Uses of Garnotal 10

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Garnotal 10mg drug has the main active ingredient Phenobarbital 10mg and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a drug to treat epilepsy except micro-epileptic seizures, to prevent convulsions caused by recurrent high fever in young children. The drug is also effective in the treatment of neonatal jaundice, patients with congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, congenital non-hemolytic anemia and in patients with chronic intrahepatic cholestasis.

1. What is Garnotal 10?

Garnotal 10mg drug has the main active ingredient Phenobarbital 10mg and other excipients in a sufficient amount. The dosage form is in the form of tablets.
1.1. Pharmacodynamics of the drug Garnotal 10mg: The drug Garnotal 10mg has anticonvulsant effects - partial seizures and mini-convulsions Prevention of recurrence of febrile seizures in neonates. Treatment of dysfunction and physical manifestations of insomnia. The drug has a sedative effect. 1.2. Pharmacokinetics of the drug Garnotal 10mg: Absorption: Garnotal 10mg administered orally is slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. If Garnotal 10mg intravenously, the effect of the drug appears within 5 minutes and reaches its maximum within 30 minutes. When the drug is administered as an intramuscular injection, the effect appears to be slower. Garnotal 10mg by injection has a lasting effect from 4 to 6 hours. The rectal form is almost completely absorbed from the large intestine.
Possibility of distribution: Garnotal 10mg is bound to plasma proteins by 60% in children, 50% in adults and distributed throughout tissues, especially in the brain, because the drug is quite soluble in fat.
Metabolism: Garnotal 10mg is hydroxylated and conjugated in the liver.
Elimination ability: Garnotal 10mg drug is excreted mainly in the urine in the form of inactive and intact metabolites, a small part in bile and excreted in the feces.
1.3. The effect of the drug Garnotal 10mg Active ingredient Phenobarbital is an anticonvulsant drug belonging to the group of barbiturates. This is an active ingredient that enhances the synaptic inhibitory effect of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. Phenobarbital reduces oxygen use in the brain during anesthesia, primarily through inhibition of neuronal activity. This effect is the basis of the use of barbiturates to prevent the risk of cerebral infarction when the brain is ischemic and when traumatic brain injury. Garnotal 10mg inhibits the activity of all tissues. Phenobarbital inhibits the central nervous system to many degrees from sedation to anesthetic effects. The drug only temporarily inhibits single-synaptic responses in the central nervous system. Phenobarbital is mainly used to prevent seizures. In addition, the drug is also used to treat alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Garnotal 10mg drug has the effect of limiting generalized seizures and increasing the seizure threshold. The drug is mainly indicated in generalized (major) seizures, partial (motor or sensory partial) seizures. Phenobarbital reduces serum bilirubin concentrations in neonates, in subjects with congenital unconjugated, non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia, and in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis, possibly by induction of glucuronyl transferase, a bilirubin conjugate enzyme.

2. Effects of the drug Garnotal 10

Garnotal 10mg drug is indicated in the treatment:
Treatment of epilepsy (except for minor epileptic seizures): Major seizures, myoclonic seizures, partial seizures. Prevention of the risk of recurrent febrile convulsions in young children. Treatment of neonatal jaundice, those with congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, congenital nonhemolytic anemia and in patients with chronic intrahepatic cholestasis.

3. Usage and dosage of the drug Garnotal 10

3.1. Usage of the drug Garnotal 10mg is made in the form of tablets, suitable for oral use.
3.2. Dosage of the drug For adults:
Anticonvulsant treatment: use 60-250mg/day, orally once or divided into small doses. Treatment with sedative effect: Daytime 30-120mg, divided into 2-3 times/day. Sleep-inducing effects: use a therapeutic dose of 100-320 mg, taken at bedtime, not more than 2 weeks in the treatment of insomnia. Treatment against hyperbilirubinemia: use 30-60mg only 3 times/day. For children:
Anticonvulsant treatment: use 1-6mg/kg/day, orally once or in divided doses. Treatment with sedative effect: Daytime 2mg/kg and 3 times a day. Before surgery: 1-3mg/kg. Treatment against hyperbilirubinemia: For newborns: 5-10mg/kg/day, in the first few days of life. For children up to 12 years old: 1-4mg/kg, 3 times daily.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Garnotal 10

