Uses of Dafendol

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Dafendol is a drug that boosts immunity, treats infections and is used as directed by a doctor/pharmacist. Let's find out what is Dafendol? Uses, dosages, uses or interactions... in the article below.

1. What is Dafendol?

Dafendol belongs to the list of anti-cancer drugs, acting on the immune system, used by prescription. Dafendol is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Korea Wales Pharm Co., Ltd - KOREA, registration number VN - 9986 - 05.
The main ingredient in Dafendol is the active ingredient Thymomodulin 80mg, with the excipients just enough. 1 member. The box of Dafendol has a horizontal rectangle, a white background, and the drug name is printed in green. Dafendol is in capsule form, box of 6 blisters x 10 capsules.

2. Uses of Dafendol

In Dafendol drug, the main ingredient is the active ingredient Thymomodulin - containing many types of peptides with molecular weights ranging from 1-10 kD. This active ingredient has been studied for its ability to increase the number of white blood cells, especially T lymphocytes - the body's most important immune cell. In addition, the use of Dafendol drug also helps stimulate the bone marrow to produce antibodies. It helps to promote the formation of immune complexes. This helps the body to fight off pathogens effectively.
Thymomodulin contained in Dafendol is used in the following cases:
Deficiency in antibody production; Poor resistance; Immune regulation of bone marrow; Support treatment of infections (liver, respiratory...); ... Especially, Dafendol is also used for subjects with cancer. Dafendol in this subject increases the antibodies against pathogens.
Thymomodulin is an active ingredient that is not only used in drugs, functional foods to support cancer treatment, anti-inflammatory, increase resistance. Therefore, the use of Dafendol is similar.

3. Indication of Dafendol

As mentioned in the section of Dafendol drug use is to support cancer, anti-inflammatory, increase resistance. Therefore, Dafendol is indicated in the following cases:
Inflammation of the respiratory tract; Viral hepatitis ; Primary leukopenia; Enhance immunity ; ... Dafendol is safe to use as indicated.

4. Dosage - How to take Dafendol

Dafendol is made in capsule form so you can take it directly. Dafendol should be used after eating, drinking with filtered / boiled water to cool. Do not take Dafendol with soft drinks, tea, wine, beer...
The recommended dose of Dafendol is 1 tablet/time x 1-2 times/day as indicated.

5. Contraindications Dafendol

Dafendol is a prescription drug for specific subjects in the indications section. Dafendol should not be used by people who are allergic to any of its ingredients.

6. Dafendol side effects

Dafendol can cause side effects including:
Erythema; Itchy; Allergy; Headache ; Dizzy; Dizziness; Stunned; ... You need to inform your doctor/pharmacist of the side effects when taking Dafendol to be handled.

7. Dafendol interactions

Like other brand-name drugs, when using Dafendol, there are also interactions. The manufacturer gives some information about drug interactions including:
Warfarin; Coumarin; Heparin; Ketoconazole ; Erythromycin ; Chemotherapy; ... It is necessary to let the doctor/pharmacist know the medicines you are taking when having an indication to use Dafendol to avoid unwanted interactions.

8. Precautions and warnings Dafendol

The manufacturer gives some, cautions and warnings when taking Dafendol including:
Liver failure; CKD ; Elderly; ... These subjects must be cautious when using Dafendol.
Do not use Dafendol for pregnant women;
Do not take Dafendol while breastfeeding;
Driving and operating machines when taking Dafendol must be cautious because of side effects such as headache, dizziness, lightheadedness...

9. Preservation of Dafendol

Dafendol is stored at room temperature.
Above is all information about Dafendol, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Dafendol is a prescription drug, you absolutely should not buy and treat it at home because you may experience side effects and dangerous drug interactions.

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