Uses of Chirhostim

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Chirhostim is a drug whose main ingredient is secretin. Chirhostim is used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete to see if the pancreas is working properly, thereby helping to diagnose or find problems in the pancreas, papillomas during endoscopy. Chirhostim is also used to help diagnose adenomas (tumors in the pancreas or intestines).

1. What is Chirhostim?

Chirhostim is a drug whose main ingredient is secretin. Chirhostim is commonly used to treat endocrine-metabolic diseases. Chirhostim is used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete secretions to see if the pancreas is working properly, thereby helping to diagnose or find problems in the pancreas. pancreas, the papillae during endoscopy. Chirhostim is also used to help diagnose adenomas (tumors in the pancreas or intestines). The drug is prepared in the form of a powder solution for intravenous injection.

2. Uses of Chirhostim

With the main ingredient in Chirhostim medicine is secretin, this is a peptide hormone in the digestive tract, this hormone helps to regulate secretion in the stomach, pancreas and liver. The main effect of the hormone secretin is to stimulate the pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice to regulate the pH levels in the small intestine. Besides, the hormone secretin is also considered a neurohormone, as it is also expressed in the central nervous system. Therefore, Chirhostim is used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete to see if the pancreas is working properly, to help doctors diagnose or find problems in the pancreas, papillomas during a colonoscopy. . Chirhostim is also used to help diagnose adenomas (tumors in the pancreas or intestines).

3. Contraindications of the drug

Patients with a history of allergy to any ingredient of Chirhostim medicine Do not use Chirhostim medicine for children, pregnant women and planning to become pregnant.

4. How to use Chirhostim

Chirhostim is used for intravenous injection, the dose is prescribed by the doctor. You should not eat or drink for at least 12 to 15 hours before receiving this injection. Do not use anticholinergic drugs together with Chirhostim, as it may reduce the response to the pancreatic stimulation test, possibly causing a misdiagnosis of pancreatic diseases. Do not use stomach medicines together with Chirhostim. As this can lead to a misdiagnosis of adenoma (tumor in the intestine or in the pancreas).

5. Chirhostim side effects

Chirhostim medicine can cause unwanted effects including: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, itching, burning sensation, redness of the face, neck, arms, abdominal pain, anaphylaxis.
Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you see any other side effects call your doctor for medical advice about the side effect or go to a medical facility for a checkup.

6. Caution when using Chirhostim

Before deciding to use Chirhostim you need to tell your doctor if you have ever had any unusual or allergic reaction to Chirhostim or any other medicine. Also, tell your doctor if you have a history of allergies to foods, dyes, animals, etc. Studies have shown that elderly patients are more sensitive to the effects of this medicine. Chirhostim drugs compared with young adults. Therefore, elderly patients should be monitored throughout the course of drug therapy. There are currently no adequate studies in nursing women to determine the risks to breastfed infants. Therefore, consideration should be given to the use of this drug in lactating women, weighing the potential benefits against the possible risks. Accordingly, patients only use when absolutely necessary. Patients with conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, alcoholism, or previous bowel surgery may also interfere with the use of Chirhostim to diagnose pancreatic problems. So talk to your doctor if you have any other medical problems.

7. Drug interactions

Chirhostim may interact with the following drugs and foods:
When anticholinergics are used together with Chirhostim, it may decrease the response to pancreatic stimulation tests, possibly causing a misdiagnosed as having the following: pancreatic disease. When taking stomach medicines together with Chirhostim can lead to a misdiagnosis of adenoma (tumor in the intestine or in the pancreas). Drugs: aclidinium, amantadine, amitriptyline, atropine, amoxapine, belladonna, benztropine, biperiden, brompheniramine, carbinoxamine, carisoprodol, chlorpheniramine, clozapine, ..... Use of alcohol, beer and other alcoholic beverages can also cause Interactive. Therefore, when prescribed Chirhostim, you need to tell your doctor all the drugs and foods you are currently using so that the doctor can consider and have appropriate indications, increase effectiveness, and avoid drug interactions. wish to happen.

8. Preservation of Chirhostim

Store Chirhostim at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, away from light and reach of children.
In short, Chirhostim is a drug whose main ingredient is secretin. Chirhostim is used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete to see if the pancreas is working properly, thereby helping to diagnose or find problems in the pancreas, papillomas during endoscopy.
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