urticaria, etc., you should stop taking the drug immediately and contact your doctor for advice. timely remedial plan. Severe colitis with bloody stools such as pseudomembranous colitis (<0.1%) may occur. Therefore, patients should be carefully monitored, in case of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, it is necessary to stop taking the drug immediately to have appropriate treatment measures. Agranulocytosis or pancytopenia (<0.1%) may be present. Therefore, patients need to be careful when taking the drug and monitor the manifestations of the body, if you see abnormal phenomena, you need to stop taking the drug immediately, contact your doctor for appropriate treatment. Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only use the drug when prescribed by a doctor, carefully weigh the benefits and harms when using the drug. The article provides information about the use of Gotodan, its use, dosage and the most important content. In order to ensure the effectiveness and safety for health, patients need to use the drug according to the prescription and instructions of the pharmacist, specialist doctor.

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