Uses of Glentaz

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Glentaz drug belongs to the group of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases and is formulated in the form of a topical cream. The ingredient of Glentaz is Tazarotene indicated for stable plaque psoriasis, moderate to mild facial acne. However, in the course of treatment may appear unwanted side effects such as itching, burning, erythema... Therefore, patients need to learn carefully before using the drug.

1. The mechanism of action of the drug Glentaz

Glentaz contains tazarotene which is a third generation prescription topical retinoid in gel and cream form. The drug has the ability to treat psoriasis, increased sebum secretion and fish scales.
Glentaz drug has the ability to absorb less than 6% of the dose and retain it in the skin for a long time after application. Metabolites as precursors are rapidly hydrolyzed by esterases to acids, which are metabolized in the liver again.

2. Indications and contraindications for the use of Glentaz

Glentaz is indicated in the treatment of stable plaque psoriasis with an incidence of less than 20% of the total body area. Or use the drug in the treatment of moderate to mild facial acne. Moreover, Glentaz also helps to reduce fine lines, light spots and dark areas or benign moles.
However, Glentaz drug may also be contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Or retinol, vitamin A derivative
Avoid using Glentaz with cosmetics that can have a strong drying effect on the skin

3. Dosage and how to use Glentaz

Dosage of Glentaz drug will depend on each disease case that has an appropriate method of use. In order for the treatment to be effective, the doctor will examine and determine the condition of the disease.
For adults, when treating acne, Glentaz should be applied to the skin once a day. In case patients with psoriasis should use Glentaz drug at the rate of 0.05% and 0.1%. For each use, take a thin amount on the skin and use it once a day.
If Glentaz is initially used, it should only be used at a concentration of about 0.05% and then gradually increase the dose so that the patient can respond to the drug.
Note: The recommended dose of Glentaz above is for reference only. Therefore, before using Glentaz, patients need to follow the doctor's prescription.

4. Management of missed dose and overdose Glentaz

If you miss a dose of Glentaz, use it as soon as you remember. However, if the interval between the missed dose of Glentaz and the next dose is too close, skip the missed dose. Patients should not double the dose of Glentaz, as this can cause an overdose. To overcome the situation of missing a dose of Glentaz, patients can set an alarm or ask a loved one to remind them.
In case of accidental use of Glentaz drug overdose than prescribed and some unwanted signs appear, and seek emergency care immediately.

5. Side effects when using Glentaz

Glentaz may cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case, Glentaz side effects can occur in varying degrees from mild to severe.
Some common side effects caused by Glentaz include: itching, burning, erythema, dry skin... These side effects may occur at the start of treatment or after increasing the dose of Glentaz. . Usually, side effects from Glentaz can be transient or subside over time.
However, in some cases Glentaz can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare reactions. These reactions may appear after just a few minutes of using Glentaz or longer within a few days. When serious side effects occur: exacerbation of psoriasis, skin irritation, rash, scaling, irritant contact dermatitis, dermatitis, bleeding, severe acne, hypersensitivity with sunlight, ... the patient should stop using Glentaz and go to a medical facility for immediate medical assistance.
Some notes in the process of using Glentaz:
For pregnant and lactating women, caution should be exercised when using Glentaz. Patients should be advised to use Glentaz from their doctor, and carefully analyze the benefits and risks before using the drug. Glentaz may change how it works and increase its side effects. Therefore, to avoid Glentaz drug interactions, patients should provide their doctor with a list of previously used drugs, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbs,... Using Glentaz should be noted. when the manifestations of allergy to Glentaz drug At the same time, the patient needs to notify the doctor so that he can promptly treat the side effects of the drug. Above is important information about Glentaz medicine, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor to get the best effect.

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