Uses of Eramux

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Eramux drug with the ingredient Eprazinone, is a medicine with cough relief, expectorant effect, treatment of bronchitis, flu, bronchial asthma. So how should Eramux be used?

1. Eramux drug ingredients?

Eramux contains the active ingredient Eprazinone dihydrochloride, a piperazine derivative, with mucolytic properties. Eprazinone binds to the mucine receptor, preventing inflammatory proteins from attaching, loosening bronchial secretions, making them easier to excrete through the cough reflex.
After taking Eramux, the drug/blood concentration peaks after 1 hour. The main route of metabolism of Eramux is through the liver.

2. What effect does Eramux have?

Thanks to the properties of the ingredient Eprazinone, Eramux has the effect of thinning sputum and expectorant, so Eramux is used to treat cough.
In addition, Eramux reduces bronchospasm, making it easier for the patient to breathe. Eramux is indicated in the treatment of cough, expectorant in the following cases:
Acute bronchitis Chronic bronchitis Rhinitis (due to causes), flu Bronchial asthma Chronic respiratory failure Acute cough and chronic.

3. Eramux drug side effects

Digestive disorders are common side effects when using Eramux, common such as: nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea,...
Other side effects such as skin allergies, dizziness, headache , somnolence, is possible but very rare. Inform your doctor if you experience these undesirable effects.

4. Instructions for using the drug Eramux

Eramux is taken orally, can be taken with or without food.
Adults: Take 3-6 tablets of Eramux / day, divided into 3 times. Do not take Eramux for more than 5 days, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

5. Notes when using Eramux

Eramux is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to eprazinone or to any other component of the drug. Previous history of seizures. Care should be taken when using Eramux for the following cases:
In combination with Eramux with specific therapies in the case of: thick/purulent sputum or fever; chronic lung disease, chronic bronchial disease. Driving and operating machinery. Note for pregnant and lactating women:
During pregnancy, use Eramux only when absolutely necessary, after weighing the benefits / risks to the fetus. Avoid taking Eramux to women who are breastfeeding. Interactions: Do not use Eramux together with other expectorants and cough suppressants because of the risk of drug interactions.
Overdose: Avoid overdose of Eramux because of the risk of convulsions. If it occurs, it is mainly symptomatic treatment, because there is no specific antidote.
How to store the medicine: It is best to store Eramux at a temperature of 15-30oC, avoid storing the medicine in a humid place or in direct light. Take care to keep Eramux out of the reach of children.
In short, Eramux is a medicine to treat respiratory diseases, Eramux drug has the effect of reducing cough and expectorant. Eramux may cause some side effects. Care should be taken when using the drug for special subjects and avoiding overdose.

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