Uses of Gentadex

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1. Uses of the drug Gentadex

“What is Gentadex?” . Gentadex medicine contains active ingredients Gentamycin Sulfate and Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in the form of ear drops.
Active ingredient Gentamycin is an antibiotic belonging to the Aminoglycoside group with a broad spectrum of action. The drug acts mainly on gram-negative and gram-positive aerobic bacteria such as staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus. Gentamycin works by attaching to the 30S subunit of bacterial protein, causing the sequence of amino acids to be incorrect, thereby creating inactive proteins and killing bacteria.
Active ingredient Dexamethasone is a Corticosteroid with strong anti-inflammatory effects, acting by the mechanism of binding to receptors in cells, translocation into the cell nucleus and affecting a number of translated genes. Dexamethasone has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects.
Gentadex drug is indicated in the following cases:
Keratitis, conjunctivitis, lacrimal sac, meibomian gland inflammation, allergic conjunctivitis, small choroiditis, episcleritis; otitis externa without perforated tympanic membrane, eczema infected ear canal, acute otitis media.

2. Dosage of the drug Gentadex

Gentadex belongs to the group of prescription drugs, the dose of which is prescribed by the treating doctor based on the patient's condition. Some recommendations on the dosage of Gentadex are as follows:
Treatment of eye diseases: Instill 1-2 drops of Gentadex into the affected eye every 4 hours. In severe infections, the recommended dose is 2 drops/time/hour. Duration of drug treatment should not exceed 7 days; Treatment of ear diseases: For adults, use a dose of 1 - 5 drops / time x 2 times / day, the treatment time is from 6 to 10 days. For children, use 1 - 2 drops / time x 2 times / day, the duration of treatment is from 6 to 10 days. Note that the above dose is only a recommendation, the specific dose should be prescribed by the treating doctor. Patients absolutely do not arbitrarily use Gentadex without a doctor's prescription.

3. Gentadex side effects

Gentadex medicine is used to treat ear - eye infections that can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Transient irritation such as tearing, discomfort, conjunctival congestion, swelling, reaction hypersensitivity reactions; Long-term treatment with Gentadex may experience undesirable effects including cataracts, superficial keratitis, superinfection, delayed wound healing, scleral ulceration. Patients should inform their doctor of any symptoms experienced during treatment with Gentadex.

4. Notes when using the drug Gentadex

4.1. Contraindications

Gentadex is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients are sensitive to any ingredient of Gentadex; Patients with epithelial herpes keratitis; People with a history or family members with a history of glaucoma, viral conjunctivitis, eye tuberculosis, eyelid infection and eye infection.

4.2. Use caution

Some notes when using Gentadex as follows:
Patients treated with Gentadex for a long time need to monitor eye pressure and the risk of cataracts; Do not wear contact lenses during treatment with Gentadex; Gentadex should not be used for injection, and should be avoided in infants; Use caution when using the drug in the elderly, patients with liver failure, kidney failure, peptic ulcer or hepatic coma; For pregnant women: There are no studies on the safety of Gentadex use in pregnant women, so the use of this drug in this population should be prescribed by a doctor based on the benefits and risk; Lactation: Caution should be exercised when Gentadex is used in lactating women.

5. Drug interactions

There are no specific reports on the potential interaction of Gentadex and concomitant drugs. However, drug interactions can occur that reduce the therapeutic effect of Gentadex, increasing the risk of unwanted effects. Therefore, patients need to inform the doctor about the drugs and supplements they are using before treatment with Gentadex to ensure safety and effectiveness during treatment.
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