Uses of Codamox

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Codamox belongs to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antifungal and antiviral treatment. The drug is used in the treatment of medical conditions such as tonsillitis, bronchitis or nephritis,... For more information about Codamox, please read the article below.

1. What is Codamox?

Codamox is a drug belonging to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antifungal and antiviral drugs. The drug has the main ingredient Amoxicillin trihydrate equivalent to Amoxicillin 500mg. The drug is prepared in the form of capsules, content of 500mg each, packed in 1 box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets or packed in bottles of 100 tablets per bottle. Amoxicillin is an aminopenicillin antibiotic with a very broad spectrum of activity, including both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Especially gram-negative bacilli. The drug has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of mucopeptides in the bacterial cell wall. Amoxicillin has good bactericidal effect against streptococcus, non-penicillinase-producing staphylococcus, E. Coli, N. gonorrhaee, Diplococcus pneumoniae, H. influenzae, Proteus mirabilis. The drug has no effect on penicillinase-producing strains, methicillin-resistant bacilli, all strains of Pseudomonas and almost all strains of klebsiella. Codamox is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, after entering the blood, the drug is distributed in almost all body fluids except cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue. However, when the brain is inflamed, the drug is easily absorbed. Elimination: The drug is eliminated in the urine, the elimination half-life of Codamox is about 1 hour, in patients with renal impairment this figure is up to 7 - 20 hours.

2. What effects does Codamox have?

Codamox drug is used in the treatment of infectious diseases such as:
Ear, nose and throat diseases such as: Sinusitis, otitis media or tonsillitis,... Acute stage bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia or lobar pneumonia,... Gastrointestinal infection caused by typhoid bacteria. Nephritis - pyelonephritis. Gonorrhea. Biliary tract infections such as bile duct inflammation, cholecystitis,... caused by bacteria. Skin and muscle infections caused by streptococci or staphylococci. In addition, the drug is also used in the prophylaxis of infective endocarditis.

3. Dosage - how to take Codamox

How to use: Codamox is taken orally, you should take the tablet whole with a full glass of water, you can drink it before or after eating because food does not affect the absorption and effects of the drug.
Dosage: Codamox is used as prescribed by your doctor, you can refer to the recommended dose below:
Usual dose: Use 250 to 500mg/time, take it every 8 hours. For adults and children over 40kg: Use dose from 750 to 3g / day, divided into several times, each time 8 hours apart. For children less than 40kg: Use dose from 20 to 50mg/kg body weight/day, divided into several times, each time 8 hours apart. For periodontal abscess: Take a dose of 3g/time, take 2 times 8 hours apart. For uncomplicated uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections: Use 3g dose/time, repeat the dose after the next 10 to 12 hours. For prophylaxis in people at risk of endocarditis, a single dose of 3g should be given as a single dose prior to procedures such as tooth extraction. For severe or recurrent respiratory infections: 3g/day in 2 divided doses. In the case of children from 3 to 10 years old with otitis media can take 750mg / day, divided into 2 oral doses. For patients with renal impairment, the dose should be adjusted based on the glomerular filtration rate. For people with glomerular filtration rate less than 10ml/min, the dose is 500g within 24 hours. For people with glomerular filtration rate above 10ml/min, the dose is 500mg within 12 hours.

4. Contraindications of the drug Codamox

Absolutely do not use Codamox for people who are allergic or hypersensitive to any ingredient of the drug or who have a history of hypersensitivity to all penicillins before.

5. Undesirable effects when using Codamox

When using Codamox, you may experience unwanted effects with different frequencies such as:
The most common is a skin rash, this symptom usually appears after 7 to 10 days of taking the drug. You should take note and notify your doctor for guidance on early resolution of symptoms. Less commonly, you may appear gastrointestinal disorders when taking the drug such as nausea, diarrhea, ... or allergic symptoms on the skin such as urticaria, maculopapular rash, more severe may have syndrome Stevens-Johnson . In addition, you may experience some symptoms with a very rare frequency such as: Mild elevation of liver enzymes, agitation, restlessness, insomnia, behavioral disturbances,... or changes in blood indicators such as leukopenia granulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, anemia, and eosinophilia. Although rare, you need to be aware of these symptoms so that you can notify your doctor early. If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Codamox and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

6. Notes when using Codamox

When treating with Codamox, you need to note the following points:
You need to periodically check liver and kidney functions as well as blood indicators during treatment, especially in cases of require long-term treatment. You need to tell the treating doctor all of your allergy history to control the risk of drug sensitization and have a standard treatment regimen for you. You need to tell your doctor your medical history, including the diseases you have and are taking and the medicines you are taking because Codamox may have bad interactions or bad effects with your medical condition. your. Especially some drugs such as Allopurinol in the treatment of gout, nifedipine or other antibiotics,... There are no clear studies on the safety of Codamox for pregnant or lactating women. Therefore, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, you should inform your doctor so that he or she can consider the decision to use the drug. Do not arbitrarily use Codamox to avoid unnecessary risks. For those who drive or operate machinery, there are no clear studies on the effects of Codamox in this case, you should consult your doctor before deciding on drug treatment. Above is detailed information about Codamox drug, if you have any questions, please contact your pharmacist or doctor for assistance in answering those problems.

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