Uses of Febgas 250

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Febgas 250 belongs to the group of preventing bacterial infections, inhibiting fungi, viruses and destroying parasites in the patient's body. In order for Febgas 250 to be effective and limit unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor/pharmacist.

1. What is Febgas 250?

Febgas 250 is a product directly manufactured by Me Di Sun Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM, with registration number VD-33471-19. Febgas 250 supports the treatment of pneumonia, pharyngitis, sinusitis, cystitis, urethritis,...
The main ingredient of Febgas 250 is Cefuroxim 250mg, prepared in the form of powder mixed with oral suspension. . Febgas 250 comes in a box of 10 packs, 20 packs, 4.4g each.
Febgas 250 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture. Store Febgas 250 in a cool, dry, clean place, at room temperature not exceeding 30°C, not exposed to direct sunlight.

2. What are the effects of Febgas 250?

Febgas 250 is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Patients with acute and chronic bronchitis; Patients with pneumonia; Patients with otitis media; Patients with sinusitis , tonsillitis , pharyngitis ; Patients with cystitis, urethritis; Patients with acute or chronic pyelonephritis, pyelonephritis; Patients with acute uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis; Patients with cervicitis; Patient has boils, pustules, impetigo.

3. Contraindications for Febgas 250

Cases where Febgas 250 should not be used are:
Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of Febgas 250; Note: Febgas 250 contraindication must be understood as an absolute contraindication. Do not for any reason give flexibility to use drugs.

4. Usage and dosage of Febgas 250

In order for Febgas 250 to be most effective, patients need to know how to use and the dosage of Febgas 250.
4.1. How to take Febgas 250 Use Febgas 250 orally in tablet or suspension form. Take Febgas 250 with plenty of water. Absolutely do not drink Febgas 250 with tea, carbonated soft drinks, beer, alcohol, ... Because it can lose the effect of drugs or dangerous side effects. 4.2. Dosage for Febgas 250 Dosage for adults:
For pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis caused by bacteria: Each time take 250mg Febgas 250 and the next time 12 hours apart. For acute or chronic bronchitis, skin infections: Each time taking 250mg - 500mg Febgas 250, the next time is 12 hours apart. For urinary tract infections: Each time take 125mg - 250m Febgas 250, the next time is 12 hours apart from the previous time. For gonorrhea urethritis and cervicitis: Take a single dose of 1g. Dosage for children:
For tonsillitis, pharyngitis: Take 20mg Febgas 250/kg body weight/day and divide into 2 small doses For impetigo, sores, otitis media: Take 30mg Febgas 250/kg weight/day and divided into 2 small doses Note: Normally, for Febgas 250, the treatment course is about 7 days. Be careful when using the drug with the following groups: People with kidney failure, people on dialysis, the elderly.

5. Treatment for missed dose – Febgas 250 overdose

If you miss a dose of Febgas 250:
If you miss a dose of Febgas 250, take it as soon as you remember. If the missed dose of Febgas 250 is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose as usual. Absolutely do not double the dose of Febgas 250. In case of overdose of Febgas 250:
Symptoms: Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, even increased neuromuscular excitability and convulsions,... How to handle: Human The patient's home takes the patient to a specialized medical address for timely treatment by the doctor. First, secure the patient's airway with ventilation and infusion. If seizures occur, use anticonvulsants. Hemodialysis may be performed to remove Febgas 250 from the blood.

6. Side effects of Febgas 250

In addition to the use of Febgas 250, there are patients who experience unwanted side effects when using the drug. Patients should immediately notify the doctor or pharmacist for timely solutions.
Common side effects:
For the digestive system: The patient has diarrhea; For skin: The patient has a papule skin rash. Uncommon side effects:
Systemic symptoms: Patients with Candida infection, experience anaphylactic reactions. Blood side effects: Leukopenia or neutropenia,... Gastrointestinal system: Patient vomiting or nausea. With skin: Patient itching, urticaria. For the urinary system: Increase in serum creatinine. Rare side effects:
Systemic symptoms: Patient has fever. Side effects in blood: Patients may have anemia, hemolysis. For the digestive system: Patients with pseudomembranous colitis. Skin symptoms: Toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme,... Liver symptoms: Patients with cholestatic jaundice, elevated liver enzymes,... Kidney symptoms: Patients with interstitial nephritis, nephrotoxicity temporarily increases blood urea,... Symptoms in the central nervous system: Headache, convulsions, agitation,... Other symptoms: Patients with joint pain. If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Febgas 250 and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

7. Notes when using Febgas 250

During the use of Febgas 250, patients need to understand the following issues to limit unwanted side effects.
7.1. Precautions while using Febgas 250 Before using Febgas 250, the patient's history of allergy to penicillin antibiotics or other drugs must be carefully investigated. Be ready to handle anaphylaxis in a patient with a history of penicillin allergy. Febgas 250 reduces the risk of changes in kidney function, but when taking the drug, patients still need to have their kidneys checked. In addition, caution should be exercised when used with diuretics as they may affect renal function. Prolonged use of Febgas 250 for several days may cause overgrowth of non-susceptible strains. In case of superinfection, the drug must be discontinued. Some cases of pseudomembranous colitis, severe diarrhea when using Febgas 250. Therefore, patients with gastrointestinal disease should be cautious when taking the drug. Using Febgas 250 in combination with Cephalosporin antibiotics or Aminoglycoside antibiotics increases nephrotoxicity, patients need to be careful. 7.2. Note to pregnant and lactating women Absolutely do not use Febgas 250 for pregnant women and lactating women because it can be harmful to the health of the fetus as well as the newborn. 7.3. Note to drivers, machine operators There is no specific evidence on the influence of Febgas 250 with this group of subjects. However, drivers and machine operators who want to use Febgas 250 should consult a specialist.
7.4. Drug Interactions Febgas 250 Decreased effect: Antacids or H2 blockers lead to decreased bioavailability of Febgas 250. Therefore, the drug should be used at least 2 hours apart to limit the increase in gastric pH. Increased effect: High dose Probenecid reduces renal clearance of Cefuroxime, high blood concentration of Cefuroxime. Increased toxicity: Using Aminoglycoside drugs increases kidney toxicity Use of Febgas 250 is indicated for patients with sinusitis, pneumonia, urethritis,... Patients need to know how to use the drug and the dosage to use. Febgas 250 medicine to limit unwanted side effects.
Note: Febgas 250 is a prescription drug, patients should absolutely not use the drug at home without the consent of the doctor.

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