Uses of Cbispasmo

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Cbispasmo belongs to the group of digestive drugs, with the main ingredient Phloroglucinol, often used to treat painful manifestations due to dysfunction of the digestive tract, bile ducts or uterine pain.

1. What is Cbispasmo?

Cbispasmo is a drug that directly inhibits voltage-dependent calcium channels on smooth muscle cells, leading to an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle and against visceral pain, especially in acute pain. In terms of pharmacokinetics, Phloroglucinol is rapidly and extensively absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma concentrations occurring about 15-20 minutes after oral administration. The extent of absorption is dose dependent and not affected by food. The drug is metabolised in the liver and eliminated, excreted mainly by the kidneys as glucuronide conjugates and to a small extent in the feces as free and conjugated forms.
Cbispasmo is usually indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of pain associated with dysfunction of the digestive system and biliary tract. Treatment of acute spasmodic pain affecting the urinary tract such as renal colic. Symptomatic treatment of pain caused by spasms in gynecology. Supportive treatment of contractions during pregnancy combined with convalescence. Cbispasmo is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to Phloroglucinol or any of its ingredients or in patients with functional bowel paralysis, intestinal obstruction.

2. Dosage of the drug Cbispasmo

Depending on the subject and the goal of treatment, the dose of Cbispasmo will be different, specifically as follows:
Adults: Take 2 tablets at pain, take 2 more tablets if necessary, can repeat if there are still contractions. much tightening. Up to 3 times/day Children 12 years and older: 1 tablet, 2 times/day

3. Side effects of the drug Cbispasmo

Cbispasmo very rarely causes allergic reactions but sometimes in some patients there may be side effects such as:
Urticaria, rash Quincke's edema Arterial hypotension Anaphylaxis

4. Be careful when using Cbispasmo

Some general notes when using Cbispasmo include:
Phloroglucinol should not be combined with some strong pain relievers such as Morphin and derivatives because the drug has a spasmodic effect. Because Cbispasmo contains lactose, patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine. Caution for pregnant women, use only when absolutely necessary. Breastfeeding women should avoid using Cbispasmo. During use, do not mix Phloroglucinol with drugs containing Noramidopyrine to avoid drug interactions. The basic information about Cbispasmo in the above article is for reference only. Because Cbispasmo is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a doctor / pharmacist directly for a suitable prescription and ensure safety for health.

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