Common undesirable effects:
Body as a whole: Causes drowsiness. Blood: Giant red blood cells appear in the peripheral blood. Neurological: nystagmus, ataxia, anxiety, fear, excitement, confusion in the elderly. Skin: Allergic rash, common in young patients. Uncommon side effects:
For the musculoskeletal system: Rickets, osteomalacia, muscular dystrophy (appeared in children about 1 year after treatment), arthralgia. Metabolism: Impaired metabolism of porphyrins. Skin: Lyell's syndrome, which can lead to death. Rare adverse effects:
Blood: Megaloblastic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency.

5. Garnotal 10 drug interactions

To avoid drug interactions should not be used in combination with:
Alcohol: Because it increases the sedative effect of Phenobarbital active ingredient and can cause dangerous consequences. Methotrexate: Methotrexate's hematological toxicity is increased when used in combination with Phenobarbital due to greater inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase. Phenytoin: Phenytoin plasma concentration fluctuates, signs of phenytoin toxicity may occur when Phenobarbital is discontinued. When used in combination with phenytoin, the concentration of Phenobarbital can increase to toxic levels. Caution when combined with:
Drugs such as felodipine, nimodipine, doxycycline, doxycycline, corticoids, ciclosporin, hydroquinidin, quinidine, theophyllin, oral anticoagulants, digitoxin, diospyramid, beta-blockers, ..: Doctor Treatment will adjust the dose accordingly because Phenobarbital reduces the concentration and effect of these drugs. Phenobarbital drug makes oral contraceptives ineffective. You need to choose other methods of birth control while using the pill. Phenobarbital concentration decreased when combined with folic acid, antidepressants, need to increase the dose of treatment with active substance Phenobarbital Phenobarbital concentration increased when combined with Progabid, vaproic acid. When used in combination with Levothyroxine: T3, T4 levels must be checked, and the therapeutic dose of Levothyroxine should be adjusted during and after Phenobarbital therapy accordingly. Increases CNS depressant effect when used in combination with other antidepressants, H1 antagonists, benzodiazepines, clonidine, morphine derivatives, neuroleptics or anxiolytics. To avoid possible drug interactions, you should inform your doctor of all medications you are taking before starting treatment with any other medication.

6. Some notes when using Garnotal 10

6.1. Contraindications of the drug Garnotal 10mg Patients with hypersensitivity or hypersensitivity to the active ingredient Phenobarbital. People with severe respiratory failure, accompanied by shortness of breath or obstruction. People with porphyria. People with severe liver failure. 6.2. Note and caution when using the drug: Absolutely do not stop the drug suddenly, because it can cause continuous seizures. The drug must be used regularly every day: In adults: After 6 months if there are no more seizures, reduce the dose, after 2 years if there are no more seizures, stop the drug completely. In children: After 3 months without seizures, reduce the dose and stop the drug. Reduce dose for people with liver and kidney failure, the elderly, and alcoholics. Do not drink alcohol or soft drinks containing alcohol while taking the drug. In young children, it is necessary to use vitamin D2 in combination to prevent rickets. In newborns, if the mother uses Garnotal 10, the baby will have bleeding syndrome within 24 hours of birth. The doctor will assign the mother to take vitamin K prophylactic medicine during 1 month before birth and give it to the baby at birth. Use of drugs for pregnant and lactating women
Pregnant women: Phenobarbital active ingredient crosses the placenta, increases the risk of birth defects by 2-3 times higher than normal. Care should be taken when using the drug for this population, and need to weigh the benefits and risks when using the drug. Lactation: Phenobarbital is excreted in breast milk, so caution should be exercised when using this drug for this population. Use of the drug for people to drive and operate machines
Garnotal 10 can cause drowsiness, so it is not recommended to drive while being treated with this medicine. The drug Garnotal 10mg has the main active ingredient Phenobarbital 10mg and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a drug to treat epilepsy except for minor epileptic seizures, to prevent convulsions caused by recurrent high fever in young children. To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of a qualified pharmacist.
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