Uses of Chichar

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Chichar is known to treat diarrhea in children. The drug is prepared in the form of nuggets, which is easy to use and easy to drink for young children. In order for the drug to have a good effect in treatment, parents need to understand the principles and mechanism of action of Chichar.

1. Ingredients and uses of Chichar

Chichar medicine has the main ingredient is Racecadotril 30mg. Racecadotril is known as a prodrug, which is hydrolyzed to the active metabolite thiorphan, which is also an enkephalinase inhibitor. When entering the body, Racecadotril helps enkephalin not be broken down by enzymes, thereby prolonging the activity of the enkephalinergic synapse in the small intestine and reducing excessive secretion.
Racecadotril is very effective in the treatment of acute diarrhea without affecting the intestinal transit of stool. During use, Chichar is considered to be quite safe for users' health.
With the above ingredients and active ingredients, Chichar is usually indicated for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children 3 months of age and older. Dosage will be based on the health status, age and weight of each child.

2. Dosage of Chichar

Chichar is used orally. First, parents need to mix the packet of nuggets directly into a cup with a sufficient amount of filtered water, stir to dissolve the medicine, then give it to the baby to drink. Dosage can be referred to as follows:
Children weighing 13-27kg: Use 1 pack x 3 times/day. Children weighing over 28kg: Use 2 sachets x 3 times/day. Or you can also use the medicine for your child according to the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist prescribed in the prescription.
Usually after 5 days of taking the medicine, the child's bowel movement will be significantly improved. If after 7 days the child still has a bowel movement and there are no signs of change, the parents need to stop giving the child the medicine and take the child to the hospital to be examined. Chichar is not recommended to be used for more than 7 days, so parents need to be very careful, not to abuse or overdose, which can cause negative effects on children's health.

3. Notes when using Chichar

In order for the process of using Chichar to achieve good results, parents should pay attention to the following issues:
3.1 Objects contraindicated to use Chichar drugs Chichar drugs should not be used for children who are hypersensitive to the ingredients. part of the drug Do not use for infants under 3 months of age. Pregnant and lactating mothers need to consult a doctor before taking the drug, to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the drug for children. this statue. Children who are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug should not use Chicha 3.2 Side effects when using Chichar drugs Chichar drugs are quite benign and the incidence of side effects when taking the drug is very little. However, parents also need to be very careful to monitor their children while taking the drug, if they notice strange reactions such as: red rash, itching, swollen tonsils, they need to take the child to the medical center to check.
The main subjects with side effects were identified as children with too sensitive skin or parents who abused Chichar in treatment. If you take the medicine in the correct dose, according to the instructions, there are very few side effects.
3.3 Missing doses and overdoses Missing doses and overdoses is a problem that can cause negative effects on a child's health. In this case, parents should pay attention as follows:
Missed dose: In case a child forgets a dose within a short time, less than 2 hours, parents should make up for the missed dose. If the time to forget is more than 2 hours, parents should skip that dose and take the following doses as usual. Overdose: The child's resistance is still quite immature, so if an overdose occurs, it is considered quite dangerous for the baby's health. If parents notice an overdose, they need to contact a doctor to discuss and find a way to handle it. Besides, it is necessary to regularly monitor the child's health during this period, if there are abnormalities, they should be taken to the nearest medical center. 3.4 Notes in the process of using Chichar to treat diarrhea in children Rehydration is very important in the treatment of acute diarrhea in children, so during drug treatment, parents should regularly add water to their children. . Maybe water from milk, fruit, fruit, diluted porridge.... Rehydration during the time the child has a bowel movement will help the disease improve faster.
In case the child has just taken the medicine and has completely vomited it up, the parents need to get another pack of medicine for the child to take immediately.
Need to monitor if the child goes out with symptoms of fever, skin rash... parents should take their child to the hospital to be checked, because this may be a sign of another disease, instead of just is simply going out.
Children with liver failure, kidney failure should not use Chichar, because of the risk of affecting health.
Children's Chichar medicine is in the form of nuggets, so it should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight or moisture, because this may affect the drug's texture.
The above is important information about Chichar medicine, parents need to learn carefully before taking the medicine for their children to be safe and get the most positive effect. If you have any further questions, you can contact your doctor for in-depth advice.
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