Uses of Genperazone

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Genperazone belongs to the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs, which are prepared in powder form for injection. The main ingredient of the drug Genperazone is Cefoperazone, which is indicated for the treatment of respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal infections. During treatment with Genperazone, patients may experience some unwanted side effects, so it is necessary to carefully learn about drug information before use.

1. What are the effects of Genperazone?

The main ingredient of the drug Genperazone is Cefoperazone, a 3rd generation synthetic antibiotic, which has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of growing and dividing bacteria. This compound is an parenteral antibiotic and has antibacterial activity similar to Ceftazidim. Cefoperazone compounds have relatively stable activity against Beta lactamases formed in most gram-negative bacteria, including penicillinase-producing strains of N. gonorrhoeae and most strains of Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Proteus, Morganalle, Providencia, Salmonella , Shigella, Serratia spp. This compound is also less active against enterobacteriaceae than 3rd generation cephalosporins. Cefoperazone is also usually active against bacteria resistant to other Beta lactam antibiotics.

2. Indications and contraindications to the drug Genperazone

Genperazone is indicated in the treatment of serious infections caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and bacteria that are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics such as:
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections; Peritonitis , cholecystitis, cholangitis; Intra-abdominal infection, sepsis; Meningitis, skin and soft tissue infections; Bone and joint infections; Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, gonorrhea and genital tract infections. Genperazone is also used in the prevention of postoperative infections in patients with abdominal, gynecological, cardiovascular and orthopedic surgery. However, Genperazone is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or sensitivity to the Cephalosporin group of antibiotics.

3. Dosage and how to use Genperazone

Genperazone is used by intramuscular or intravenous injection. Adult treatment is recommended at a dose of 2 to 4 grams/day and divided into 2 doses.
In case of severe infection, use Genperazone with a dose of 8 - 12 grams / day and divided into 2 - 3 times, the dose can be increased to 16 grams / day but need a doctor's prescription. For infants and children, use Genperazone with the recommended dose of 500-200mg/kg/day and divided into 2-4 times. Treatment of meningitis using a dose of 300mg/kg. Treatment of renal failure using the drug Genperazone with a maximum dose of 4 grams / day. It should be noted: The above recommended dosage of Genperazone is for reference only. Therefore, before using Genperazone, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions.

4. Side effects when using the drug Genperazone

Genperazone medicine can cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case, the side effects of Genperazone can vary from mild to severe.
Some common side effects caused by Genperazone include: Constipation, diarrhea, feeling of bloating, headache, dizziness... These side effects may occur at the beginning of treatment or after when increasing the dose of Genperazone. Usually, side effects from Genperazone can be transient or subside over time.
However, in some cases Genperazone can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare reactions. These reactions may appear after just a few minutes of using Genperazone or longer within a few days. When serious side effects appear such as: leukopenia, prothrombin blood, effects on the digestive system, local reactions, vitamin K deficiency... the patient should stop using Genperazone and go to a medical facility. for immediate medical assistance.
Some notes during the use of Genperazone:
For pregnant and lactating women, caution should be exercised when using Genperazone. Patients should be advised to use Genperazone from their doctor, and carefully analyze the benefits and risks before using the drug. Genperazone may change how it works as well as increase its side effects. Therefore, to avoid Genperazone drug interactions, the patient should provide the doctor with a list of previously used drugs, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbs,... When using Genperazone, it is important to save Watch for signs of an allergic reaction to the drug. Patients should report their reactions to their doctor so that they can be treated promptly. Genperazone is quite sensitive to penicillin and people with kidney disease. Therefore, these cases should be noted when using the drug. Above is all information about the drug Genperazone, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Genperazone is a prescription drug, so patients should absolutely not buy drugs for home treatment because they may experience unwanted side effects.
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