Uses of Carbinom

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Carbinom medicine contains the ingredient Carbimazole 5mg, which is made in the form of tablets, which is a synthetic antithyroid drug.

1. What is Carbinom?

Carbinom is a prescription drug containing the active ingredient Carbimazole - a synthetic antithyroid drug, indicated when there is hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid controls heart rate and body temperature. When the thyroid gland is overactive and produces too many hormones (hyperthyroidism), the body experiences symptoms such as weight loss, sweating, fatigue, irritability, tremors, diarrhea, mood swings, and mood swings. irritability.
Carbimazole contained in Carbinom helps alleviate these symptoms by reducing the amount of thyroid hormone the body produces. The drug works to prevent the conversion of iodine to other forms. In addition, Carbimazole also prevents the combination of iodine with other ingredients to form Thyroxin.
Carbinom is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as Graves' disease, thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism. In some cases, Carbimazole may be prescribed along with other treatments (eg, in combination with a beta blocker) to reduce symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as: Tachycardia or feelings of restlessness and anxiety . In addition, Carbimazole may be indicated in patients undergoing thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine treatment.

2. Dosage, how to use Carbinom

2.1. How to use Carbinom is taken orally, can be taken before or after meals. It is recommended to take the medicine at certain times of the day to avoid forgetting the medicine and achieve the treatment effect.
2.2. Dosage It should be emphasized again, Carbimazole is a prescription drug, which means that the drug is only used when prescribed and prescribed by a doctor in a certain dose. Self-medication not only does not control the disease, but can make it worse. The doctor will prescribe a specific dose of Carbimazole depending on the symptoms, thyroid hormone levels as well as the patient's health condition.
For adults: The usual adult starting dose is 20mg to 60mg Carbimazole per day in 2 or 3 divided doses. For children: The starting dose for children is usually 15mg of Carbimazole per day, which can be taken once, or divided into 2 or 3 times a day. Dosing information in children under 2 years of age has not been fully studied, therefore Carbimazole is not recommended for use in children in this age group.
2.3. Dosage adjustment Patients should have blood tests before starting Carbimazole and during treatment, this is very important to check the thyroid hormone levels in the patient's body. Depending on the test results, your doctor may adjust your dose (increase or decrease), to bring your thyroid hormone levels back to normal. Once this level is stable, your doctor may switch to a lower dose.
At the start of treatment, patients usually have a blood test every 6 weeks. Once thyroid hormone levels are stable, the patient will have a blood test every 3 months. However, if the patient is pregnant or experiences adverse drug effects during treatment, more frequent blood tests are needed.

3. Contraindications to Carbinom

Contraindicated to use Carbinom for cases of allergy to the components of the drug.
4. Undesirable effects when taking Carbinom 4.1. Common side effects Common side effects when taking Carbimazole include:
Fatigue, nausea; Vomiting, diarrhea; Dizzy; Headache; Joint pain, muscle pain; Itching, rash; Hair loss. These side effects usually improve after a period of taking Carbimazole. Tell your doctor if these side effects do not go away or make the patient uncomfortable.
4.2. Uncommon Serious Side Effects Carbimazole can cause a serious, however rare, side effect. Stop taking Carbimazole and tell your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms:
Fever, sore throat, mouth sores, toothache, or flu-like symptoms - these could be signs of leukopenia caused by the use of the drug. Carbimazole. Sudden severe abdominal pain - this could be a sign of acute pancreatitis. Yellowing of the conjunctiva of the eyes, dark yellow urine - these could be signs of liver problems. Swollen lymph nodes - this could be a sign of an infection. Fatigue, fainting, sweating - these could be signs of low blood sugar. Serious anaphylactic reaction. In addition, patients taking Carbimazole may experience some other side effects not mentioned here. When experiencing any unusual symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor for timely treatment and consider continuing to take the drug.

4.3. Dealing with side effects of the drug Nausea: When experiencing this side effect, the patient should not eat spicy foods. Carbimazole can be taken with food or taken immediately after meals. Vomiting, diarrhea: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, take small sips and often. Tell your doctor if this condition persists for more than 2 days, or has severe vomiting or diarrhea. Dizziness: Lie down until the dizziness passes, then get up slowly, moving slowly and carefully. Avoid coffee, tobacco, alcohol and stimulants. Do not drive or operate machinery until you feel stable again. If dizziness does not improve or continues to occur, talk to your doctor. Headache: Need to rest and drink plenty of water, do not drink alcohol. Pain relievers may be used. Tell your doctor if headache is severe or persists for more than a week. Joint pain: Cold compresses can help relieve joint pain. Try applying an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the joint for about 15 minutes and repeat several times per day. Move the joints gently so that the joints do not become stiff. Pain relievers help relieve symptoms of joint pain. If your joint pain doesn't go away, you should see your doctor. Itching, rash: Wear loose, airy clothing, cut nails short, if itching can pat the skin instead of scratching. Antihistamines can be used to reduce allergy symptoms. Hair loss: It is not clear whether the hair loss is caused by the use of Carbimazole or by changes in thyroid hormone levels. Hair usually grows back but this process can take time as the natural hair growth cycle takes several months. 5. Precautions when taking Carbinom Before starting to take Carbimazole, the patient should inform the doctor in the following cases:
The patient is pregnant, or is likely to be pregnant; The patient intends to become pregnant; The patient is breastfeeding; People with a history of blood disease or bone marrow related disease; People with liver dysfunction; Patient is taking any other medicine or dietary supplement,... Person with history of allergy to Carbimazole or any other drug. History of acute pancreatitis after taking Carbimazole; People with a history of goiter; People who do not have regular blood tests.

6. Using Carbinom during pregnancy or lactation

6.1. The problem of using Carbinom in pregnancy Too much thyroid hormone during pregnancy can affect the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women with overactive thyroid should be treated.
However, Carbimazole is not generally recommended during pregnancy, because there is a small percentage of Carbimazole affecting the development of the baby. Instead, pregnant women may be prescribed another medication, propylthiouracil (PTU). The obstetrician and the endocrinologist will consult and coordinate treatment to choose the most optimal plan for the mother as well as the fetus.
6.2. Carbinom problems in nursing women Carbimazole can pass into breast milk but only in small amounts. Usually, women who are breastfeeding can take Carbimazole. However, monitoring and supervision during drug use must be more rigorous. After a period of taking the medicine, it is necessary to conduct blood tests for the child to check the child's thyroid hormone levels.
Above is all information about Carbinom drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Carbinom is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.
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